I Know Everything

Chapter 980: good attitude

Xin Changkong was making a lot of trouble.

The social media exploded that night.

Meager broke directly into two factions, and they began to anger each other.

"Such a stinky man, I cannot forgive him! Let him die! Sisters, don't you think?"

"Ahem, you can't say that! If you make a mistake, you should always give a chance to correct it!"

"Oh! What's a chance? The girl followed him wholeheartedly and gave him a baby. What happened to him? You messed around, and finally got his girlfriend in a car accident, and the baby was gone! You should replace it with your sister. , Sister, would you think so?"

"That's right, if my sister meets such a scumbag, I will just cut him off!"

"But I think Xin Changkong is very responsible. A man always has to experience wind and rain to mature? Even if the girl doesn't forgive him, after he meets the person he loves, he will love her for the rest of his life!"

"The upstairs makes sense, but Director Xin is really prosperous now! There are more than ten or eight actresses chasing him!"

"Cut, let him go to sleep with female celebrities again, anyway, a scumbag like him will soon show his true colors again!"

"But last year, there was no scandal from him. Isn't it the sincerity of Director Xin?"

"Right, he is not as much as Shen Huan! I don't know how many times I have taken pictures of Shen Huan and different Xiaomei women!"

"Hey, are you okay in this scumbag post, what are you talking about with our Lord Huan? Is Lord Huan responsible?"


Xin Changkong's cell phone was turned off at night.

And he flew to Fengtian Palace early the next morning to continue preparing for filming.

There was also the crew of "Huan Zhu Ge Ge 2" who went back with him. They were really tossing. They only went to Huajing yesterday, and they had to run back to film today, and there was no time to rest.

Shen Huan still asked Buyiyi to pass him the phone before he could talk to him.

"How is it? Have you contacted yet?" Shen Huan asked Xin Changkong.

"No." Xin Changkong said sadly, "I turned off my work cell phone and personal cell phone, and only the cell phone number I used 10 years ago was left, but there was no news."

"How can it be so fast? It would be weird if she forgave you so easily!" Shen Huan laughed, "Life is not acting, so give her a little more time, and at the same time you should look for it seriously."

"Well, I know."

"And Huajing TV, how did they react?"

Shen Huan was still a little worried.

Last night Xin Changkong knelt like this. Although the ratings have reached the top in the country, Huajing Satellite TV is also a shame.

Because during the live broadcast, there was such an uncontrolled accident that none of them wanted to see.

The most feared is this kind of accident of not saying hello or being obedient.

Although Xin Changkong is a popular first-rate director, he is still a small role compared to Huajing TV.

If it were changed to Shen Huan, an international mathematician, it would still have a bit of weight.

"Someone called my brother. Since then, Huajing Satellite TV does not welcome me to participate in any of their programs, and asks me to formally apologize." Xin Changkong said, "I posted a meager message last night, and it seems that I will be interviewed today. , Say it again!"

Since he chose to say this on Huajing TV, he must be mentally prepared.

He thought about even the worst.

The great thing is that I no longer do this business, take the tens of millions I earned last year and go home and slowly find my girlfriend back!

Fortunately, Fengxiang Television is not afraid of Huajing TV. They have too many platforms to choose from. Even if they don't choose any satellite TV station, the network company will not lose anything at all.

In fact, other satellite TVs are not afraid of Huajing TV at all. On the contrary, many are eager to establish friendly relations with Xin Changkong and cooperate with them a lot.

Back then, Xiangnan Satellite TV was the host who dared to show his Chunwan show on the New Year’s Eve, and even Yang Ma was not afraid of you.

However, Xin Changkong is still a lot smoother now.

It doesn't matter to him no matter how he admits his mistakes and pretends.

A director relies on his own good works to speak, and everything else is secondary.

Anyway, in one sentence, I did something wrong, and my attitude must be correct.

So Huajing Satellite TV is not good at saying anything.

Shen Huan was relieved when he heard his plan like this.

He was also worried that Xin Changkong and Huajing TV would be working against each other, because from the bottom of his heart, Xin Changkong was not a very humble person.

fair enough.

Although it was blocked, the attitude was expressed and the news was also released.

If there are Wang Qing's family and friends who want to bring them together, Xin Changkong will receive news soon.

After all, Xin Changkong's status is completely different now!

At that time, Xin Changkong was only aspirational and had no foundation at all. With a little bit of dividends, it was spent lavishly.

But nowadays Xin Changkong is not only the producer and director of the "Huanzhugege" series, he also shot classics such as "Yue Prison", and he is also the general manager of Fengxiang Film and Television.

In last year's entertainment income statistics, "Huan Zhu Ge Ge" alone brought Xin Changkong's dividends to more than 20 million.

The TV series "Yue Prison" is very popular in Europe and the United States. In addition to the 100 million it bought, Shanhai.com also rewarded 200 million yuan, and then directly spent 300 million yuan to completely buy out the copyright of the first season.

In this, Xin Changkong received a huge dividend of 50 million.

From a director's point of view, his total income last year was the first among all directors. UU看书www.uukanshu. com is not even as good as his six major film directors.

He has also won the trust of the two teachers, Lu Xiaofeng and Chu Liuxiang, and holds a lot of power in Fengxiang Film and Television. Basically, he has the right to participate in making decisions in the production of movies and TV series.

For example, in the process of cooperating with Abao Entertainment in "New Dragon Inn", reporters have taken pictures of Xin Changkong and Hao He eating and chatting together more than once.

Even Hao He's movie, he can participate and comment!

This is very important in the entire entertainment industry.

It is no exaggeration to say that with the face of Chu Liuxiang and Lu Xiaofeng, Xin Changkong can easily make a small actor become a big star.

You said that if you have a child at home and want to take the road of film and television in the future, would you want to have a good relationship with Xin Changkong?

And the family of his girlfriend Wang Qing, faced with such a renewed son-in-law, do they mean to accept it again?

Shen Huan felt that everything is possible.

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