I Know Everything

Chapter 976: Haha, it's not just us who are unlucky!

Akira Odawara grabbed Shioji Kameda's hand: "Mr. Kameda, let's talk!"

"it is good!"

It just so happens that Kameda Joji also has many questions.

The two held hands and walked to the corner.

This made a group of security guards look at each other, their eyes sharpened.

Is something going to happen?

They are already connecting, are they even deciding how to start?

Kameda Joji and Odawara Akira did not care about others.

They are now in a mess in their hearts.

The two looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a while.

Or Akira Odawara coughed lightly, "Mr. Kameda, if I take the liberty, did you make a big acquisition in December?"

"It's the best calligraphy we saw at the antique exchange meeting in China." Shioji Kameda nodded slowly, comparing his index finger with his right hand, "I gave him so many dollars."

Akira Odawara's eyes narrowed, "The person who sold you something is a man in his forties with glasses and burgundy hair."

"He was talking about a standard Osaka accent, with a small belly, and a detonator tied around his waist." Kameda Shiroji said, his heart sinking.

The opposite happened to Akira Odawara, who sank directly to the bottom.

What the two of them said could be matched.

This person trading with them, with these obvious characteristics, can't be two different people at all!

The same person, holding the same copybook, found them and sold them for 100 million dollars. This is not a coincidence, but a blatant fraud! !

"So, you hold one in ten thousand hope and want to come and see if what Shen Huan donated is genuine?" Odawara Akira said with a wry smile.

"That's why you took so many photos and sent them to everyone, asking them to confirm with you whether they are true or not?" Kameda Chengji was also full of bitterness.

After saying this, both of them fell silent.

The two of them already know that there is no need to check it anymore, what they have in their hands is fake!

If there is only one picture, then it might be a fake. The one that Shen Huan hid in the bank vault is a fake.

But the problem is that both of them have one picture in their hands. Adding the one in front of them, there are three in total!

Since the faker could create two identical fakes, there must be no reason to give the genuine one to any of them.

Ten thousand steps back and said that the one donated by Shen Huan is also a fake, and the person who stole the authentic product, "The Road to Shu" in their hands is unlikely to be sold.

Because even if it is the same thing, as long as it is not the most authoritatively recognized authentic product, its historical value and cultural value will be greatly reduced, and it is possible to sell only 1 million US dollars!

So, what's the meaning of their collection?

Unless they destroyed the copybook in the other's hand, and then destroyed the copybook in front of the National Museum, then only one copy is the genuine one.

But who knows if the genius of stealing and fraud has sold the fourth, fifth, and sixth pictures?

Thinking of this, their faces showed horror at the same time.

"What do you decide to do?"

"What do you decide to do?"

Kameda Joji and Odawara Akira blurted out at the same time.

Then they smiled bitterly at the same time.

"I wanted to kill that guy." Akira Odawara whispered. "But thinking about his methods, I was a little scared."

"Well, it is true, he is definitely not alone... A person can't do such a thing, they are a sophisticated gang." Kameda Chengji said, "If you are not careful, then they may really be Endlessly."

"Just because he dared to tie a detonator into my house, I didn't dare to move." Odawara Akira said, "It is very possible that the detonator is fake, but what if it is true? My collections are much more expensive than 100 million U.S. dollars!"


Kameda Castle's two jaws slightly said, "It can only be done like this, and we also blame ourselves for being too greedy, alas!"

It is true to say that, but there is still a strong unwillingness in the hearts of the two of them.

But there is no way to be reconciled. Neither of them is a vicious person, or their grandparents are from their parents, but in their generation, they are already serious businessmen.

How many wealthy businessmen are bold? How many are desperate?

They can only retreat when they encounter the kind of desperate people.

How could jade collide with stone?

Suddenly, Akira Odawara showed a strange smile on his face, "Mr. Kameda."


"When you bought something, it was on the 22nd, right?"

"Yes! At dusk."

"I am a few hours later than you." Odawara Akira said, "but I always feel that they did more than just do two transactions in those 24 hours."

"What do you mean?" Kameda Shiroji said in surprise, "Do you know anyone else who bought "The Road of Shu"?"

"not this."

Odawara Akira still had a strange smile at the corner of his mouth, "Do you remember the Abe family theft that shocked the whole day?"

"Remember, what's wrong...Ah!!!"

Kameda Shiroji suddenly exclaimed, and then he quickly covered his mouth with his hands.

Kameda Shiroji's eyes showed unstoppable horror.

"Mr. Odawara, you mean..." Kameda Shioji said in a dull voice: "The Abe family... are they doing it?"

"The time is so coincidental and it is related to cultural relics. How can it be impossible?" Odawara Akira smiled.

"There is still no reason to connect!" Kameda Chengji expressed puzzlement.

"Why not?" Akira Odawara said ~www.wuxiaspot.com~The three of us were all people who went to the antique exchange meeting... That gang must have been there at that time! They saw our obsession with "The Road to Shu" and knew who we are... After calculating the two of us, there is no reason to let go of Mr. Abe! "

"You said so...hahaha..." Kameda Shiroji smiled with his mouth covered.

Akira Odawara also laughed.

They were not gloating at misfortunes, but suddenly discovered that there were others who were worse than themselves, and suddenly felt much better.

100 million US dollars is a big loss to Kameda Joji and Odawara Akira.

But those treasures lost by the Abe family are absolutely painful to Abe Yuzen!

It's more than a billion dollars, even more!

Otherwise, Yushan Abe would not be so angry that he would be unconscious and be hospitalized, and he couldn't come out to see people for many days!

Compared to him, the luck of the two of them is always not too bad!

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