I Know Everything

Chapter 915: What a big deal?

Inside the bar, you can see from the single mirror of the box, and there are people everywhere outside.

There are generally three types of people who can come to the bar.

One is a lonely rich man, the other is a young man who wants to have this unbridled life, and the other is a woman.

Not to mention the reason in their hearts, in fact, it is also a vanity fair.

Countless transactions are completed here, and few people come here simply to drink.

But it is not without.

For example, classmate Shen Huan is now being pulled by Su Mo, sitting in the box with a drink after a drink.

Shen Huan never knew that Su Mo, who had always been gentle and gentle, could drink so much.

Dozens of beer cans placed under the table are the best proof.

Rao is that he and Su Mo drank one to three, and he can't eat it anymore: "Brother Mo, Mo! Can't drink any more! The toilet must be blocked!"

Fortunately, there are toilets in the box, otherwise Shen Huan and Su Mo would go out so frequently, and they would have been recognized long ago.

Listening to Shen Huan’s words, Su Mo couldn’t help but smile. “Come on! You’re here, go on, we’re not drunk today! Anyway, several of them are waiting outside. Let them send you back later. !"

"I'm a student, I want to go to class! I can't go to school with all my alcohol!" Shen Huan quickly refused.

"Alas, you said that when your brother was in a bad mood, you wanted to accompany you to drink, you are so stubborn, aren't we good friends?" Su Mo sighed, and looked sad.

Shen Huan had no way to take him, "Brother Mo, what a big deal! A Li is always an outsider. Isn't it enough if you have Sister Tang? Do you want the outsiders to continue to hurt Sister Tang? "

"It's not... but it hurts!"

In between, Su Mo poured another beer.

The reason why the king is in a bad mood is very simple. After considering it for a long time, he still fired Ali.

Then he gave Ari 1 million, plus the one million Ari earned by selling photos, enough to treat Ari's wife, and then the couple did some business or something.

Ali didn't want to kill him. When he finally had to accept it, he gave Su Mo another dozens of heads in a row before crying and leaving.

So Su Mo was very sad.

Anyone who can be an actor or a person who sings is a person with very delicate emotions.

Otherwise, how can they experience the lives of others and how can they sing so many beautiful songs?

However, Su Mo couldn't tell others about this matter. He could only chat with Shen Huan, who broke the game, and took him by the way.

People who are too rich in emotions and pay attention to emotions can't always be Xiaoxiong!

Shen Huan looked at him and shook his head slightly.

Su Mo was able to become a star, called him to do business, and was killed by a so-called friend every minute.

If you look at the big princess, it is different. She is not even afraid of her aunts and uncles, plus her brothers and sisters, and fights against them directly, and finally gains control of the Shanhainet she wants.

This is the man who created an empire!

Conversely, the character of the Grand Princess is destined that she will not become a true friend with anyone, everyone is just doing business.

Su Mo is different, people are very willing to be his friends.

So this is why Su Mo's reputation in the circle is so good. Even his biggest competitor, Tang Yuan, likes him very much.

"You are too smooth, and there are too few hits!" Shen Huan also drank a lot of wine, and simply said: "Brother Mo, you will be more hit in the future, so you will naturally get used to it."

Su Mo glared at him, "What are you saying? Who's okay to be hit?... Drink!"

Shen Huan reluctantly took the beer can and opened a sip: "Really, anyone will encounter these things! It's not that you are not good enough, but that the world is like this! You have to get used to encounter all kinds of accidents and all kinds of frustrations. … Otherwise, Sister Tang will have children in the future. As a result, you are more naive and more vulnerable than children. How can you protect them?"

"Get out!"

Su Mo simply ignored him.

Although Shen Huan was definitely right, he couldn't get along.

"Hey, don't be upset... By the way, shall I write a song for you?" Shen Huan said quietly.

"What song?" Su Mo had a little interest.

"Will you include Ali for you?" Shen Huan sang: "You take my woman away, you won't be happy for a long time...Ouch!"

Obviously, Shen Huan, who sings indiscriminately, was hit by Su Mo with an empty beer can.

"Seriously!" Su Mo said angrily, "What a mess! Are you a slobber song?"

"This song is very nice." Shen Huan confessed.

"Well, I sang this song. Your sister Tang will come to you with a knife tomorrow because you destroyed her reputation." Su Mo smiled coldly.

"Uh... forget it!"

Shen Huan could only shake his head.

This song by handsome guy Wen is actually quite good, but there are too many grievances from the men in it, and the lyrics are too poorly written, certainly not suitable for the king of Su Mo to sing.

"Then..." Shen Huan pondered, "Then sing a song... "It's Winding!"

"got windy?"


Shen Huan coughed softly, "You listen to me sing... I have been unable to extricate myself from the size of the world, and indulge in the dreams of it. I must not be true or false, do not struggle, or fear jokes; I once turned my youth into her, I also popped the midsummer with my fingertips, my heart moved, and just go with the fate..."

Shen Huan's voice is definitely not as soft and bright as Brother Qingfeng, but his voice is not bad.

But when he sang it like this, it was still satirized by Su Mo, "This lyrics is good...but you sing is really a mess... Come on, write down the music score for me, brother sing to you, let you Know what a profession is!"

Write and write!

Shen Huan just didn't want to drink anymore, he found paper and pen in the box, and he wrote it.

Su Mo was not in a hurry to drink anymore at this time. He drank slowly while waiting, waiting for Shen Huan to write the song sheet and hand it to him.

Or how can a king be a king?

He heard Shen Huan sing a chorus just now, and hummed it twice, and he began to formally sing.

"Stop and stop along the way, following the traces of the youth drifting..."

"I still sigh at the size of the world, and also indulge in childhood love stories, there is no true or false left, no struggle, unnecessary jokes..."

"Are you willing in the name of love?"

After singing a song, Su Mobao had a meaning that he had never understood. Looking at the score, there was no movement for a long time.


The applause suddenly rang.

Shen Huan was stunned for a moment, and immediately his hairs stood up.

I didn't clap...

Is this Nima ghost?

He followed the voice and saw a girl in a uniform standing at the closed door, clapping her hands excitedly.

"Hey, sister... what are you doing, sister?" Shen Huan asked curiously.

"Oh, I, I..." The sister was suddenly disturbed by Shen Huan, and then she was shocked, a little frightened, "The boss asked me to come in and ask Brother Mo... Anything else... I came in, just looking good Come to Mexico, sing..."

Then she closed the door and admired herself.

Shen Huan could not laugh or cry.

But he didn't care about it either. UU reading www.uukanshu.com "Sister, this song hasn't been released yet, don't talk nonsense!"

"Relax, Sister Xiaofeng, I am also your fan. How could I betray my two favorites?" The girl in uniform quickly assured, and then couldn't help saying: "Sister Feng, your song is so well written. Brother Mo also sang well!"

Su Mo here also recovered, and said with a smile: "Okay, don't think too much, and don't ask too much now. You go out first, we don't want anything!"


The girl in uniform quickly opened the door and ran out.

At the moment when the door was closed, the girl in her twenties at most showed a look of fright and joy on her face.

Then she took out her phone excitedly and sent a circle of friends directly.

"Wow, hahaha, today I saw Xiaofeng and Momo drinking, and I heard Momo singing songs written by Xiaofeng on the spot...Oh my god, it’s so nice! Absolute sound of nature! I heard If you want to die, just die in the arms of both of them... whatever you want, the two are better~~"

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