I Know Everything

Chapter 966: 1 new hot female host

From the former Xueba to the current hostess, Ji Yinmei only took a few months to adapt.

Then she was sent directly to the United States to interview the Lakers with the team.

Although she returned to China halfway, she was still connected with the Lakers most of the time.

As we all know, the NBA players have no culture or high quality. If you meet those reporters and hostesses, it is easy to take advantage of them. It is not a single thing to let you go to sleep and then interview. One.

But as a reporter with the Lakers, Ji Yinmei has never encountered such a situation.

The Lakers are very good to her up and down.

Regardless of training, rest or competition, Ji Yinmei is always able to interview them the first time and take pictures and photos of them.

The last time the Lakers went to play in the field, a Timberwolves player passed by Ji Yinmei, who was waiting to interview the player, and patted her very upright, but Iverson saw it and rushed up and gave him a note. Old fist.

If it weren't for the players of the two teams, it would develop into a fight on the spot.

For this matter, Iverson was fined 200,000 US dollars. The Timberwolves player was fined 1 million plus three games for being too bad.

Originally, Iverson had to be suspended, but the league executives heard that Ji Yinmei was Shen Huan's friend, so there was nothing to follow.

After such a fuss, everyone finally knew the identity of Ji Yinmei, and began to feel a little jealous, not daring to be frivolous.

Ji Yinmei has gained more than just that. Once she met boss Qiao, she didn't dare to step forward.

But boss Qiao beckoned to her, motioned her to talk over, and mentioned Shen Huan.

no way.

This world is not only the dead fat man who is the commentator who will get hot, but also his boss Joe.

Especially the discovery and appreciation of Shen Huan is a masterpiece of him. He, who has always been scolded and inversely proportional to his playing, finally has enough confidence to refute.

This feeling is really not too cool!

Fans in China have learned about the entire NBA from Ji Yinmei’s repeated interviews and reports.

Last year, Wang Zhen was booming. In addition to her being too fierce, it was actually more because of Shen Huan.

Shen Huan is so popular, of course the people around him are even more popular.

But this time, Ji Yinmei’s interview gave people a more professional view. The analysis and questions were sharp and not hurtful.

Even if they don't like basketball very much, fans who watch the NBA only because of Shen Huan, gradually like this beautiful female host who has both talents and looks.

Ji Yinmei's meager fans have grown from tens of thousands of people before to more than 10 million now, which is a good proof.

For this Christmas battle, Ji Yinmei made a lot of preparations.

There are two albums just to discuss with experts.

In addition, interviews with Kobe, Iverson, and Howard were also one after another.

Also edited the speech and position of various TV stations in the United States, as well as the attitude and mood of the fans of the two teams, etc., which set off the atmosphere very well.

Under such circumstances, the game even in China has aroused the expectations of many fans.

When the Christmas War officially started, the data received by Shanhai.com was that more than 60 million fans logged in to watch.

This is by far the highest number of real-time online viewers.

Compared with Wang Zhenlai, Ji Yinmei is more professional in hosting and explaining.

Therefore, during the Christmas game, she formally sat on the commentary stand in the stadium, partnered with a basketball expert, and began to understand.

"It's the beginning!"

"Kobe made a breakthrough and immediately transferred to Iverson. Iverson relied on his thin advantage and rushed into the penalty area. But the basket has been blocked, so I can't make a hard shot!"

"Good shot! Iverson really is a superstar, so he pretended to shoot but actually passed the ball and directly gave Howard, who followed up. Howard made a dunk and scored the first two points!"

"From the perspective of this cooperation, the Big Three are still very experienced! Today's game, it seems that they are ready to fight hard!"


"Ah! Oops! Curry made another three-pointer! Only in the first 9 minutes, he made four three-pointers alone. Is this crazy?"

"Yeah! Great! Kobe also returned a three-pointer! Now Kobe has scored more than 10 points! Old Kobe is really our Dinghai Shenzhen!"

"Hehehe, Howard is also a great one! He blocked Thompson for the second time in a row!"

"The game is getting more and more exciting, ah... awful! The players of the two teams collided, and the Lakers are Dangino Russell! This is not good! Dangino Russell has already become a season. The main shooting guard in the second team! If he gets injured... Damn! The team doctor has already entered and made a substitution gesture!"

"Now is the time to test the young man Ingram, come on! Young man, show your seriousness in training! Shen Huan has taught you a lot!"


"Good shot, good shot! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) The effect!"

"Oh my God, the 13th blocked shot!!...Why is Howard so good today? He has played 15 consecutive games with an average of 35 minutes per game! Isn't that we are mistaken, he is actually 26 Has the year-old Warcraft crossed to the present one?"

"Yeah... With the beep of the timer, this Christmas war is finally over!"

"With the hard work of the three old superstars, the Lakers finally defeated the mighty Golden State Warriors 107:103 on the away game! I think we are stable now!"

"Shen Huan, have you seen it? They are using actual actions to show that waiting for you is a strong team, they are not weak!"

"Hahahaha, the San Francisco fans are so cute! They just walked up to me and opened a banner that said, "Please tell Shen Huan, we hope he will come soon." They will not be Lakers fans pretending to be Right?"

"Okay, okay, thank you for watching! My voice is down for this game... I have to go back to take medicine right away! Bye everyone~~"


When coming down from the live broadcast table, the basketball expert invited by Shanhai.com had a black face.

For a whole game, he didn't talk for a third of Ji Yinmei's time, and the limelight was completely covered by Ji Yinmei.

How could he not know that this was obviously what Ji Yinmei did deliberately, just to control the rhythm of the commentary.

But Ji Yinmei was born to Shanhai.com, so what if he is unhappy?

I can only think that it is to make money, UU reading www. uukānshu.com can't care about anything else!

In fact, he can't care about it.

In the comments on major websites of China after the game, the pictures and clips of Ji Yinmei's passionate commentary have been everywhere.

There are more than 3 million meagre topics about Ji Yinmei.

She has posted photos and posts between five matches, and the number of clicks and likes has exceeded 1 million, and the average number has exceeded 300,000.

In the post on the voting post about Ji Yinmei's performance after the game, the fans agreed with 86%, indicating their liking for Ji Yinmei.

And some passersby who are not fans also paid attention to Ji Yinmei through this commentary.

This beautiful and talented female host who knows basketball very well has such a talent for commentary, which makes everyone listen so excited and immersive.

It's no wonder that she was said to be a super schoolmaster in the middle pass. She really has to be very good to take up such a position!

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