I Know Everything

Chapter 981: 3rd day queen

Compared with Xin Changkong's astonishing kneeling, Han Donger looked calmer at the awards ceremony.

She has participated in 3 award ceremonies so far.

In one breath, she won three most popular female singer awards, as well as annual best album awards and annual best-selling album awards.

There are three aspects of fame, profit and momentum.

As a result, online speeches gradually became unified.

"Congratulations Donger is about to be crowned the Queen of Heaven!"-Shanhai.com.

"Deserved of its name! China is finally about to appear the third pop singer queen!"-Portal website Beidou.

"Xu Ping said: I am more happy to be walking side by side with Dong'er, and welcome her to join us."

"Zhou Jing said that after such a long time of accumulation, Han Donger has so many classic good songs, she is completely worthy of the status of a queen!"

"Tang Yuan, the heavenly king, supported Han Dong'er, saying that although Han Dong'er is young, his musical achievements are enough to get such a high position!"

"Heavenly King Su Mo feels that being young is not a problem, because he became a heavenly king when he was in his 20s. Is this different performance very good? Han Donger will definitely be able to do it too!"


With the support of these authoritative media and the Queen of Heaven, Han Donger's name gradually dropped a word, and more people did not call "Little Queen" but "Queen".

It's just that Han Dong'er didn't think it was too good. After attending the awards ceremony, she went to her own concert again, which can be described as very dedicated.

Shen Huan didn't bother to call her, but just sent a short chat. When she was free, she would reply a few words, and Shen Huan was very happy.

To say that the fairy with facial paralysis is the least talkative and indifferent person among Shen Huan's girlfriends.

She is colder than Bai Wushuang.

Bai Wushuang is obsessed with learning and is not good at communicating with others.

But Han Donger is purely due to character.

Han's father and Han's mother have discussed this matter many times. They are not people of this kind of personality. How could their daughter be like this?

I thought it would be difficult for my daughter to find a husband to marry and have children in this life. I didn’t expect that a Shen Huan would be able to bring down his daughter. This made them happy. Even Shen Huan might not only marry a wife. Don't care much.

In fact, Shen Huan really likes Han Dong'er, and thinks she is naturally lovely.

This kind of girl with no scheming and no disguise is very, very good.

Therefore, Shen Huan never felt that she rarely contacted herself, that she was indifferent, just didn't like herself.

As a man, of course he has to take the initiative to attack and talk to Han Donger more proactively. This is the responsibility.


Zhu Mei came to Youzuo Hutong as a guest today and also talked about Xin Changkong and Han Dong'er.

Xin Changkong offended Huajing TV very badly and caused them a big problem, which everyone knows.

It is certainly impossible for a director like Zhu Mei to do such a thing.

She was still a little worried that Xin Changkong would make Shen Huan tired.

As for Han Dong'er, it is entirely congratulatory.

The key first step for Zhu Mei to become the six directors was to shoot the pure love movie "Love Letter".

The hero of "Love Letter" is Shen Huan, and the heroine is Han Donger.

This is also the only movie that Han Donger has starred in as the protagonist so far, and the rest are just guest appearances.

So Zhu Mei likes Han Donger very much.

Had it not been for Han Donger's personality to be too cold and grown up again, she would still like to accept Han Donger as her goddaughter!

After chatting, they talked about Yang Shu and Gu Shuiyao.

"Xiao Shu has been in pretty good condition recently, but I'm a little tired." Zhu Mei said, "Don't you find two commercials for her to shoot together? After she came back, she was in a very good mood, and she spent more time singing and dancing. some!"

"This is a little money fan!" Shen Huan laughed.

After Shen Huan announced his return to the NBA in October, several major international brands caught him and reshot several commercials.

At that time, Shen Huan asked McDonald's and Pepsi to have him and Yang Shu together.

It is clearly asking them to increase their advertising budget and bring Yang Shu to make money together.

The two companies had no choice but to follow Shen Huan's request.

Not only arranged Yang Shu's role, but also gave Yang Shu a full 10 million yuan in remuneration.

This is a sky-high price, especially Yang Shu is not the protagonist of the advertisement!

But since it was Shen Huan's strong request, they couldn't offend Shen Huan. Secondly, Yang Shu is also the youngest grand prize queen in the world. This gimmick is enough, and it can make her raise the price.

So in the end the commercial was shot like this, and Yang Shu happily took 20 million back to his mother.

Of course, the effects of the two ads are very good.

Many children like Yang Shu, a cute and famous star, and Yang Shu seems to be the idol of their generation.

Therefore, whether it is McDonald's or Pepsi, the sales have increased substantially, and it has far exceeded expectations. This is also a great joy for everyone.

Yang Shu received 20 million, which means that the previous advertising endorsements and the prepayment of bonuses for "Little Eight's Gift" were added. In just a few months, her family’s 133 million debts were reduced by less than 100 million. .

This is a remarkable achievement.

It is impossible for ordinary adults to do it. She is really impressive that a little girl can make so much money in a short time.

"So this time we went to Berlin in February to compete for the Golden Bear Award. If we can achieve good results, it will be even more helpful to Xiao Shuke." Zhu Mei said in harmony.

Shen Huan smiled and nodded, agreeing with Zhu Mei's point of view.

"The Story of Xiao Ba" has been filmed, and the rest is post-production, participating in film festivals and screenings.

Because of the fame of Zhu Mei, Chu Liuxiang, Guo Hang, Yang Shu, and Chen Qian, they did not speak. The three major European awards have already expressed their intention to participate.

In the end, Zhu Mei chose the Berlin international film industry with the most suitable time. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

The book "The Story of Xiao Ba" is also very famous abroad.

Many foreigners who love pets even cried and turned red after reading.

This group of people is a great force, enough to promote the "Little Eight Story" before it was released.

Even in several countries such as Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, and France, theater operators have already asked for a buyout.

But Zhu Mei did not agree.

She will have to wait until "Little Eight's Gift" has won the Berlin Film Festival before selling it, so that she can get the greatest foreign interest!

Shen Huan also agreed with this.

Business and art can certainly coexist.

There is nothing wrong with making more money.

What's more, the more you sell, the more profit Yang Shu can get, which is even more joyous for everyone!

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