I Know Everything

Chapter 913: 3 big blacks that don't feel good!

I received another 200 million Shen Huan from my mobile phone and walked out of Dong Yunzhai with satisfaction.

No wonder people say that those who make a fake can make the most money.

In this trip, in addition to the 200,000 purchases of paintings, the other two copybooks were written by myself, that is, the pen, ink, paper, and inkstones cost a little, and they can basically be ignored.

Such a 230 million yuan credit, really makes the purse that was almost empty, and a lot of blood is instantly returned!

Next, do you want to visit the other two black shops today?

Anyway, when I sat there just now, I already donated another 100 million, and by the blessing of the lucky charm, I got 6 Shen Yun charms (intermediate).

With their existence, the paintings and calligraphy works in the backpack can be sold directly.

But it seems a little urgent to go to several places a day?

Thinking about it here, suddenly someone stalked behind him.

"Little brother!"

Hearing the sound, Shen Huan looked up. Hey, wasn’t that the one who bought Wang Jun just now, so that Wang Jun could have enough 200 million middle-aged people?

Just looking at him just now, it should be the owner of a nearby antique shop.

"Something?" Shen Huan asked lightly.

"Are you just looking for Lao Wang to sell things?" the middle-aged thin man asked with a smile.

"What's wrong?" Shen Huan said reproachfully.

The middle-aged thin man doesn’t care about Shen Huan’s attitude at all: “I think your bag is a bit big, and there must be something in it? Or, would you like to sit in our shop? If it’s good, even the price A little more expensive, I can buy it too!"

Shen Huan was interested and asked, "The Guibao is..."

"The Dawangtang is the old name of the Liuli Factory for more than 40 years. It started to take root in my father's generation." The middle-aged thin man said, "It is also famous in the Liuli Factory, and its strength is also very strong. , Your more expensive things, as long as it is true, we can take it!"

Shen Huan smiled.


Isn't this one of the three big blacks that is as famous as Dong Yunzhai?

Moreover, compared with Dongyunzhai, Dawangtang is even darker, and the means are even more despicable, even Lin Zhongxin and Lin Youde, both father and son, are printed in a single model.

Relatively speaking, they are stronger than Dong Yunzhai.

Originally Shen Huan had planned to visit them in the past few days, but I didn't expect such a coincidence. Now the boss has found the door for himself!

Look at him, it should be Lin Youde.

He apparently just passed Wang Jun's move to sell the treasures of the shop in the town. He felt that Shen Huan must have a baby, so he waited around Dong Yunzhai and wanted to see if there was any bargain.

I haven't gone to you yet, but you have sent it to you!

You deserve this retribution!

After thinking about it, Shen Huan nodded happily: "Then sit down!"

"Good!" Lin Youde got excited. "Please on your side!"

Since others are willing to agree, most of them are still in the bag!

I really hope that what Wang Jun bought just now is not a rare treasure. This mysterious young man left the treasure to the end!


The Liulichang is just outside the Hepingmen.

Niujie is 2 km away, Shichahai is 4 km away, and you can eat and drink everywhere.

As one of the older generations of Huajing, one of the favorite things to eat is naturally shabu meat.

This copper pot shabu-shabu is just like a clean water pot, with a little dip of sesame and leek flower sauce, don't mention how fragrant.

Wang Jun, who made a big deal today, was happy. He closed the shop in the afternoon and drove to Niujie by himself.

At the Jubaoyuan Niujie head office, he occupied a table, and Wang Jun called a lot of meat dishes, and the hula-hula ate it.

His wife passed away long ago, and his son went to study in Miguo. Later, he married directly there and gave birth, and did not come back for three or five years.

After such a long life, he felt more comfortable.

I was eating and drinking here, and suddenly I was photographed on the back.

Looking around, it was Lin Youde, the boss of Dawangtang, standing behind him.

"Yo, Lao Lin, why are you here too?" Wang Jun smiled. "Dinner? Alone? Or are we here together?"

In fact, the relationship between Wang Jun and Lin Youde is not very good, there are contacts in the business, but both are black-hearted merchants, of course, it is impossible to do good things to each other.

