I Know Everything

Chapter 989: Pointing

Unexpectedly, Shen Huan laughed the next moment.

He turned to Hao He and said, "Director Hao, you deliberately didn't inspire him so that he could understand it by himself?"

Hao He also nodded, "Yes, I'm watching if he doesn't get any better. If he doesn't get any better, I need to mention him. Then Xiao Lu will act as a permanent positive figure for a lifetime. There is no big future. "

Lu Jiufeng was in a cold sweat when he heard it.

He never thought that Hao He actually thought this way.

It's no wonder that after the big guys came to the crew, they kept changing their makeup and outfits.

At first he thought that this was the idea of ​​makeup artists.

Now that I have listened to Hao He's words, I understand that they are making constant adjustments by themselves.

But he was like a fool, knowing something was wrong, but still didn't say it.

This is no wonder.

Among the four protagonists, there is one actor, one behind, and one behind.

Lu Jiufeng is just a popular niche in the TV series, far behind their coffee position.

People can have the courage to comprehend something and change something on their own, but Lu Jiufeng dare not.

In particular, this is the crew of Mr. Hao He. If he is arbitrarily kicked out, where do you tell him to put Lu Jiufeng's face?

He hesitated and worried for a long time, but did not dare to move.

As a result, this scene was now made, but Hao He was somewhat dissatisfied, feeling that his comprehension ability was not good enough.


That's why Teacher Lu Xiaofeng came today, and when he saw that there was something wrong with his image, he kindly asked.

Faced with Teacher Lu Xiaofeng, he didn't feel so much pressure, and said what he was thinking.

This saved myself a little score, and did not become everyone's laughing stock!

"Just do it according to your idea!" Shen Huan looked at Lu Jiufeng, who was a little embarrassed, and said: "Ms. Chu told me about Cao Shaoqin's settings. One sentence that impressed me very much. It's feminine, not a mother. Cao Shaoqin can't be played too feminine. In femininity, Cao Shaoqin's extraordinary skills and mood should be shown. In this case, I think it will be enough."

Feminine, not a mother!

Listening to these words, Lu Jiufeng thoughtfully, the feeling in his heart became clearer.

Seeing the epiphany in his heart, Hao He smiled unconsciously, "You guys are busy first, Mr. Lu finally came here today, after lunch, you can ask him if you don't understand anything! He is the representative of Teacher Chu!"

"it is good!"

A group of protagonists and supporting actors all smiled and nodded.

Aside from other things, Shen Huan's instruction to Lu Jiufeng showed his skill.

In the case that the genuine screenwriter Chu Liuxiang will not appear, if you want to play the role of this movie well, it is the best choice to find Teacher Lu Xiaofeng.

He might know the script better than Old Man Hao!


Hao He took Shen Huan and went out to sit in an empty tent and drink tea.

This kind of tent is not the small tent we usually use, but the military version that looks like a house.

There are three floors inside and outside the tent, which are similar to rooms on weekdays.

At this time, electric lights were lit inside, and the crew had many medium and large generators that could supply electricity at any time.

Hao He poured tea to Shen Huan and asked, "Come to my crew, is it different from the Longmen Inn you imagined?"

Shen Huan was not polite, and said directly: "The quaint atmosphere is a bit less, Longmen Inn is too new."

Hao He smiled, "Isn’t this just being built? When we go home to rest during the Spring Festival, the workers will make it older... In addition, the color of my shots is darker and yellower. Not much difference."

"You spent a lot of money on this building, right?" Shen Huan asked curiously.

For a two-story building of more than 1,000 square meters, although the land is free of money, everything has to be transported from the city a hundred kilometers away, and there are dedicated workers. This expenditure is certainly not small.

"I don't know very well, anyway, it seems to be less than 10 million." Hao He said indifferently, "I only ask to meet the standards, and the rest is not what I worry about."

"I remember that you used to film a movie. It was notoriously prudent and cost-saving." Shen Huan was stunned.

Before I heard about the horse team and horses, Shen Huan could still understand that it was a plot need, but now I heard Hao He talked about building houses that cost so much money, there was a sense of contrast immediately.

Hao He replied: "Oh, there was no money before. Now I don't have Yang Feng to pay for it! I don't have a movie carefully crafted, and I might not have a second one in my life.

"You are only 54 years old, a lot of years are behind." Shen Huan shook his head, "It's appropriate to take another 20 pictures before retiring!"

"You said so lightly, how can there be so many good scripts for me to shoot?" Hao He said, "Besides, most of the scripts I like are not very profitable. Who wants to spend so much money to spoil me?" fast//

"Even if a good script doesn't make money, it can't be said to be a waste!" Shen Huan said in a serious tone: "And I also have a way for you to achieve your wish."

"Oh? Come and listen!" Hao He said with bright eyes.

He wouldn't be able to believe what others said, but it was Shen Huan, Lu Xiaofeng and Chu Liuxiang who were speaking, so it was different.

Shen Huan smiled and said: "It's too simple. The key to solving the problem lies with our boss Yang."

"How to say?"

"After your new Longmen Inn was a big success, Boss Yang was happy, wouldn't he be able to pay you to make two literary films?"

Hao He smiled unconsciously, "There should be no problem with the two. But can it be possible that a new Longmen Inn can make him pay for ten or eight?"

"Then after you made it, you made another commercial film. Can UU read www.uukanshu.com continue this rhythm?" Shen Huan continued to explain.

"Your idea..."

Hao He's eyes moved, and he immediately clapped his hands, "Mr. Chu, do you have new works waiting for me?"

Talking to smart people, it really doesn't take much brainstorming.

The old man understood Shen Huan's meaning at once.

Shen Huan smiled and nodded, "I have such an idea, but it's only very vague. Whether it works or not depends on whether the New Dragon Inn can succeed."

Hao He expressed his understanding: "It's good to be so cautious... But don't worry. According to my decades of shooting experience, there is no reason for the New Dragon Inn to be unsuccessful! Whether it is box office or word of mouth, it is absolutely impossible difference!"

When he said this, Hao He's expression was filled with confidence and determination.

This is the domineering that the No. 1 director of China should have!

:. : M.x

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