I Know Everything

Chapter 960: Walnut changes

"Ding Dong!"

"The host has successfully completed the task of bringing the national treasure home."

"This time the degree of completion is very high, reaching an excellent level."

"The system specially rewards cursive proficiency (advanced) and professional racing (advanced) skills. I hope the host will continue to work hard and get more rewards!"

Shen Huan listened to this sweet voice, and a smile appeared on his face.

I returned to Huajing early this morning and went to class for one day, but only when I came back did I hear the reward.

This time the good master is still very powerful.

Shen Huan gave two skills in one breath.

And they are all upgraded to advanced.

Needless to say, proficient in cursive script (advanced), Shen Huan imitated Su Shi's cursive writing "The Way of Shu" this time, it was obviously a little lacking.

Even if there is a Shen Yun charm (intermediate level) to make up for it, it can't reach the point where people will kneel at first sight.

This is also the reason why some appraisers raised a little question.

But helplessly, the other supporting documents are too powerful. The inscriptions, seals, etc. are all the same as the original master's work, so there is no way to refute it.

Therefore, "The Difficult Path of Shu" was recognized by everyone.

If it was before that Shen Huan's cursive proficiency had reached an advanced level, then "The Road to Shu" would be even better.

As for professional racing (advanced), it seems a bit tasteless.

It was because of unexpected tasks before that Shen Huan spent so much money to get a professional racing car (junior level).

Now Shen Huan doesn't know how to go racing. Even the modified Toyota 86 is placed in the garage of Zhao Xiaoying's modification shop. From time to time, Zhao Xiaoying is asked to help maintain it, and Shen Huan doesn't go there by himself.

However, no one would dislike too much skill and pressure.

Maybe it will be available someday?

According to Shen Huan's view, Good Master never does useless work. Since he has given you skills, he will definitely come in handy.


Shen Huan was happy here, and Walnut ran over and bit Shen Huan's trousers, trying to pull him coquettishly.

As a result, Shen Huan's trousers were torn open with a "hiss" sound.

Ronnie! ?

Shen Huan was surprised.

Did I buy a local stall?

He subconsciously touched his trousers. No, this is still one of the trousers bought by the school. It is a world famous brand!

No matter what, the quality can't be so bad.

Walnut also knew that he was in trouble, and quickly let go of his mouth, rubbing his small head on Shen Huan's pants, even the cry was much gentler.

"Fuck off!"

Shen Huan patted it on the back, "When did the strength become so strong? I think you will shake the sky in the future, right?...Huh, dare you to run? Stop!"

Walnut wouldn't care about Shen Huan. Seeing that it was about to be beaten, it ran away quickly.

Shen Huan remembered that Walnut was drinking the water that was fused with Spirit Gathering Liquid and Gubendan during this period. Now that he saw its strength increased significantly, Shen Huan also deliberately tested its strength.

So the boy stood up and rushed to the walnut quickly.

Walnut itself wanted to escape, but after all, it was not a human being, and Shen Huan had such a strong strength, so after turning half a circle, Shen Huan was caught by Shen Huan and punched its **** vigorously.

Walnut screamed in pain, barking and running, but it did not threaten Shen Huan with grinning teeth.

This is the difference between the native dog and other dog breeds.

Many dog ​​breeds who watch and play are good-tempered or good-tempered, but if they become angry, even their owners dare to bite.

But the native dog will definitely not.

Even if it is wronged or unhappy, it will not speak to its owner.

Just like this, Shen Huan grabbed it seven or eight times in a row, and hit it seven or eight times. Walnut finally didn't dare to run away. He lay on the ground and sneered, and his shouts were particularly flattering.

Actually, Shen Huan didn't play hard, but it felt wronged. Didn't it just bit your pants? Does it need to take revenge on the puppy?

But Walnut didn't know it, but Shen Huan was very satisfied with it.

Because Shen Huan had already used one-tenth of his strength and speed just now, and had been escaped by it several times, and Walnut was only about half a year old and had such a sensitive speed and response, which is really rare.

The effects of the Spirit Gathering Liquid and the Gubendan are indeed miraculous.

"Boom boom boom!"

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Shen Huan!"

Listening to the voice, it belongs to Miss Bai Wushuang.

The boy went over and opened the door.

The moment Bai Wushuang just entered the door, the walnut, who was still pretending to be dead, immediately rushed to Bai Wushuang's side like a stimulant and screamed.

When Bai Wushuang picked it up, he could see the tears falling from Walnut's eyes.


Walnut leaned against Bai Wushuang's arms, his expression aggrieved and pitiful.

At the same time, one of its small paws pointed towards Shen Huan.

It means it was bullied by Shen Huan.

Bai Wushuang frowned her eyebrows lightly and asked Shen Huan: "I was outside just now and heard the walnut screaming miserably. Why are you bullying it?"

"Wow!" Walnut yelled again, indicating that Bai Wushuang was right.

Shen Huan didn't know what to say for a while.

Can't tell Bai Wushuang, I'm watching its progress, right?

So I can only change a way and point to my trousers and said: "This little thing bit my trousers when I came over. I taught it a few words and it just ran away... It won't work if you don't fight!"

Bai Wushuang looked at Shen Huan’s trousers and nodded slightly, “My trousers were bitten by them a few days ago. The little guy didn’t know what, and suddenly his strength increased a lot... Now, the first two. Heaven broke its nest, and I replaced it with a new one."

Shen Huan followed her hand and looked at it. Sure enough, the doghouse was no longer the one he had made before, but was replaced by a more beautiful model.


Perhaps seeing Bai Wushuang’s words become softer, UU read www.uukanshu. Com Walnut screamed two coquettishly again, and patted the hostess with a dog's paw, indicating that you would continue to scold him.

Bai Wushuang suddenly laughed.

She bowed her head and took a sip of the walnut, "Little guy, you made a mistake! Shen Huan taught you that you should be."


Walnut was wronged, and the tears that had just stopped appeared again.

"Hey, do you think walnuts are refined?" Shen Huan smiled when he saw it, "I can understand what we are saying, and I can feel the changes in emotions."

"Yes, it is getting smarter now." Bai Wushuang said, "I am wondering, is there any genetic mutation in it? If I am a zoologist, maybe I have to study it carefully. Yeah!"

Walnut couldn't understand Bai Wushuang's words, but he shivered subconsciously, and quickly leaned on her tighter.

From picking it back to the present, it has relied on Bai Wushuang most!

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