I Know Everything

Chapter 958: What are you planning?

At 6 am, Huajing Airport.

An airplane from Japan Benzene landed slowly.

About fifty minutes later, a man wearing a hat and mask got into a taxi.

The airport is in Chaoyang District, not far from Youzuo Hutong, and it will take you more than half an hour.

Shen Huan went home to wash up first, and after seeing the time was almost up, he went straight to school.


Youth is so hard.

For this trip to Japan, except for the weekend, Shen Huan had already delayed 3 days of class time.

As a young man who wants to learn knowledge and serve his motherland all the time, absenteeism is of course very ashamed, so he has to make up quickly.


Today is Thursday, and there will be two big classes in the morning.

When get out of class is over, it's time for dinner.

Unsurprisingly, sitting across from Shen Huan's seat was classmate Zhou Xilan who hadn't seen him for a week.

"Oh, classmate Shen Huan, did you finally know you're coming to school?" Zhou Xilan took the lunch box and teased Shen Huan while eating.

Zhou Xilan's grandfather is the principal, and his father runs a BMW 4S shop. The family is rich.

But what she eats at noon is very simple, it is a bowl of millet porridge with a little vegetable.

At first glance, I know that I deliberately eat less for my body.

Buyiyi is also similar to her, regardless of Yuzhou is the capital of food, Buyiyi basically has nothing to do with food.

It takes a long time to eat a decent meal, or hot pot, otherwise it is basically meal replacement food, water, oatmeal salad, and the like.

In doing so, it would be even more exaggerated than Zhou Xilan.

Because Zhou Xilan only eats less when she gets fat, she eats out with her classmates on weekdays, but she doesn't eat less hot pot or something.

"I haven't been idle these days, I have all gone to worry about the country and the people." Shen Huan responded.


Zhou Xilan thought Shen Huan was talking nonsense, so she gave him a blank look, "Did you go around selling treasures?"

The fact that Shen Huan possesses Su Shi's "Difficult Road in Shu" has already been circulated. When Shen Huan was in school a few days ago, many students came to ask him.

There were even more thick-skinned people who asked Shen Huan if he could bring the school for everyone to see.

Shen Huan naturally laughed without speaking.

Such a national treasure, if there is no security guarantee, just let everyone see it, and it is slightly damaged, whose responsibility is it?

Many students were arrogant and domineering before the accident. After the accident, they only knew to wash their faces with tears and did not dare to take responsibility at all.

When the time comes, you ask them to pay, neither is it, nor is it not to pay.

So just ignore it.

"I'm not going to sell it." Shen Huan lowered his voice: "I am such a person with ideals and morals. Of course, this kind of national treasure is to be donated to the museum!"


Zhou Xilan raised her voice, and immediately everyone looked over here.

She quickly gave a light cough and stared at Shen Huan with big eyes, "You are so generous? It is said that someone offered a price of 100 million US dollars, which is 700 million yuan! As long as you have this amount of money, you won't have to work anymore in your life. !!!"

Shen Huan corrected her and said: "The highest is a Taiji country collector, who paid 120 million U.S. dollars. Let me just give it to him in China, and leave the rest alone."

Zhou Xilan stared, "I know these bad things, and I still covet our country's baby!"

Now that the Internet is well developed, and knowing what is going on abroad, most people don’t have a good impression of Japan and South Korea.

Zhou Xilan was born in a scholarly family, of course, she was more careful and serious about these issues.

"But, even if you don't sell it to them, you can give it to those private collectors." Zhou Xilan gave Shen Huan a positive idea. "I didn't hear that such a rich man like Yang Feng was chasing and shouting. Is it acquired?"

"He said it, and he's very serious." Shen Huan said first, "but this money is a hot potato in my hand, and there is no way to use it, so I'd better donate it directly!"

"That's true too!"

Zhou Xilan smiled and nodded.

If it's a private sale of antiques, it doesn't matter if Shen Huan has made a lot of money. At most, someone outside is talking about it.

As long as Shen Huan and the buyer deny it, no one else can pick it up.

But now Shen Huan is in the midst of international exchanges, and the "Shu Road Difficulty" is so high-profile and widely known, how can he avoid it?

"Then you go donate early!" Zhou Xilan said, "so that another thief would enter your house. It's terrible to think about it~~"

Shen Huan’s house had entered the thief several times in a row, all of which were frantically reported by the media.

So much so that several media outlets are staying in Youzuo Hutong 24 hours a day, trying to film the horrifying scene of robbery.

After the police arrived, they all expelled.

This kind of media is really hateful. It is simply for the sake of curiosity. It has no ethics and compassion at all, and only thinks about how to maximize news value.

"I'm a little worried now." Shen Huan said with a wry smile, "Even if they donate it, they think I have a lot of treasures in my house, what should I do? Isn't there a steady stream of thieves?"

"You know now, what is not afraid of thieves? I'm afraid that thieves are thinking about it?" Zhou Xilan patted Shen Huan's shoulder sympathetically, "Student Xiao Shen, work hard to make money and move into the luxurious villa area of ​​the rich. , So under very strict security, you will be much easier."

"That's not interesting. Don't you think this is like being in prison. Prison?" Shen Huan shook his head and expressed disapproval. "It is such a big place with hundreds of acres of land, which is just dozens of hundreds of households. UU Read www.uukanshu.com is dark and sparsely populated at night...Look at Youzuo Hutong, how lively it is at night? Poker players, jokes and hot pot people are available!"

"Well, you're on the point!" Zhou Xilan looked at Shen Huan, feeling like a confidant, "I spent my childhood in the alley, and I ran wild all day long and had fun. I was so happy. Anyway, there are neighbours everywhere, so I'm not afraid of trafficking!"

Shen Huan smiled upon hearing this.

Perhaps this is the reason why the happiness of children in China has been decreasing in the past ten years.

Compared with the children in China, the children in Japan and the United States are happier. Most of them don't live in high-rise buildings, and their neighbors are very fixed, so they can play happily.

Where is it like now, how many families can report the names of their neighbors? How many people are there?

Such a sense of isolation and unfamiliarity directly allows children to put their minds on the Internet, hoping to get more satisfaction and warmth on the Internet.

This is a very important reason why they are addicted to the Internet!

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