I Know Everything

Chapter 977: Lucky draw!

Thinking of the feelings of poor Yuzen Abe, Shiroji Kameda, and Akira Odawara, it all right away.

The two of them left on the spot with the connoisseurs who were still being compared, and took the fastest flight back to Osaka in Japan. They had a great meal together and happily said goodbye to each other.

The connoisseurs on both sides were stunned, and couldn't figure out why they were so happy?

Is it because they feel that what they have in their hands is real?

Obviously the appraisal conclusion has not come out yet, everyone is still desperately looking for any nuances!

As a result, don't check it anymore now, just let it go.

What an anticlimax!

But this is because Kameda Shioji and Odawara Akira and them have told them not to spread it, so they are not good to ask more.

Kameda Joji and Odawara Akira were actually really happy.

They changed their thinking from what happened to Abe Yuzen.

The two lost only 100 million U.S. dollars, and this level of falsification is really not something ordinary people can do. It has to be done by a master of Zhang Daqian and Shi Tao's paintings, so they suffer this loss. Children are not wronged.

The three people went to China to participate in an antique exchange meeting. As a result, their family was not patronized by thieves, but only lost $100 million.

And Abe Yuzen did not lose 100 million US dollars, but he lost more than ten times, or even dozens of times!

The value of antiques, in fact, is not too big a problem, they are not short of money.

The key is that so many babies are handed down from the ancestors for generations, so there is no more. How distressed?

It is basically impossible to return to the family treasure house in the future!

Such distress, such loss, such unfilial piety... It is really conceivable!

Kameda Joji and Odawara Akira are different from Abe Yuzen. They have suffered a loss, but they have not become sinners in the family, which is great!

This should be happy to celebrate!

So this is why their attitude and mood suddenly changed.


Shen Huan didn't know that the two of them would adjust their moods in this way.

But he was already fully prepared.

There are two minor flaws in the two paintings sold to Kameda Joji and Akira Odawara, which are different from the one donated to the National Museum.

If Shen Huan didn't tell him, no one in this world could find out with naked eyes.

Only by putting all three copybooks together, scanning them with a high-definition machine, and carefully comparing them one by one, and spending a lot of manpower and material resources, is it possible to know.

But can the National Museum allow Japanese people to do this?

Only crazy!

When everyone knew that the authentic piece of Su Shi's "Difficult Road in Shu" was donated by Shen Huan to the National Museum, then Kameda Chengji and Odawara Akira would have great difficulties whenever they shot it.

Who wants to buy this real thing hidden in the museum?

You say you are real, who wants to believe?

Who is willing to put out 100 million US dollars to take risks to believe?


It's the same reason. They couldn't make the National Museum compare the authentic ones one by one.

Who are you?

Therefore, this dumb loss can only be forced by the two.

There is no way.

This is the so-called punching in the antique industry, and basically everyone will encounter it.

With 1.4 billion in cash in his hand, Shen Huan is proud of Chunfeng.

Well, the accounts have not been received one after another yet, and the remittances have to wait until after the Spring Festival.

In fact, if it were not because Shen Huan’s donations were domestic schools, he could safely keep the money abroad, so that it would not attract people’s attention.

However, there are too many rich people in China now.

According to last year's statistics, among the country's 1.5 billion people, more than 10,000 have family assets exceeding RMB 10 billion.

There are more than 2,000 families with more than 30 billion assets.

Shen Huan's money can't be said to be scum, but it is still not in the middle.

But in the eyes of many people, this is a huge sum of money that they will never use in their entire lives.

What do you have money for?

Have fun, Miss Bubble?


Shen Huan is a person who has completely separated from the low-level tastes, so if we are rich, we must make the good master happy.

If the good master is happy, the widow is happy!

The young man slapped himself a good luck charm while flattering his heart.

no way.

Since using the good luck charm, Shen Huan feels that he is lucky, so without it, he always feels that something is missing.

After finishing the preparatory work, Shen Huan took out his mobile phone and donated 100 million yuan to the "Country School Construction Project".

Heaven and spirit, must give me what I hope for!

"Ding Dong!"

"The host donated 100 million to poor children, giving them a lucky chance to study and change their destiny. The system appreciates the host's behavior."

"So the system rewards the host with one movie, three songs, and two good luck charms."

"I hope that the host will continue to work hard. If there are bigger and more donations, the system will give more rewards!"

Shen Huan laughed from ear to ear at this moment.

He certainly didn't care about the last words the good master said.

This good master is very useful, but it is too expensive.

The widow’s billions hit you back and forth, are you still not satisfied?

Want to lie to me to spend more money?

You somehow save me some wife Bensan who marries a wife!

But then again.

With the good luck charm, my luck is really different.

Although I still have a lot of movies in reserve, it's not bad to have them.

The key is that my song reserve is completely gone, and the song "Friends" has used up the last place.

The song is actually worth less than 16 million yuan, but without the pretending tool of songs, wouldn’t Teacher Lu Xiaofeng lose the magical aura?

That is often undesirable!

In fact, this is also to blame Shen Huan for being too turbulent during this time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He chose two chorus songs in one breath-one "Choice" has been sung with Han Donger, and a chorus for Xiao Bibi Songs must also be prepared in advance.

Then there are four singles by "Meteor Girl", Guan Yili, Meng Zijing and Jian Peng, and the charity song "Friend".

Seven songs were used in one breath, so what's the inventory to blame!

Fortunately, now the widow is rich, and after the donation, I got another three songs, which is really great.

The luck charm is the same.

This is not too much, it is more useful than songs, movies and so on.

In life, there is no hope that good luck will surround you at any time, right! ?


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