I Know Everything

Chapter 979: forgive? Don't forgive?

Not only the audience on the TV, but the audience, the host and the guests were all stunned.

When the camera switched to Buyiyi, she stared with big eyes as if she didn't know what the situation was.

It can be seen from this that Xin Changkong's behavior is completely determined by him, no one knows in advance.

Of course.

You say that no one knows, that is not accurate.

Because Xin Changkong had already mentioned it to Shen Huan more than a year ago.

Now, it is time for him to fulfill his wish.

Kneeling like this, he said to the camera: "Brother cameraman, please keep facing me, give me some time, thank you!"

The host hurried over at this moment, "Director Xin, you..."

"I'm sorry, I have something to say to someone in front of the TV, so please let me."

Xin Changkong glanced at him with a firmness that cannot be denied.

The host has nothing to say.

Just when the on-site director hadn't decided whether or not to cut off the signal, Xin Changkong spoke.

"Qingqing, I don't know if you are watching TV or not. What you liked most before was the award ceremony, and Huajing is your hometown, so I think you should be watching it." Xin Changkong slowly said, "I was It's not something, it has let you down and hurt you. I am kneeling here today, just wanting to say something to you, I was wrong!

The beast-like Xin Changkong is not worthy of your forgiveness! But today, I have completely changed. I don't have any bad habits. I work seriously and live a serious life.

I dare not swear to curse you, nor do I dare to ask you to forgive me all at once, but I hope you can give me another chance, a chance to make up for my previous mistakes!

I spent more than 8 years, with a heart of repentance and atonement, waiting to get up again, telling you that I now have the ability to take care of you, and I have the ability to truly support you, never again Make you wronged!

Qingqing, have you seen it? Or you haven't seen it now, but your family and friends, if you can see, also hope you can tell her, I love her, I have been waiting for the atonement! Please give me a chance! "

As he spoke, tears burst into Xin Changkong's eyes.

From the very beginning, the director heard that it was actually such a **** situation, and quickly ordered the camera to tightly grasp Xin Changkong's facial expression.

Now it's posted!

This is big news!

And it came out of the awards ceremony evening of our Huajing Satellite TV. Now, are we still following the boom?

The actors, audiences, and presenters who were in a daze on the scene all looked at each other a little bit.

Among them, most of them have heard of this, except for very old actors who don't care about the world.

With Xin Changkong's filming "Han Zhu Ge Ge" turned out last year, his previous experience was also picked up by entertainment people.

Especially the matter between him and his girlfriend was **** placed in front of everyone.

I don't know how many people criticized Xin Changkong as a scumbag, and questioned why the two teachers, Chu Liuxiang and Lu Xiaofeng, used him.

Xin Changkong did not respond to this matter, and Shen Huan never answered.

Everyone thought Xin Changkong was going to turn a blind eye like this, as if it had never happened.

After all, people are very realistic, they will only chase success, as long as you are successful enough, then everything can be covered.

Many actresses don't care whether Xin Changkong is a scumbag or not, as long as he can give himself a role, what to sleep with, xx, etc., is nothing to say.

But in such a year, there has never been any scandal about Xin Changkong.

Except for the crew, he has basically been at home, never going out.

This disappointed reporters who wanted to catch Xin Changkong again for stealing the scandal.

Now it seems that he really regretted it?


The awards show of Huajing Satellite TV was broadcast live.

The silence at the scene does not mean that the audience in front of the TV is silent.

"Son, what happened to Director Xin Changkong before?"

"Hey, let me tell you..."

"What!? This, this is too much! Then he deserves to be abandoned!"

"You can't say that, old lady, people have already repented now, and they have really corrected them, then we should give a chance!"

"What opportunity? I am heartbroken and I will not say that all the children in my stomach are lost. Will this give him a chance? Give him another chance to hurt that girl? I said the old man, are your men just that disgusting?"

"No, what are you talking about, why did it get on me again?"


Similar discussions are found in many families.

Only one family, a family of three, seemed very silent.

The parents of this family are already very old, about 60 years old.

The daughter is about 30 years old. Although she is very delicate, she is very thin.

The same goes for her parents.

Whether it is the furnishings of the home or the manner of clothing, it can be seen that their small family is relatively dull, even a little gloomy.

Mom and Dad didn't watch TV, but they couldn't help but watch TV when they heard a familiar voice, and then they couldn't move their eyes.

Seeing the man kneeling on the table on TV, and looking at his expressionless daughter, they felt a little bit sour, and a little bit hesitant to speak.

The signal on the TV was suddenly interrupted.

When he recovered, it was replaced by the host, smiling and pulling the topic to the other side, as if nothing had happened before.


Mother looked at her daughter who was staring at the TV, and whispered: "You..."

"What are you talking about, say?" Dad interrupted: "Daughter, don't be fooled by this kid! Don't have any psychological burden! He was sorry for us at the beginning, but now he just deserves it!"

"But your daughter also wants to pursue happiness!" Mom was dissatisfied, and then said again: "Qing'er, what do you think you tell mom?

If you don't forgive him, then now he has admitted his mistakes and repented in front of the national audience, and your heart knot should be solved, right? Or let's move to another place to live, you go out shopping and shopping beautifully again, and live a normal life! "

For so many years, although my daughter has been at work normally, she has appeared very withdrawn, and she has no youthful breath at all.

Even the atmosphere at home is very gloomy.

Mom and Dad knew how many days and nights their daughter was crying, but they all hated that they couldn't help their daughter.

This huge trauma, even if it no longer hurts like a knife cut, still stays in the daughter's heart and has never healed.

Now it is a good opportunity.

Xin Changkong admitted his mistake and repented, so whether he forgave or forgive, this knot should fade away!

The daughter is still so young, only 33 years old, there is no delay in getting married and having children, and she can have the happiness of the next few decades!

Wang Qing knows what her parents mean~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Don't look at her now without any expression on her face, but her heart is still a little confused.

Seeing Xin Changkong, who has regained fame and is regarded as a top domestic director, can kneel and confess so shamelessly in front of an audience of 1.5 billion, she has finally managed to resist the excitement and sourness.

It's not about forgiving, not forgiving.

I just remembered the sweets and bitters of the year.

Speaking of that year, it was a long, long time ago!

Can I really come out?

Can I really give up my previous grievances and have a new life?

Wang Qing squeezed his hands tightly, but still made no decision.


Three hundred and sixty degrees turn to the ground to kneel for subscription!

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