I Know Everything

Chapter 984: Shaking Xueba! !

The "Watermelon.com Charity Superstar Concert" was of course very successful.

Few people can think of it. The penultimate sing is actually the classic swan song of the Spring Festival two years ago-"Laugh from the Sea".

At that time, the three people, Zhao Changshou, Shen Huan, and Shui Qianyu, all gathered at this charity concert again and sang the classic swan song again.

"A Laughter in the Sea" gives everyone a unique feeling.

That kind of free and easy momentum, coupled with the chorus, is simply the most beautiful enjoyment for the fans.

So that the next morning, more than tens of millions of comments were about this song.

They also understand Zhao Changshou's "backlash".

In fact, it’s not a “reverse”. Zhao Changshou once said before that he will only appear for charity in the future. Isn’t it a charity concert this time?

Come back to life.

The concert is only a matter of a group of people, but the holiday is a common event for tens of millions of students.

The end of January is the Spring Festival, so after the New Year's Day holiday in January, after some final exams, at most around January 10, it should be a holiday.

But this kind of "darkness before dawn" is very painful for countless students.

You can often see many students who don't go to class very often, after turning off the lights, they move their desks and chairs to the aisle and learn by the lights in the aisle.

Well, if we have this kind of learning enthusiasm every day, I am afraid that the first Nobel Prize in the category of natural sciences would have fallen on our Chinese people.

However, many people's temporary cuddling is ineffective, and if you fail, you will fail.

Shen Huan took three leave this semester.

The first time was the beginning of military training, but I didn't go at all.

The second time I went to Myanmar to buy jade.

The third time was recently, I went to Japan for 5 days.

He can be regarded as the student who skipped classes the most in school, but no one would feel that this international mathematician and super basketball star would make a fool of himself and fail a subject.

In fact, it also proved that everyone's judgment was correct.

Shen Huan's final exams were all "excellent".

Five of the professors even gave Shen Huan an "extremely excellent" in the subject they were responsible for.

They are not afraid of anyone being jealous, because Shen Huan has surpassed ordinary students in terms of the understanding of knowledge and the specific application.

Several times during class time, they directly pulled Shen Huan up and asked him to explain to the students with a book.

Shen Huan was also happy to show off his professional agronomy (intermediate) skills. He gave lectures without reading books. Not only did the students listen with gusto, but the professors and teachers also nodded.

Under the suppression of such a powerful force, there really is nothing to say.

From that moment on, the students knew that Shen Huan could not have bad grades.

Even if they don’t have classes, they can just study at home.

On the school forum, countless people were wailing and envy and hatred towards Shen Huan.

"After living for so many years, I was also a key elementary school and middle school in Huajing. I have seen a lot of so-called school masters, but only after I entered the Agricultural University did I find that they are simply scum compared to Huanye!

"Who said no? The university's major is so profound, it is easy to pass, just study hard. But if you want to be'extremely excellent', it really depends on talent!"

"The facts tell us that a true genius can run rampant in many fields! If anyone still doesn't want to believe it, then I will let him see Shen Huan."

"Damn! Why is my father not a genius like Huanye? It makes me have to study hard now!"

"Hehe, you have no chance, but you can give birth to a daughter as soon as possible, and then marry Shen Huan, you can improve your family's genes!"

"Go go, even if I go to find my wife now, the difference between my daughter and Shen Huan is 20 years old, okay?"

"From a physiological point of view, 38 is also a golden age for a man, which does not affect fertility at all."

"You are happy to discuss here. Didn't you think about the meaning of Huanye? There are a lot of girlfriends now, and he must give priority to having children with them!"


Sitting on the edge of the ranch with Shen Huan, Zhou Xilan, who watched the Cow Demon grazing and teasing the cows, read these comments and laughed.

The head of this little reporter station, plus classmates from Hua, is really a very cheerful and lovely girl.

Mu Ruru is actually very cute, but she is a little girl's quirky spirit.

Zhou Xilan is really a kind of man-in-law character, very generous and hearty, as if nothing has ever made her sad.

But that is true.

His grandfather is the principal, his father is a rich man, he is both talented and handsome, and he is already a winner in life. What is there to be dissatisfied with?

Shen Huan looked at her with no image, and smiled, "Student Zhou, dare you to ask me to come and solve the problem, so that you can play by yourself?"

Zhou Xilan ran over and called Shen Huan before, saying that she would check the physical condition of the Bull Demon King before the holiday, so she asked Shen Huan to accompany him.

Many people don't know that Shen Huan actually has a good understanding of animal communication.

Zhou Xilan felt that if this point were to be mentioned, those people would be even more surprised.

Therefore, Zhou Xilan now regards Shen Huan as a half-teacher, likes to ask him many questions, and also likes to discuss with him the movement habits of these animals.

During the final exams, Zhou Xilan scored the highest scores of the whole grade in two related subjects, which was very popular.

Hearing what Shen Huan said, Zhou Xilan put down the phone, "No, no, classmate Shen Huan, you know, I am in a reverent mood to see their evaluation of you! I admire you so much, you If you are embarrassed to do something, you will complain and feel tired?"

"Neither do I."

Shen Huan didn't talk nonsense with her. The girl is best at messing around, "The Bull Devil is in good condition. If there is no accident, when we come back from the Spring Festival, he will already have offspring."

"Tsk tusk, how big is this!" Zhou Xilan sighed, "Compared to us humans, it's just too exaggerated!"

Shen Huan smiled, "You didn't think about how long their life span is?"

"That's right." Zhou Xilan just sighed casually, and then talked about another thing: "Shen Huan, because we are friends, I will send you a message for free!"

"it is good!"

"I heard your department head tell my grandfather that they are going to let you skip a grade, and then try to finish your undergraduate and postgraduate studies in four years, and then stay to teach in school or engage in agricultural research."


Shen Huan was surprised.

I have only been in school for half a year, right?

Why do you think so far-reaching?

Zhou Xilan patted him on the shoulder, UU reading www.uukanshu.com sympathized: "Shen, if you don't want to be a farmer, you have to make plans in advance!"

In Zhou Xilan's view, it is absolutely impossible for Shen Huan to deal with agriculture for a lifetime.

Can you imagine a super mathematician, a super basketball superstar, and a giant in the entertainment industry who want to plant experts and herd cattle and sheep every day?

This style of painting is too bad!

In fact, Shen Huan had never thought of dealing with agriculture for a lifetime.

When you have time in the future, it will be enough to take some time to do some agriculture and help the progress of agriculture.

For the remaining more time, Shen Huan had to accompany his wife and children.

Staying in school, staying in any school for class and experimenting, just like Bai Wushuang...that is absolutely impossible!

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