I Know Everything

Chapter 986: hard

To say that Hao He is really cowhide.

For the fighting scene of "New Dragon Inn", I deliberately spent several months preparing the horse team, and wanted to shoot the best and most realistic shots of the horse team.

And if these shots want to pass and satisfy the audience, they must be real.

Therefore, he spent more than 6 million yuan and hired more than 50 riders with superb equestrian skills to come here for more than half a year.

This is only the personnel, the horses are more expensive, at least more than 100 horses must be prepared, so that the shooting will have enough momentum.

Otherwise, there are only a dozen horses running there, and they claim that this is the cavalry of the imperial court Dongchang who chased Zhou Huai'an. Are you kidding me?

Even with special effects, it can't be done as well as a real horse team.

Thinking of coming, Yang Feng is already beginning to be worried. It is said in advance that there can be a production cost of 200 million yuan. Is it too generous?

What if you can't beat 300 million?

Turning his thoughts back, Shen Huan asked again: "Is equestrian the most difficult training?"

"In contrast, martial arts training is a lot harder. It is the first time for many of you to study martial arts so hard." Diao Hongshen shook his head: "Especially Ye Xiaoyu and Xu Ya, two female actresses. Stars, you have to suffer more! Injuries are nothing more than once or twice, and they have been sent to the hospital several times."

"I have seen the news." Shen Huan said slightly.

According to Yang Feng's temper, "New Dragon Inn" has not yet started filming, and it has already been announced to the public.

He also has the confidence to brag, because "New Dragon Inn" is the work of Hao He and Chu Liuxiang, it is absolutely impossible to produce a bad film.

Compared with the previous bad movies of Abao Entertainment, "New Dragon Inn" definitely makes Yang Feng exasperated.

So many people are paying attention to this blockbuster which is said to have invested 200 million yuan.

From the time when Hao He called the audition actors, to when he brought people to the Northwest to build the Longmen Inn, and the actors gathered in advance to start training...All this has been reported by dozens of entertainment reporters.

Their reports also increased attention to the movie.

But when they came to the Northwest Desert, the photos and news they sent out made people feel a little scared.

It’s not that the horses of the equestrian team have to retire today; it’s that which staff member is injured tomorrow.

Even those big-name actors, such as Ye Xiaoyu and Xu Ya, one of the four great actresses and one of the six female superstars in the television industry, are often photographed unkempt.

Not to mention, several ambulances were dispatched and the actors were taken into the hospital for treatment, which quickly became a hot topic on the Internet.

Especially the consecutive injuries of the two heroines made netizens and fans very worried.

"Director Hao, you regret our little Yuyu! She has never acted in this kind of movie before!"

"Yeah, it's almost enough, isn't there a substitute? Professional people do professional things, and this is the best way to do a good project!"

"Pity our family, Yaya, who are professional female elites who are free and easy to use, but now they are regarded as female men~~"

"Master Hao, don't you really consider stopping? This is the second time they have been sent to the hospital! If there are any sequelae, you will be responsible?"

"Yes! The old people really can't do it now. You still have to look at directors like Xin Changkong to understand the modern theory best and respect the actors!"


They were right, but Ye Xiaoyu and Xu Ya were frightened.

They were afraid that this group of people would bring the rhythm, and then they were told by someone who was instigated that this was instigated by the two of them, and it was a disaster!

For Hao He’s crew, even if you are a actor or actress, you have to be serious. If you play a temper or don’t cooperate, you will get out.

And those popular actors dare not complain.

Five years ago, there was a niche who felt that he was a big player and countless people supported him.

After being kicked out of the crew by Hao He, he posted a few complaints on the Internet and scolded Director Hao He.

As a result, his fans rioted.

Now it was a big trouble. On the same day, he was pressed by the brokerage company to apologize in person. Hao He did not see him.

Then write a review and apologize for the entire network video... Finally, what awaits him is endless cold storage, and no director uses him anymore.

Even advertisers dare not use him, for fear of offending all the bigwigs in the entertainment industry.

So half a year later, he was completely cold, and a year later, few people could remember him.

This originally very prosperous niche became a meteor completely.

Knowing this, Ye Xiaoyu and Xu Ya hurriedly issued statements.

"I'm fine now. I accidentally injured myself during this kind of filming, that's nothing. When I finish filming, you can look at my abs!"-Xu Ya.

"If you want to make better progress and change, you must make a serious contribution! I hope that my contributions will be rewarded, so you must work hard! You can cheer for me, but you can't yell at people like this, I I don't like it!"-Ye Xiaoyu


Shen Huan had seen these news before.

So he can imagine Hao He's attitude towards the actors.

Speaking of which, Hao He's style is quite a bit stubborn as a traditional artist.

They ask for a good one-by-one, no matter the actors or the staff behind the scenes.

If you are not serious, get out.

There is absolutely no director compromising the actors.

There are still some improprieties in this method.

But in the big environment, it is still very worthy of praise and promotion.

Otherwise, take a look at the new generation of star actors who have grown up, how careless they are about their careers?

What they care about is how to attract more fans, UU reading www.uukanshu. How does com make more money.

As for saying that acting seriously and acting seriously, it is simply impossible for them.

I sell this face!

They will never realize the hard work of real actor superstars, and it is impossible for them like Ye Xiaoyu and Xu Ya to grit their teeth after being injured.

It is even more impossible to experience countless serious injuries like Chen Hao, and experience the taste of a dozen steel nails in his body to fix his bones.

But because of the hard work of these actors, they have become superstars, and they have become very proud actors.

Only this group of people can they represent the group of actors.

They can leave their names in the history of performing arts.

It is not like those young people who burst into popularity for a while, fleeting, leaving no trace at all.

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