I Know Everything

Chapter 982: Lively beginning

On Saturday night, Huajing's Wusong Gymnasium was full of people inside and outside.

This was the case during Han Donger's first concert tour a month ago.

It seems that there are no fewer people today than it was then.

There are young people with signs outside who want to buy a ticket.

This is still the rich, or the children of the rich, otherwise the minimum of more than 3,000 tickets is definitely not something students and ordinary office workers can afford.

In fact, the lowest original price is 2000 sheets. This time the price has risen to more than 3000. It is not because of the kindness of the bulls, but if you raise it a little higher, it is impossible for anyone to buy it.

In the Wusong Gymnasium with 30,000 people, you sit in the top two or three rows. You can't see clearly, you can only see the screen hanging above your head.

If you spend more money to buy it, it is definitely not worth it.

Even the rich second generation will consider it.

Of course, the ticket with the best position is different.

20,000 tickets were fired to 70,000, and several tickets were sold at once.

It is said to be a rich second-generation. In order to pursue a girlfriend, he spent a lot of money asking her and her roommates to see.

In today’s concert, two of the most beautiful men in China, the heavenly queen of the singers and queens gathered together for the first time. There was the newly promoted heavenly queen Han Donger who was on tour in other places, as well as various talented singers and movie stars. The celebrities and queens will also come...there are also the favorite "Meteor Girl" of the little girls, and the rich second generation pays for the "Meteor Girl".

The fare is so expensive, many people who buy tickets still figure it out.

Because watermelon.com, which hosted this "Watermelon.com Charity Superstar Concert", announced that in addition to the cost of renting the venue, as well as the cost of accommodation, meals and equipment for the two days, all the ticket sales will be donated to Beidou Holdings. A charitable foundation in China, let them help with charity.

Originally, this kind of donation is actually tricky.

The word cost, if you extend it, can reach infinity or infinitesimal.

For this charity concert, a person's salary can be regarded as the most basic 1,000 per week, but it can also be calculated as 1,000 per day.

Counting it down, hundreds of millions of dollars in income can be lost for you.

So watermelon.com announced that the guaranteed donation will reach 200 million yuan, which is very kind.

Although everyone spent sky-high prices to watch the concert, the money is equivalent to doing charity, and I can figure it out in my heart.

The same goes for the celebrities. As early as a few days ago, various celebrities entrusted Tang Yuan to speak out. The remuneration they received was almost 100 million yuan, and they would also be donated to the previous teacher Tang Yuan and Lu Xiaofeng. Inside the foundation-it is the one donated because of the profit generated by the "Love of a lifetime" album.

At present, the number of downloads of the album "Love of a lifetime" on the Internet is also 20 to 30 million every year, and there is no shortage of money.


Fans who can't get in outside can hear cheers inside from time to time. Unfortunately, they don't know what's going on inside, and they don't feel itchy.

In fact, these are some active singers who are hot on the stage.

For example, the little heavenly king Meng Yang took a banner and ran around the field.

There is also the first actor Chen Hao. He took his Chen family class and punched a set of punches in the middle of the venue. The audience's first loudest scream came from this.

The second collective scream came from when they saw Fei Qingyang and Buyiyi together, they came out talking and laughing, and said something to the band members.

Fei Qingyang is the actor and an old singer in the music scene.

Buyiyi doesn't sing very much at all, but she appeared here, with Fei Qingyang, and suddenly reminded everyone of a song.

"Thank you for your love"!

So, in the roar of laughter, the fans also whistled.

Before they bought the concert tickets, the publicity of Watermelon.com was "There will be unexpected surprises waiting for you", and these surprises will of course not appear among the known singers.

Now that Buyiyi came out, it was already a surprise.

With the role of Little Swallow in "Huanzhugege", Buyiyi has countless fans and has become a true national Xiaohuadan.

I just don't know if there are any other surprises.


Soon, the time came to 7:30 in the evening.

The lights on the four sides of the stage were all off.

But with the help of the faint surrounding lights, everyone could still see that many people came up from below one after another.

When the lights came on again, the fans' eyes lit up immediately, feeling quite overwhelmed.

Tang Yuan, Su Mo, Chen Hao, Fei Qingyang, Shen Huan, Xu Ping, Han Dong'er, Liu Fu'er... a group of celebrities all stood on the stage.

Fortunately, the stand was built big enough, otherwise it would seem quite crowded with fifty or sixty people standing.

The fans present immediately thought that this would be a chorus song.

As the music sounded, subtitles appeared on the four screens above their heads.


Lyricist: Lu Xiaofeng.

Composer: Lu Xiaofeng.

Arranger: Lu Xiaofeng.

Singing: Various stars.


The fans present exclaimed.

It's a new song again!

Sister Xiaofeng has written a new song again!

With the melodious music, Tang Yuan walked to a microphone.

There are a total of five microphones here, and if anyone comes to sing, they will step forward.

Smiling at everyone, Tang Yuan sang aloud: "In these years, alone, the wind and the rain also leave."

When he was halfway through singing, the queen Xu Ping also stood by, and then sang: "There have been tears and faults, remember what to stick to."

Su Mo, who sang the third, was indeed a popular king. Before he sang, he caused a lot of screams.

He laughed and sang: "If you really love, you will understand, you will be lonely, and will look back"

The fourth one to sing is the Queen of Heaven, Zhou Jing: "There will always be a dream and you will be in my heart."

Next is the chorus: "Friends walk together for life, no more in those days, one sentence, for a lifetime, love for a lifetime, a glass of wine."


You can't say how amazing the song "Friends" is, but it's definitely very nice, with a melodious melody, which is very suitable for singing.

Fans are the one who can appreciate it most.

They just listened to it once, and the second time, when Chen Hao came out as the lead singer, they began to sing.

Charity concerts don't care about the rhythm, don't care about anything, don't delay, as long as the fans are happy.

The chief producer Lan Kai, who knew this for a long time, asked the singers to sing twice in a row after UU reading www.uukanshu.com.

This will not only give more singers a chance to sing a solo, but also form an exciting chorus.

The fact is as he expected, the fans felt that it was not enough to sing loudly twice.

After the singers left, they were still shouting loudly, hoping to do it again.

Seeing such a lively scene, Shen Huan, who had stepped off the stage, smiled at an old man next to him, "Master, when we play later, they will be more enthusiastic."

The wrinkled old man smiled and looked at the light sticks flickering outside with some emotion.

Shui Qianyu, who was not playing like the old man, seemed much calmer. Her eyes turned to Bu Yiyi, Han Donger and Li Bi who had already gone away, and she didn't know what she was thinking.


The old rule, the lyrics do not account for the number of charged words?? ?????

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