I Know Everything

Chapter 969: Are you drinking too much? Is it miserable?

After half an hour, Shen Huan and Bai Wushuang appeared in the test base.

The test base was only a few hundred meters away from Youzuo Hutong, and the two of them walked there.

Walnut, who had also been reprimanded by Bai Wushuang just now, was cleverly wandering around Shen Huan and Bai Wushuang at first, but when he arrived at the test base, when he arrived at a familiar site, he started Sa Huan as soon as he entered the door.

The security guards also flattered: "After Walnut's leg injury healed, he ran so fast! You can go to the competition."

Only Bai Wushuang, looking at Shen Huan's somewhat depressed expression, couldn't help but smile.

When he walked in, Bai Wushuang pulled on Shen Huan's clothes, "Okay, don't stretch your face, you are not as cheerful as a walnut! He was beaten and scolded, and now he is happy again, how good?"

Shen Huan: "..."


Miss sister, compare me with an animal. Is this appropriate?

The little guy is pretending to be aggrieved.

And didn't you see it?

There are grown vegetables everywhere here, so he didn't touch it!

Thinking of the Yingyue Grass and Spirit Gathering Liquid that had been ruined at home, Shen Huan couldn't help but feel distressed.

Although I want to cultivate walnuts, it is also gradual, and there can be no sloppy.

What should I do if I ate too much of the Spirit Gathering Liquid and Guben Pill, and a monster dog appears?

At that time, in order not to affect the balance and to maintain human superiority, should the walnuts be killed?

Therefore, for so long, Shen Huan had added 6 drops of Juling Liquid water to the walnuts in total.

These 6 drops of the spirit-gathering liquid water were mixed into the drinking water, and the walnuts were divided into more than ten days to drink.

It turned out well, and I drank 8 drops in one breath today.

Fortunately, because the place where the array was deployed, the Yingyuegrass was also placed in the mountains, so in this vegetable garden at home, there are only a dozen Yingyuegrass, and the spirit gathering array is also very small. The most important thing is to protect a few. The production of vegetables is nothing more than.

Therefore, it was accumulated for two or three days without harvesting, and only 8 drops in total.

When I went to Riben before, Walnut didn't drink much water from Julingye and Gubendan. Lingzhi hadn't developed that kind of power yet, so there were more at that time, and it didn't touch it.

Otherwise, if you drink a dozen drops, it will explode.

Shen Huan made up his mind, and he would withdraw the Spirit Gathering Formation when he went back today, lest there be more moths.

Bai Wushuang and Shen Huan were looking after the vegetables and checking their growth.

But after walking around in the field, Bai Wushuang's attention was still attracted by the walnut.

Since the walnut came in, it ran around without stopping for a moment.

The key is that it is very fast!

At this moment, Bai Wushuang was surprised.

She hurriedly found Shen Huan who was busy: "Shen Huan and Shen Huan, do you think there is something wrong with the walnut?"

Shen Huan had noticed it a long time ago, and he had guessed the reason, but he didn't say it.

Let the little guy suffer, and it will have a long memory.

"I was depressed by the scolding just now, so I was venting?" Shen Huan said casually.

"No." Bai Wushuang shook his head, "It's like this...It's like taking some stimulant, it's very high-pitched!"

Miss sister, you guessed it right.

Too much Spirit Gathering Liquid can be used in one breath, and people will find it very nourishing, let alone dogs.

If the walnut runs desperately to vent, I am afraid it will explode.

"Then do you want to take it to the hospital, let it take some medicine, and get an injection?" Shen Huan suggested.

"I don't need this. I think it's alive and kicking. It's not sick." Bai Wushuang refused.

She also discovered Shen Huan's indifferent attitude at this time.

Miss Xueba thought to herself, she said that Teacher Lu Xiaofeng is generous and loves to help people, but look at it, now you have to hate a dog for making mistakes, it's really bad!


After thinking about it, Bai Wushuang called to the walnut in the distance.

Walnut turned his head and ran over immediately, yelling around Bai Wushuang's excited barks.

"Are you uncomfortable?" Bai Wushuang squatted down and touched its little head.


Of course Walnut disagrees, jumping around, meaning you see me as sick?

Seeing its naughty appearance, Bai Wushuang also smiled, "Then go play! Don't get tired from running, and remember to drink water if you are thirsty!"


Walnut turned and ran away.

Bai Wushuang is really good to it, and there is also a place to eat and drink Lhasa for it.

On weekdays, walnuts are tired and hungry, so they eat and drink. The dog's life has reached a small peak.

After that, Bai Wushuang and Shen Huan started to record the data and discussed the difference between this time and the last time.

Bai Wushuang, who is used to doing experiments, is immersed in the joy of doing experiments, and has no time to pay attention to other things.

It was only when she and Shen Huan completed today's experimental record work, that Miss Xueba, who stretched her waist and showed her infinitely beautiful figure, realized that she hadn't heard the shout of Walnut for a long time.

She turned her head and saw that there were no walnuts in the fields.

Looking at the temporary nest again, the walnuts are no longer there.

Bai Wushuang's heart "cocked" and he stopped Shen Huan: "Shen Huan, where is the walnut?"

Shen Huan was also taken aback while listening, he turned to look around.

Because of the Spirit Gathering Liquid and the Guben Pill, as well as the various skills given by the good master, Shen Huan's eyes were ten times better than those of Bai Wushuang.

He searched for a while, then pointed to the far corner, "Look there is a yellow-black thing there, is it a walnut?"

Bai Wushuang was deserted, and couldn't help but give Shen Huan a look.

What kind of master are you?

The words are so ugly.

But she didn't have time to care about Shen Huan, so she ran over.

Not long after, she yelled, "Shen Huan, come here soon!!"

Bai Wushuang's voice was a little alarmed.

The young man walked over quickly and saw Bai Wushuang holding the walnuts, shaking gently there, "Hey, wake up, walnuts, walnuts..."

Shen Huan took the walnut from her hand, first touched its heart, then felt the pulse, and probed its breath with his fingers.

"Fell asleep." Shen Huan explained to Bai Wushuang like this.


Bai Wushuang has an expression that you lie to me.

Shen Huan smiled and explained: "It must have been very tired after running madly for a while, plus I was beaten and scolded before, and his mood was too turbulent, so it is normal to fall asleep like this. ... Don't worry, its breathing and pulse are normal, no problem."

Bai Wushuang was silent for a while, and said to Shen Huan: "You are not allowed to hit him in the future, you must persuade and educate him."

Bai Wushuang was really panicked just now when he couldn't wake up when he screamed. In her life, there were few such experiences.

Shen Huan wanted to say that for animals like dogs, you have to fight several times before they can remember what they can't do.

But now Bai Wushuang obviously just couldn't listen, so he didn't go to arrogance with his little sister.

Naturally, a teenager would not tell Bai Wushuang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the hardship of walnuts is still to come.

Today, the walnut drank too much of the original liquid of Gathering Liquid, which caused it to be full of energy to the point of excitement.

The desperate running just now was just to vent such energy, but after this crazy running, the muscles and bones must be damaged.

When he woke up, he temporarily became a useless dog, and the sequelae would make him suffer for several days.

If Shen Huan didn't give it some water from the Spirit Gathering Liquid and the Guben Dan, I'm afraid the walnuts might become disabled.

Shen Huan also decided.

After returning, the walnut woke up on the first day and ignored it, letting it taste the bitter fruit of reckless behavior and unforgettable pain.

This is a good thing for the future of walnuts!


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