I Know Everything

Chapter 970: Follow-up

Japan Benzene, Osaka.

Inside the old house of the Abe family.

Abe Yuzen, who had returned home from the hospital, had a gloomy face and was obviously thinner.

Compared to what he looked like in China some time ago, it seems to be ten years old.

In fact, the doctor said that he was anxious that blood filled his brain, which caused a brief coma.

If this emergency is relieved, it will naturally heal.

The reason that made Abe Yushan suddenly thin and old these days was because of demons.

The family didn't dare to tell him the specific loss.

But the first day Abe Yuzen came back from the hospital, he ordered his children to say something, otherwise he would go down to see it himself.

In no way, the children can only show the statistically good losses to him.

It was Yushan Abe who was mentally prepared, and at this time he couldn't help but his heart was in severe pain.

The manuscript fragment of "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" is lost.

"Five Bulls" is lost.

"Red Cliff" is lost.

"Timely Posting" is lost.

Long live the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Jinxi lost.


Lost 37 treasures in one go, all of which are top-notch, absolutely handed down national treasures!

This was originally intended to be passed on to generations by Abe Yuzen, but now it's all right, it's all lost!

Looking at these, he couldn't feel the tears: "I'm sorry great grandfather, grandfather, sorry dad... The baby they worked so hard to collect, just lost it in my hand..."

When the children saw this scene, they all knelt down quickly.

"My father, please take care of your health!" The eldest son said boldly: "The family still cannot do without you, and you also need you to support the Abe family!"

Although the eldest son is 50 years old, he doesn't know anything except a little literary talent.

If Yuzen Abe had just died like this, he wouldn't dare to think that he was capable of supporting this family.

When Abe Yuzen heard this, he nodded slightly.

He will be strong for the rest of his life, and he never admits defeat.

Although the blow was too severe this time, it was because of this that he knew that he should stand up straight and not fall, otherwise even greater troubles would follow.

Among other things, it is unknown whether the collectors in Japan will use various means to **** the remaining treasures of the Abe family after they die.

It is necessary to pass this hurdle and let people know that the Abe family has not weakened yet and continue to stand on this land, in order to dispel the thoughts that many people shouldn't have.

He is only 73 years old this year.

With the average life expectancy of Japanese people and the maintenance conditions of the super-rich family, there is no problem living to be 90 years old.

Such a period of 17 years is enough for him to slowly recover, slowly straighten out the Abe family, slowly find out the nasty thieves, and smash him into pieces! !

Thinking of this, Abe Yuzen felt his heart hurt again.

"How is the situation outside now? How did they comment?" Abe Yuzen asked the second daughter.

The second daughter's job is related to the media. She is the deputy director of a small local TV station in Osaka. Because of her family's dignity, she is also relatively powerful.

"What else is going on, it's all gloating." The second daughter snorted coldly. "Especially the biggest collectors, they said you weren't careful enough and the tree attracts wind..."


Abe Yuzen's eyes were a bit sharp.

These people usually compete with him for the title of "Japan's No. 1 Collector of Benzene". Now they are unlucky and of course they are happy.

Regardless of the fact that the Japanese people are more united outside, in fact internal fighting is also very fierce.

They are already more kind without getting into trouble.

Now those collectors all over the country don't know how to arrange themselves, they feel that their security is poor!

"Who did it, is there no news yet?" Abe Yuzen turned to look at the third child.

The third son is the smartest among his children, and the one who knows antiques best.

On weekdays, he also helps Abe with the antique collection.

Now Yuzen Abe is old, and the job of buying and selling antique calligraphy and painting in Europe and America is basically the third one.


The youngest shook his head, "Neither the surveillance of the nearby police station nor our own surveillance found the slightest bit of discovery... I only know that the thief came in from the side surveillance blind spot, and entered the home from the storage room on the first floor.

He didn't destroy anything else, he went directly to the study, and he entered the treasure house as if he knew where our treasure house was.

Now we have not figured out how he entered the treasure house, and how he broke the lock of the safe turntable in the treasure house without making a sound.

And your father, you have also seen that the things he took are the most valuable Chinese calligraphy and paintings and treasures. For some of the same valuable oil paintings, he didn’t take any of them. I suspect that he must be an Oriental, not a Japanese. People from Tai Chi, or Chinese. "

As for the youngest's analysis, Abe Yuzen still partially agrees.

He should also be an orientalist who committed the crime, and he is a very knowledgeable person who knows his own family well.

This thief is so fascinating.

There are obviously people at home, the security guards are also on duty 24 hours, and there is a police station next to it.

Under this situation, if he could steal so many things without knowing it, he must be a thief.

But if he is an insider who gave the information and stole the baby, it doesn't make sense.

Only three children in the family knew the password to open the treasure vault, and they were all three of them going in and out. It was absolutely impossible to steal it.

And if they collude with outsiders, it doesn't make much sense.

The family’s property was originally theirs, and now it is stolen. If it is later found out, all inheritance rights will definitely be cancelled. Why is this?

Besides, people who steal things, can you guarantee that they will not leak the news and run away without carrying things? Don't use this information to threaten you?

With so many uncontrollable factors, it is better to just wait for the inheritance.

"The police are still asking, what exactly we lost, they have recorded it, so we can track it down." The eldest son asked again cautiously, "Father, what do you say we should do?"

"Leave them alone, just say something!" Abe Yuzen shook his head wearily.


"Don't you understand, eldest brother!" The third son teased his eldest brother. "Are our darlings able to see the light? If others know that we have lost so many darlings, will more people think badly? ?

Even if someone else gets it, who is willing to return it to us at UU Read www.uukanshu.com? The police are even less capable! Therefore, I simply suffered from this boring loss, and then took more careful security measures. This is the way of rights. "

The eldest son suddenly realized.

"I have also contacted experts for security issues, and I plan to spend more money to build the security system for our treasure house." The second daughter said, "including our homes and outside the home, all kinds of protection must be increased... What is money? The problem is mainly our own safety, as well as the safety of the treasures in our home! This is our Abe family's way of protecting ourselves!"

"Well, you are right, that's it." Abe Yuzen said, "After learning the lesson, we can avoid more losses in the future, and then we can continue to work hard to recover the losses."

After a pause, Abe Yushan's eyes showed a fierce look again, ""But you can't give up the investigation! Give me a serious stare, go everywhere to find out the news, no matter ten or twenty years, once it appears, find the owner and grab it back for me! "

At this time, he is just like his grandfather and grandfather who were robbers 100 years ago.

The collection of antiques by the Abe family is really not so clean!

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