If Wang Jun was not so bad in reputation, he could not find anyone to collect money for himself at one and a half moments, and he was absolutely impossible to mortgage his three pieces of porcelain treasure to Lin Youde.

But you say that this Huajing people, just pay attention to a face.

It doesn't matter what's going on in private, at least it's good enough for the face, and it's good to be generous and my style.

Therefore, Wang Jun greeted him so enthusiastically, and I didn't know that they were good friends!

"You eat first, and I am happy today too. I called a few friends and they will come later." Lin Youde also had a smile on his face. "Lao Wang, honestly, what baby did you buy today?"

"Hey, how can there be any baby? It just happened to meet a favorite!" Wang Jun naturally refused to tell the truth.

Lin Youde didn't take it out, he chatted and talked with him before his friend came, and he was also busy.

The two were talking lively here, and suddenly another voice called their names.

Looking up, it was Yin Changyi, the boss of Baobaolou.

The three black bosses of Liulichang get together, this opportunity is rare.

All three felt very magical by themselves.

Yin Changyi was a fat man. He sat on the stool and said with a grin: "Two, it's rare that I am happy today, let's get together again! Would you like to go to **** for a while? I treat!"

Wang Jun's eyes suddenly lighted up. As a middle-aged man who lost his wife, he liked this place most.

Lin Youde naturally likes it too. He asked in a casual way, "What's the matter? What are the big deals today? Say it to let us know!"

"Hey, there's nothing." Yin Changyi's mouth still couldn't hold back. "It was a prodigal man who stole his father's paintings and sold them. Although it was expensive, I still found it cheap. This one is very good. what!"

Wang Jun and Lin Youde were startled.

Especially Lin Youde, he quickly asked: "Is it a young man wearing a hat, mask and sunglasses? Carrying a **** bag?"

"Yes, how do you know?" Yin Changyi was also shocked.


Suddenly Lin Youde felt uneasy, and looked up and asked Wang Jun said: "Lao Wang, how much money did he sell in your shop today? Is there 200 million?"

Wang Jun's eyes rolled back, "No, that is a little over 100 million."

He is not so stupid, he speaks out everything.

Lin Youde asked Yin Changyi again, and Yin Changyi was also vigilant at this time, saying that he bought more than 100 million yuan of goods.

Of course Lin Youde knew that they were not telling the truth, but he still smiled bitterly: "My father and I bought a total of 300 million calligraphy and paintings in his hands... plus yours, he sold five or six billion a day... so The large amount makes me feel so panic!"


Both Wang Jun and Yin Changyi stood up in fright, so loud that they could be heard all around.

But they can't control that much.

"Lao Lin, hurry and talk, what's wrong?" The two men held his arms, and said nervously.

"Which super-rich child can sell so many precious paintings on the ground of Beijing Capital? And it is just taken out casually, and the family is so stupid that they will not be held accountable?" Lin Youde said, " At this time, I remembered that he covered up all the traces of appearance. I always think this... this will not be a game?"

"It shouldn't be!" Yin Changyi said flatly: "Ma Lao and Gu Zhuo have personally said that these paintings are authentic!"

Suddenly Wang Jun remembered something like, "Wouldn't there be any precious calligraphy and paintings in the works you bought that could not be found in Shiqu Baoji?"

"Yes!" Yin Changyi nodded and said: "But that was Cao Cao's "Song Ge Xing" written by Mi Fu, UU reading www.uukanshu.com's works that opened the door! I couldn't find any shortcomings at all, and Shiqu Baoji is not all The Qianlong treasures are recorded, and there are still a lot of fish in the net."

"For example, Su Dongpo's work at the Shanghai Museum! For example, Li Qingzhao's work at the Gusu Museum! ..." Wang Jun subconsciously took him over and at the same time increased his confidence.

But Lin Youde's face was getting darker and darker: "I also bought a... Su Dongpo's humble room inscription! Three Qianlong seals, and another Kangxi seal! One Cixi seal!"

"mine too!"

"mine too!"

Wang Jun and Yin Changyi said in unison.

After finishing the talk, the three of them glanced face to face and fell to the bottom involuntarily.

This situation...a little horror! !

Wouldn’t it be fooled, bought fakes! ?

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