I Know Everything

Chapter 959: Brain hemorrhage with anger!

Japanese people like tea very much.

They call this process of making tea and drinking tea the "tea ceremony".

In fact, their method of bending was copied from the Tang Dynasty in China.

The same is true for drinking crushed minced tea powder. At that time, the Chinese people drank this kind of tea powder.

Only after the gradual development, a more convenient and better way to reflect the tea culture appeared, this method was gradually eliminated by China.

However, the Japanese benzene still remains, and under normal circumstances, they are not willing to change it.

Today, Abe Yuzen was drinking the crushed tea powder made by the maid at home.

As the hidden super-rich of Japan, Yuzen Abe has more than a dozen maids in his family. The families of these women have served the Abe family as early as 100 years ago.

They all come from nearby villages.

The Abe family pays high salaries and is not tiring at work, so both men and women want to work here.

And this kind of long-term relationship fetters also makes them very close to each other, just like the ancient "family-born children" and "family-born daughters", very loyal.

Abe Yuzen has very few things now. In addition to attending various exchange meetings, he is attending various auctions.

Selling some not-so-good works and buying some better collections is the strategy the Abe family has pursued for decades.

In fact, Shen Huan went there in a hurry that day, and most of his attention was focused on the two most exquisite large safes, ignoring many things.

For example, against the east wall, there are two tall cabinets. The drawers on the top are densely packed, each of which is very small, with only one oil painting stacked on each.

Most of the oil paintings there are treasures collected by the Abe family when the polar bear fell in the last century.

The executor at that time was Abe Yuzen, who bought hundreds of oil paintings from Raksha country at low prices.

Now that the Rakshasa country’s economy has improved, many oligarchs also want to reclaim the treasures of their own country, so these oil paintings are instantly valuable, with an average price of more than 10 million US dollars.

Every year, the Abe family will sell two or three pieces through an intermediary, in exchange for thirty to fifty million U.S. dollars, to invest in other cultural relics.

They can spend 100 years on such a treasure.

This shows that the Abe family is really rich in background.

This is where Abe Yuzen feels very proud.

But despite the fact that Yushan Abe bought so many masterpieces by Raksha painters, he looked down on Rakshas from the bottom of his heart, thinking that they were all vulgar people.

Therefore, these oil paintings are not placed in the oversized safe.

However, the maintenance of these oil paintings is still very orderly and regular.

On average two days a week, several middle-aged children of the Abe family will enter the treasure vault to inspect and maintain various treasures according to a well-designed plan.

Once the damage that they can't make up is found, the top repair experts will be invited to deal with it.

The entire process has been developed 100 years ago. After constant supplementation and improvement, the Abe family’s approach is one of the best in the world.

Many collector families in Japan are imitating and learning their methods.

While drinking tea, Abe Yushan was thinking about the "Difficult Road of Shu" that I saw in China a few days ago.

That's really good!

If it appeared at the auction, I would definitely buy it at any cost!

It doesn't matter if it is 100 million or 200 million US dollars!

Because Su Xian is a super idol who loves Japan all over Japan, the value of his works is totally inestimable!

Currently, the Abe family does not have a piece of Susen's work, and Abe Yuzen is very sorry.

If it can be bought and stored in the hands of the Abe family, that would be an honor.

Feeling regretful right here, suddenly, Abe Yuzen heard the shout.

"It's not good, father!!"

He looked up, but the three sons and daughters who went to the treasure house to tidy up and maintain, rushed out in a panic.

They just went in for ten minutes, why did they come out so soon?

Seeing the anxious and panic expressions of his children, Abe Yuzen felt his heart sinking, "What's wrong? Is the precious work damaged?"

"No, it's not!"

The youngest son Shinji Abe, who rushed in front of him, panted loudly, but kept saying: "The safe...the safe...has been destroyed! The treasure inside has suffered heavy losses!!!"

Abe Yuzen immediately rushed to his forehead with a puff of blood, and his entire head exploded.

"Do not……"

He murmured such a word and fell straight down.


In the confusion, Abe Yuzen heard the horrified shouts of his children.


The news that Abe Yuzen was hospitalized in a coma with a cerebral hemorrhage quickly spread throughout Japan.

Ordinary people just know that the very famous collector Yuzen Abe was sick and hospitalized.

But among the collectors, they knew why Abe was hospitalized.

Because several direct children of the Abe family have already notified them and asked them to help pay attention to whether anyone has sold valuable antiques recently.

They didn't say exactly what it was, but according to Abe's tragic situation, everyone knew that the loss must be significant.

With the strong protection capabilities of the Abe family and the security methods of the treasure house, it is really chilling that so many treasures can be stolen by thieves.

For a time, many collectors were also arrogant, and the security company's business improved a lot.

When Odawara Akira heard the news, he originally ate outside. He didn't even eat when he saw it, and rushed back home with his bodyguards.

Go down to the basement treasure house, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com checked all the hidden treasures and found that none was missing, including the newly bought "Shu Dao Di Difficult" while it was still there. He was greatly relieved.

Sitting on the floor of the treasure house, Akira Odawara suddenly laughed.

Hey, does the misfortune of the Abe family this time indicate the beginning of their decline?

They have been sitting on the throne of the first collection of Japanese benzene for seven or eighty years.

Now it's our Odawara family's turn, right?

While they are declining, I continue to make progress. In this way, within ten years, we will be able to surpass the Abe family!

At that time, I see who would dare to say that our Kanto people are upstarts! ?

Do you really think Kansai is the only place with a long history?

Watch it!

The day to overtake you is coming soon! !

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