I Know Everything

Chapter 967: Wonderful effect!

Qinghua Affiliated Hospital.

Inside the burn ward, Bao Chenjing took Bai Wushuang, who had just arrived, into the bathroom.

"Wushuang, look!"

Bao Chenjing quickly removed the gauze wrapped around her face and pointed to her hideous red and black burns and said: "Did you see it? It's obviously better!"

Bai Wushuang has never seen Bao Chenjing’s burns before, but now looking at her left half of her face, all of them are red and black scars. The new tender flesh and the old black hard scars are intertwined in this way, which is very scary .

But Bai Wushuang was not an ordinary person, and she was not scared.

She looked at Bao Chenjing's burns carefully, "What I see is still very deep burns."

"That's the situation you haven't seen before." Bao Chenjing said with a smile, "Just a few days ago, my wound was constantly soaked with yellow water, and every time I changed the dressing, I would scream in pain.

And most importantly, its concurrent infection is very serious. It is often here that it is healed, but that area is infected again. It continues to have symptoms of inflammation and fever, and it is very itchy. I can’t wait to take this big piece of it all. Deduct it. "

Bao Chenjing's tone was relaxed, but Bai Wushuang felt keenly that such an idea, for Bao Chenjing, might not just pass by in a flash.

"But it's all right now." Bao Chenjing continued, "I just started applying your plaster, and when I opened it, I felt the fragrance of flowers overflowing, as if I was in the spring forest.

But I still didn't wipe it all up as soon as I came up. Instead, I chose a scar that was almost as good as a corner wipe to see if it worked.

The result is really exciting! I applied it twice sooner or later, and when I woke up early the next morning, the scar had faded by more than 80%!

Then I have been insisting on wiping all morning and evening for the past few days. After each wiping, the painful and itchy feeling disappeared a lot, at least I could fall asleep at night.

Since yesterday morning, all the burns on my face have started to scar. When the nurse came to change my dressing this morning, I was surprised and said that I healed very quickly.

During the round, the doctor said that according to this situation, at most one or two months, all my burns will fall off!

But they didn't know that I didn't use their medicine at all! According to the current situation, it is estimated that these burn scars can be completely healed in one or two weeks at most!

At that time, I only need to rest for two or three months before I can go to Tai Chi country for surgery, and I will never be afraid that others will laugh at me!

Wushuang, you know what, I really appreciate you! You are the savior in my life! I really don’t know how to thank you, woooo..."

Seeing Bao Chenjing crying, coupled with her face, is really ugly.

But Bai Wushuang didn't dislike it, she knew how hard and psychologically this poor woman had gone through this period of time.

Fortunately, the Yingyue ointment that Shen Huan took had such a good effect, otherwise he might have seen a more tragic tragedy.

She started to ponder instead.

The Yingyue Ointment I use is only for skin care and skin improvement. How can it have good effects on such serious wounds?

Would you like to analyze the composition of this ointment, so as to alleviate the pain for those patients who suffer from burns and scalds in the future?

But immediately Bai Wushuang dismissed the idea again.

Shen Huan believed in herself, gave herself Yingyue Ointment to use, and told herself that it could still be used in this area.

If you do research and crack the Yingyue ointment without his consent, it would be a betrayal of Shen Huan.

After finally having such a decent friend, Bai Wushuang didn't want to just lose or betray just like this.

Bai Wushuang is also a very simple woman.

She can't think of so much for the country and the people, as long as she thinks about not being sorry for her friends, she won't think about it.

In fact, even if Bai Wushuang went to study, she could only find some Chinese herbal medicine ingredients used by Shen Huan, the most important ones, Yingyue Grass and Spirit Gathering Liquid, but she couldn't find it.

In this world, only Shen Huan could distinguish the Yingyue Grass and condense the Spirit Gathering Liquid.


After coming out of the laboratory in the afternoon, Bai Wushuang ran directly to Youzuo Hutong.

During this period of time, Bai Wushuang's frequency of going to Youzuo Hutong was so high that his parents found it strange.

When they asked their grandparents, Professor Bai did not say anything.

Only Bai Dad knew that this might have something to do with the agricultural experiment field that Bai Wushuang and Shen Huan were working on.

As for the two young people of similar age, whether there are any sparks, then we have to wait and see.

If Shen Huan really fell in love with her baby girl, then he would definitely support it.

The two geniuses are combined together. How genius is the son and daughter?

Needless to say, as long as there are half of the sum of two people, they are definitely the top genius in the world!

With such a genius to inherit the property of the Bai family, are you still worried about not being able to grow bigger and stronger, and seek continuous benefits for future generations?

However, it is estimated that the fire is not yet ready, so Dad Bai still stays on hold, looking forward to further development.

The best thing is that Shen Huan and his daughter are doing firewood, and they can't help but make their daughter's belly bigger. Then the two are married to Fengzi, which can bring Shen Huan into a hundred families!

Bai Wushuang didn't think so much.

She looked for Shen Huan, and there was never any relationship between men and women.

The two are just friends.

Bai Wushuang also knew that Shen Huan viewed himself this way.

This is good, you don't have to get along so tired.

As a result, he arrived at Youzuo Hutong, three meters away from Shen Huan's gate, and Bai Wushuang heard the scream of walnuts inside.


Don't look at Walnut's screaming now, but Bai Wushuang, who is very close to it, clearly heard Walnut's fear.

What did this little guy do?

Bai Wushuang felt a headache. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Don't look at the walnuts being good in front of you, but now they grow up, they become more and more naughty, and they often cause accidents at home.

Shen Huan's temper was definitely a very good one among the men Bai Wushuang met, and he was so angry that he would beat him. This little guy was really naughty.

But naughty belongs to naughty, you, Shen Huan, master, shouldn't hit it!

Thinking of this, Bai Wushuang quickly knocked on the door, "Shen Huan, open the door!"


Shen Huan hadn't answered yet, and the voice of the walnut inside grew louder. When he approached the door, he didn't say anything, but he also revealed a little excitement.

Bai Wushuang felt it, and the little guy knew that he was coming, and he felt very happy that he had a backing.

This little thing!

It's really fast!

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