I Know Everything

Chapter 983: Real surprise

A total of fifty or sixty stars came to the concert.

There are several groups, but there are also 30 groups of singers who want to sing.

Excluding the chorus before and after, each of them only has one song time.

Even so, it will take a full 3 hours, or more.

Not to mention that in order to give fans a breather, Wang Zhen will come out every two or three songs to chat with everyone for a few minutes, so that they should drink water quickly and go to the toilet.

But fans don't care much about the time being too long.

Their entire concert was so hilarious.

Because I want to see so many stars singing together on weekdays, I can only do it at the New Year's Eve concert on TV.

No, it is not.

A New Year's Eve concert will definitely not invite so many stars.

Among other things, it is absolutely impossible for Tang Yuan and Su Mo to appear in the New Year's Eve concert.

Today's specifications can only be seen at important disaster relief evenings or major festivals.

It's just that everyone is happy or happy, but feel that there are not enough surprises.

The surprise so far is the Fei Qingyang and Buyi they saw before.

When the two of them were in the middle, they sang "Thank you for your love" together.

Buyiyi sang the funny original version, and Fei Qingyang sang the official version.

Listening to Bu Yiyi's Yuzhou dialect, many people burst into laughter.

But after that there were no surprises.

Even if the queen Han Donger came out to play "Big Fish", she didn't see Shen Huan singing with her.

I originally thought that Li Bi would definitely fight for the limelight, but after Li Bi sang "The Invisible Wings", he also left the stage unrestrainedly.

Shen Huan has never come out except for the initial chorus.

This makes many people feel a bit regretful.

Although I see the most superstars today, the only thing young people like is Shen Huan.

It's not that Shen Huan's singing is so good, his voice is so bad that he doesn't know where it is compared to Su Mo.

It is that Shen Huan can write good songs and write good songs that make people want to stop.

With such a big scene, if he comes out, wouldn't it be another good song that he has never heard before?

Otherwise, Teacher Lu Xiaofeng is also embarrassed, right?

Fortunately, the stars who came today are all big enough.

Not only have many established superstars, but also many popular singers in recent years.

The big red and purple returning band is here. When singing "Straw Hat Song", I don't know how many people cry and sing the lyrics of "Mom, do you remember?".

Meng Zijing, the spokesperson of the sad song, sang a song "Comprehension" and even a girl who cried too much.

After her, Wang Zhen, who had just left the field, had to step up again to comfort the girls who were sad and sad.

Then, when the "Meteor Girl" came up, the atmosphere became completely different.

Their song "Burn My Calories" turned over the audience.

Nine girls stood on all corners of the four-sided platform, dancing dynamic dances and singing dynamic music, making the atmosphere of the audience active like a sports meeting.

To be honest, with such great emotional ups and downs, with enough excitement, Shen Huan's not showing up did not arouse so many people's dissatisfaction.

After all, in the original advertisement, Shen Huan's portrait was very high.

As a result, now the guests came, but he didn't play and seemed impolite.

However, it turns out that there are surprises.

After the concert lasted for about three hours, after Jian Peng finished singing "He Must Love You", Wang Zhen in a black dress stepped onto the stage.


The fans were all booing.

Wang Zhen disapproved, and turned around with a smile, "How? In order to be worthy of all the stars, I brought more than 20 sets of clothes over here, if I don’t know how to change them often, I’m sorry for the hard work of carrying the suitcase with my assistant. !"


The fans laughed again.

Wang Zhen's hosting style is very real, which is also set by Shen Huan for her.

Compared with other talented moderators who were born in other disciplines, Wang Zhen wanted to be more knowledgeable and smarter than himself. That was definitely not comparable.

So Shen Huan asked her to impress the audience with sincerity.

It doesn't matter whether it is a bitter smile or an angry curse, as long as you maintain a kind heart, then there must be no problem.

That's why her viewership of the first season of "A Longing for Life" is so high that it can become one of the ten strongest variety shows of the year.

An inconspicuous watermelon.com, an inconspicuous host, can have such an effect on the first attack, which is already great.

Many of the fans present now watch Wang Zhen's show and know that she never tells lies.

Therefore, even if the clothes are changed diligently, no one will say anything.

"Well, I'm glad you just hushed me and didn't scold me." Wang Zhen smiled sweetly at everyone, "Then when this is about to end, I will give you a gift!"

"What gift?" the recent group of fans shouted.

"The surprise you have been looking forward to!"

Wang Zhen pointed to the place where the lights were turned off, "Listen to the music first and see if you can remember."

Her voice just fell, and the lights in her place went out.

It was replaced by a clank of guzheng sound.

This Guzheng music is too familiar. Just the first five notes immediately made many fans think of something.

Immediately afterwards, another melodious flute sound came together.

"Cang Hai laughed!!!"

The fans suddenly yelled one after another.

At this moment, the light suddenly became bright.

In the middle of the table, there was a young girl who caressed the guzheng, and beside her stood a young man standing and playing the flute.

And in the middle of the two people stood an old man in his fifties.

On the screen, everyone can clearly see his old bark-like face.

The elderly parents were not refined and kind, and somewhat rustic, but countless fans screamed. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"Zhao Changshou!!"

"Old man!!!"

The atmosphere was ignited at this moment!

The fans who stood up yelling in the audience also heard their long-distance singing.

"The Canghai laughed, and the tide on both sides of the strait..."

There was no need for reminders of this song. Someone sang along from the first sentence, which in turn formed a chorus of the audience.

Although the pitch of "Laughs in the Sea" is relatively high, people who don't have enough voice can easily break their voice.

But no one can manage that much.

They just roared loudly.

"La la la la la la... la la la la la la..."

The singing echoed around the gymnasium, and couldn't disperse for a long time...

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