I Know Everything

Chapter 957: A real national treasure!

Unexpectedly, the first one was a national treasure, and Shen Huan was very happy.

The Abe family's title of "No. 1 Japanese Benzene Collector" really deserves its reputation!

With full expectations, Shen Huan picked up the second bigger box.

After opening it, it was a painting, and it was very long.

Unfolded, it is more than 2 meters.

The picture above is an image of five people leading five horses.

Because he wanted to come to Japan to hunt for treasures, Shen Huan did his homework in China these days and checked a lot of information on the Internet during his stay in Japan.

So he knew it right away when he saw it. This is the national treasure that was once collected in "Shiqu Baoji" and was later taken out of the palace by Pu Yi-"Five Horses"! !

"Five Horses" was painted by Li Gonglin, who was known as the "No. 1 in the Song Dynasty", a master of painting circles in the same era as Su Shi, Wang Anshi, Huang Tingjian, Qin Guan and others.

Wang Anshi, Su Shi and others like his paintings very much, and they always write poems to praise them.

For example, when Wang Anshi was demoted, he wrote four consecutive poems to him.

Su Shi wrote poems and praised him for "the dragon sleeps with a thousand birds in his chest, not only painting flesh and bones", and he said that Li Gonglin's ability to paint horses is simply the best in the world.

Longmianjushi is his name.

The two most handed-down works of such a character are the "Xiyuan Yaji Tu" that has been lost, and the other is the "Five Horses" that has also been lost.

"Xiyuan Yajitu", anyway, has a copy of my friend Mi Fu to record, but "Five Horses" has disappeared, which is a pity.

Unexpectedly, Shen Huan actually saw it here.

Ape dung!

Shen Huan looked carefully.

What Li Gonglin is good at is the line drawing technique, that is, no color other than ink is used, but this can reflect the taste of the painting itself and reflect the texture.

Legend has it that Li Gonglin learned the line drawing skills of Wu Daozi, but there is no doubt that his line drawing skills have been further developed on the basis of Wu Daozi's back then.

Just by looking at the horse's appearance, you can feel the location of its bones and muscles.

After some places are rendered with thick ink, you look at these places again, and it seems that its fur and markings are looming, and it is like a real horse standing in front of you.

This is the unique and wonderful thing about Huaguo's paintings!

The boy directly put the painting into his backpack.

Next, Shen Huan's goal was a big box that was conspicuous inside.

It is basically different from other boxes in length. It looks a little square, about fifty centimeters long and wide, like an enlarged version of a cigarette box.

It would certainly not be Fanpin to be able to put the matter so solemnly here.

At this time, Shen Huan felt that he seemed to have the feeling of playing games and opening treasure chests.

The only difference is that you don’t know if there are any treasures inside when you open the treasure chests. If you open these boxes, you just don’t know what the treasures are inside!

After opening it, there are three scrolls similar to the imperial edict.

The size is not large, and it seems that the length is not long.

What baby could this be?

Shen Huan felt a little strange.

As the saying goes, things are rare and expensive. Will this kind of similar cultural relics that produce three copies in one breath be a national treasure?

But without even thinking about it, it must be a precious thing, otherwise it would not have been placed so solemnly by the Abe family.

Is it really three imperial edicts?

Shen Huan opened one of them while thinking.

As soon as he opened it, Shen Huan found that there were various smear marks on it, as well as several handwritings written by different people.

Even the same type of handwriting is written in several places, like different content.

The headline of the text reads: "In the spring of Guihai in the third year of the Yuan dynasty, the queen mother sent Xiahoufan, Zongzheng Liuhong, and Shang Shuling Pingyan to see her in the spring."

This one……

This is obviously the writing style of historians.

Shen Huan didn't know what year the first three years of the Yuan Dynasty was, but "Changle", "Zongzheng" and "Shangshuling" did.

Especially Zongzheng Liu Hong, whose surname is Liu, must be the story of the Eastern Han and Western Han Dynasties.

Looking at the last inscriptions and postscripts, as expected, the author was written.

"Sima Gongtongjian..."

This obviously means that Sima Guang is talking about his "Tong Jian"!

Shen Huan felt surprised for a while.

Didn’t it mean that Sima Guang’s Fragmented Manuscript of "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" is just a copy in the National Museum?

That is the treasure of the National Museum!

Unexpectedly, there was another copy here.

Do not!

There are probably two more!

Then Shen Huan quickly opened it and looked at it. Sure enough, the style of writing is exactly the same, writing about history.

Looking at the celebrities' inscriptions and seals on the manuscript, Jia Sidao, Zhao Mengfu, Zhu Zhishan, Li Dongyang, Jiajing, Kangxi, Qianlong... and so on, the handwritings and seals are all familiar to Shen Huan recently.

Although Shen Huan had not read the original text of the National Museum, he had basically dared to confirm at this time that the three copies in his hand were the fragments of the manuscript of the legendary Sima Guang's "Tongzhi Tongjian"!

Legend has it that it took Sima Guang 19 years to write "Zi Zhi Tong Jian", and two rooms were piled up with all kinds of written paper materials alone.

The manuscripts of the entire two rooms were left with only a few hundred words in a volume, which is really amazing.

The destruction of these manuscripts in the past dynasties is purely a crime against history and culture.

But now that there are a few more manuscripts of the "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" manuscript, it is also a great happiness.

Such things can no longer be measured by money.

It can only be sold at a price of one, two, or two or three billion, but its historical function and testimony are priceless.

As one of the two great historians in the history of China, "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" and "Historical Records" are basically of the same level. They record the history of the development of China in the most true and rigorous way. People have more opportunities to understand the ancients.

In comparison, Qianlong asked Ji Xiaolan to compile "Si Ku Quan Shu" with too many private goods, which is not widely recognized in the historians.

"Zi Zhi Tong Jian" is different. It records real history and events. UU reading www.uukanshu.com can feel the history and reminiscence the vicissitudes of life through these.

This is also the biggest reason why so many ancient things from China are sought after by countless Confucian culture lovers.

Not only Chinese people, but Japanese people, Tai Chi people...including people from Europe and the United States are the same.

Shen Huan hurriedly put away the three manuscripts again carefully.

The boy at this time suddenly felt that his responsibility was a bit heavy.

Today, it is the greatest victory to bring the three manuscript fragments of "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" in my hand back to China.

As for money, it's all trivial!

As a descendant of Yan Huang, it is natural and duty-bound to bring these treasures back to China!


The summer is scorching, so I beg you to subscribe more! Best to book all! !

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