I Know Everything

Chapter 985: Slow

With Zhou Xilan's reminder, Shen Huan started to think about how to dispel the teachers.

Of course, it is a two-way choice now.

Shen Huan himself didn't want to, and even if the National Agricultural University wanted Shen Huan to stay in school, it would not be successful.

But it is Shen Huan's true thoughts to avoid getting into a deadlock with the school as much as possible.

You can show your ability if you don't hurt yourself.

After all, it is not easy for the Agricultural University. It has been so many years to catch a student who has such exposure, such a reputation, and the key is amazing talent. Can they easily let it go?

In their view, Shen Huan's achievements in this industry are truly worthy of showing off for a lifetime and are admired by all.

Look at Grandpa Yuan, isn't that about to become a living Buddha of ten thousand families?

Shen Huan didn't have time to think about it.

On the second day of the school's official holiday, the teenager rushed to the desert in the northwest.

This desert, 100 kilometers away from the city, is not large in area and very stable. It is not a dead desert with the danger of quicksand.

Moreover, over the years, local people have been planting trees around to stabilize the water and soil. On the contrary, this desert has the possibility of shrinking and even extinction.

Therefore, it is more appropriate to build the inn of "New Dragon Inn" here, and as the main shooting location.

It's not that Shen Huan is very active in coming to visit the class, but the old man Hao He told Shen Huan early that he must come to see him before the New Year, give him some advice, and evaluate the actors.

How about saying that the films made by Mr. Hao He are guaranteed?

He is really serious in doing things.

It is also really slow.

In July, Shen Huan took the book of "New Dragon Inn".

Then Yang Feng asked Hao He to be the director.

Hao He agreed, but asked him to be responsible for everything, everything.

His usual movies are like this, so Yang Feng readily agreed.

Nothing else is important. The most important thing is to work with Mr. Hao for the first time, and it is equally important to shoot the script given by Teacher Chu Liuxiang. The rest is nothing.

In the end, Yang Feng never expected it!

Here, Shen Huan only gave Zhang Huawei the script of "Tai囧" in November. People started filming quickly, and it is almost over now, and it will be officially released on New Year's Day!

What about Hao He?

He has not yet started a shot.

In addition to reading scripts and writing sub-shot language, they are constantly interviewing actors.

He even trains actors or something, and personally slowly builds a full-scene Longmen Inn in the Northwest Desert.


It is the cooperation that Hao He and Chu Liuxiang have been waiting for, otherwise Yang Feng would not be able to help it. Go and beg Hao, you hurry up!

The slow old man is totally out of tune with the Internet age!

Anyway, in early January, the Longmen Inn was built, and all kinds of equestrian training and martial arts training were almost over. Only then did Yang Feng feel that his anxious heart had a little relief.

Therefore, when he heard that Hao He was looking for Shen Huan to do the final pre-shooting inspection, Yang Feng couldn’t help but call Shen Huan himself, saying that Xiao Huan, you should go quickly, or you will have to delay it again. After the Spring Festival, it's not finished yet.

When Yang Feng made this call, Shen Huan clearly heard Yang's happy laugh.

As the Spring Festival approached, the crew of "Huanzhugege 2" was also temporarily disbanded, and the filming would continue until February.

Xin Changkong is very steadfast in doing things and never ignores quality just because he is on pace.

This is why he is obviously not suitable for the dark and gloomy narrative style of "Yue Prison", but he can still shoot well.

Even the much-anticipated TV series like "Han Zhu Ge Ge 2" can go on vacation without finishing filming. As a result, the actors of "New Dragon Inn" are still in the desert with Old Man Hao eating sand.

Thinking of this scene, Shen Huan felt that he admired Hao He very much.

You said that the authority of a director has reached this point, what else can you say?

Under the double urging of Hao He and Yang Feng, Shen Huan could only carry a backpack with him and boarded the plane to the northwest.

It was Diao Hongshen, a deputy director of Hao He, who came to pick up Shen Huan.

On the way, Shen Huan asked about the crew.

"We have been here for more than three months." Diao Hongshen also said with emotion, "Director Hao is also there. Outside the desert of Longmen Inn, there is a small town where we live on weekdays. ."

"On the edge of the desert?" Shen Huan said in surprise, "Aren't you afraid that quicksand will swarm in one night and directly flood the town?"

Diao Hongshen laughed and said, "Don't be afraid, you will know when you go. This small town was originally built to fight the sand. They are a full ten kilometers away from the desert.

At a distance of ten kilometers, there are densely dense forests that grow very high. Even the most violent sandstorm, there is only the aftermath of the storm, and the large sand dunes cannot be washed up at all. "

Shen Huan's jaw slightly.

Shen Huan has heard of similar news.

It is because of their continuous greening and planting that the degraded desert area in China has reached the largest in the world.

Now that it has gone through the test, there is no need to worry about security issues.

Otherwise, if a hill moves crazily and swallows the crew of "New Dragon Inn", that would be a major accident that shocked the entire country.

"How do you train those equestrian actors on weekdays?" Shen Huan asked curiously.

"Hey, many teachers and equestrian performers are herdsmen invited from the grasslands. They are all very good equestrians." Diao Hongshen said: "All they have to do is to adapt to the environment here and run on horseback in the desert. !

And those unfamiliar actors, as long as they can run behind them, anyway, the focus of the lens is not on them, and they just make up the number of people. "

This is the differential treatment of film and television actors. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

If you are not the protagonist, and you are not a special actor, you have worked hard for several months and participated in a lot of performances. As a result, when the movie is released, there is not a single shot of you.

Do you think this will make people sad?

But there is no way, the film and television industry is so cruel, survival of the fittest.

And most of the light is concentrated on the stars, even the director is not popular among the audience, let alone the supporting roles.

It is precisely because the light and honor, as well as the money, are in such a handful of stars that everyone has so much resentment.

On the one hand, many people like it.

On the other hand, many people condemned it.

There are many ambivalences.



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