I Know Everything

Chapter 988: High-quality actors

Ye Xiaoyu was very happy.

Her performance was praised by Lu Xiaofeng, so it must be in line with the settings of Teacher Chu Liuxiang.

It can be seen that Mr. Lu Xiaofeng is very familiar with the plot, and it is a very comprehensive drama, as if the script was written by him.

Is Lu Xiaofeng Chu Liuxiang?

This idea flashed in Ye Xiaoyu's mind, but immediately gave up this absurd idea.

But Hao He knew that Chu Liuxiang was the teacher Lu Xiaofeng in front of him.

What Lu Xiaofeng said can be taken seriously, but it is only for reference.

But Chu Liuxiang's comments must be carefully considered.

Because the entire storyline came out of his mind, he might have had such a plot hundreds of times in his mind.

Now he came to a surprise attack abruptly, but fortunately Ye Xiaoyu caught it, otherwise his impression of the entire crew would be greatly reduced.

Hao He is very shameless. If he can't satisfy Shen Huan after preparing for so long, then he will appear incompetent.

It's just that Hao He now wants to make a round for Shen Huan.

Because even Shen Huan did not expect that he represented Lu Xiaofeng at this time, not Chu Liuxiang.

When Lu Xiaofeng came up, he shouldn't test gold and jade suddenly.

Even if he was entrusted by Mr. Chu Liuxiang, it would inevitably be too frivolous to do so.

That is to say, Shen Huan subconsciously brought himself into the role of Chu Liuxiang, the scriptwriter, so that he could test the actor as he pleased.

Only in this way can it be justified.

So Hao He coughed slightly and raised his voice: "This time, before Teacher Lu came over, he called me and said that Teacher Chu Liuxiang had commissioned him to test the actors in unexpected ways... Now, let’s take a look. Fortunately, he picked gold inlaid jade, not the shopkeeper of the inn!"

There was a burst of laughter nearby.

Hao He's explanation made Ye Xiaoyu feel a little uncomfortable in her heart and immediately disappeared.

It turns out that people had planned for this a long time ago, instead of deliberately taking advantage of it a little frivolously.

Think about it too.

Which girlfriend of Teacher Lu Xiaofeng’s is not beautiful?

Ye Xiaoyu thinks she can score an 85-point appearance, but Lu Xiaofeng's girlfriends have a lot more than 90 points!

How could he take advantage of a woman in her thirties?

Shen Huan looked at the main actors around him again.

Zhou Huaian, who has the righteousness in the world, is played by Sun Dahe, who is known as the best acting actor.

In recent years, Sun Dahe has been slightly blessed. Many characters tend to act and no longer have any movements.

But when he joined the crew of "New Dragon Inn", he was obviously much stronger, wearing a book growth robe, and he did not feel fat.

Obviously he did not exercise less to lose weight during this period.

Compared with the previous Liang actor, Sun Dahe is not bad at all. The heroic and Confucian atmosphere between the eyebrows has already been revealed at this time.

Even what he is holding now is not a long sword, but a book. TV debut

now it's right!

Zhou Huai'an was born as a literati himself, and his literary spirit has not only achieved his tragic and compassionate atmosphere, but also caused many sources of his tragedy.

If he was just a gangster shouting and screaming to kill, then the scene from the beginning of this play would not be able to continue.

Next to him is Xu Ya, one of the superstars of the TV series.

When Xu Ya was young, she played the role of some heroines. After she was thirty years old, her heroic spirit became more and more powerful, and she was even more heroic when she acted as a policewoman.

Now that she was standing there, Shen Huan could feel the chivalrous spirit in her heart.

Such an actress, starring in the heroine Qiu Moyan, is a perfect match.

In addition to the three decent figures, what is left is the top villain Cao Shaoqin.

Seeing Shen Huan's gaze turned to him, Lu Jiufeng was a little nervous.

The original Cao Shaoqin was starred by the universe Dan.

The impression left by this character is that besides the high martial arts, it is a foot that has been cut into bone.

It is not much different from other villains.

He is not as good as Teacher Liu Xun!

Teacher Liu is Li Lianying in "Nine Pins of Sesame" and Purdue Cihang in "A Chinese Ghost Story 2". That kind of feminine atmosphere, you won't forget it without much drama.

But the **** played by Teacher Liu Xun is still too superficial, too ordinary, and not new.

In fact, his most outstanding role is Huang Qiying, Huang Feihong's father in "Once Upon a Time in the Lion King", who was kicked off the court by Ghost Seven.

That character is soft but not overcast, very brilliant.

Come back to the topic.

Speaking of the actors in the factory, in fact, the best one is our Kun!

Yuhuatian, played by Kun Ge, is known as a "factory flower" and has a very good performance, even Kung Fu Jie and others are suppressed.

Therefore, Shen Huan set Cao Shaoqin in accordance with the appearance of Brother Kun and asked Hao He to choose the actors.

Lu Jiufeng, who was selected, looks as good-looking as a plant flower, and is also very handsome.

But now he is playing Cao Shaoqin, but he is wearing thick white makeup, making himself look pale and a bit zombie, which feels wrong.

Shen Huan did not hesitate, and asked Lu Jiufeng: "Mr. Lu, did you think of your makeup, or did the makeup artist make it for you?"

"They got it." Lu Jiufeng hesitated and replied, "Ms. Lu, do you think it is not good enough?"

"If I think it's not good enough, where do you think the problem is?" Shen Huan asked back.

Lu Jiufeng still hesitated, UU reading www.uukanshu.com said: "The lunar yin is soft and facial expression."

Shen Huan raised his eyebrows: "Oh? Keep talking!"

"Cao Shaoqin is the number one villain and the biggest **** in the East Factory. He must be a bad guy, but if the bad guy looks like a bad guy at first, isn't it too simple?" Lu Jiufeng simply said his thoughts: "I see After reading teacher Chu Liuxiang's script, I feel that Cao Shaoqin can kill out of 10,000 people and become the first person in the East Factory who is afraid of everyone. He also has his own power.

For a role like this, you can play him a little deeper, a little more restrained, not so arrogant and domineering, this is completely inconsistent with the facts, and there is no effect! The villain must be strong enough, and the positive character will be more successful if they win! "

Shen Huan listened silently.

Lu Jiufeng was panicked subconsciously.

Am I wrong?

Do I understand something different from Teacher Chu?

This is terrible!

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