I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 121 120 Hitting the Bull's Eye

Chapter 121 120. Hitting the Bull's Eye

As soon as Lloyd arrived at the small garden, the waiter appeared out of nowhere and greeted him:

"Oh~ Welcome! You're a little later than I expected."

"Huh? Does that mean I don't come here often?"

Lloyd asked casually.

"Compared with most of the players here, it's true. Generally speaking, players who have come here once, especially players like you who have won the first game, find it difficult to resist the charm here..."

The waiter said proudly, motioned Lloyd to follow him, and then continued:

"So I realized that you probably didn't like the way you played the game last time, so this time, please allow me to introduce you to one of the most popular ways to play on the second floor. I believe you will be fascinated."

As he spoke, a black wooden door appeared out of thin air in front of him, and then he stood aside and motioned Lloyd to go in.

"Here it is. According to your request last time, this is a game that won't cause any deaths."

Lloyd nodded and was about to push the door open when the waiter continued to remind him:

"You can consider giving yourself a code name, such as 'Lucky Star' or 'East Sea Emperor', which will make it easier for other players to recognize you and for me to call you."

I'm not a horse, so why would I give myself such a name?

Lloyd complained in his heart, but he wrote it down, pushed open the door in front of him, and walked in.

This... is actually a ball hall?

The painting style looks a bit like a bowling alley, with waxed, slightly shiny wooden floors underfoot, and two lanes in the distance. Hundreds of people gathered there, making a lot of noise.

Everyone's face is blurred, as if painted with mosaics, indicating that they are all players on the second floor.

From time to time, there would be a burst of cheers and applause:

"Huh? Good! Got it! I got it!"

"Wow? You can even get this? You are really lucky!"

"Bah! What luck? I am obviously very strong!"

Or a sigh:

"How is it possible? I saw it clearly, why didn't I get it?"

"Ha~ Poor guy, go see an ophthalmologist and come back."

"That's true. Although this is the place with the lowest threshold, it is not a place for a newcomer like you to play. You were deceived by your waiter, right?"

Lloyd approached with some curiosity and watched how to play this game.

The name of this game is "Hit the Bull's Eye". The rules are also very simple. Just use the ball in your hand to hit the target on the opposite side.

But the special thing is that this ball can be a tennis ball, a shot put, a bowling ball, a badminton, or even a dart or a pistol. It seems that anything that can be used for "target shooting" will do.

The target on the opposite side can also be anything, a normal concentric circle target, a bowling pin, or even a golf hole, a live animal, or even...

Living people...

The player currently standing on the fairway held a longbow, drew the bow and arrow, and aimed at a large group of people on the opposite side.

Then he released the arrow, which drew a golden stream of light and a flight trajectory that violated physics, drawing an 'S'-shaped arc in the air, bypassing an old man standing still and a middle-aged man with a simple face, and hit a girl hiding behind the two.


The girl suddenly exploded into a pile of gold coins symbolizing points and disappeared.

The 'people' around her who were originally walking around and doing various actions, and even the surrounding farmlands, barns and other scenes, also disappeared, leaving only a bare fairway.

It turned out that this was just a special target, not really killing people.

The people watching nearby suddenly burst into excited cheers.

"Awesome! Even difficulty 5 couldn't stop you. You are worthy of being the famous 'Magic Bullet Hunter'!"

"Magic Bullet Hunter is too awesome, right? You got 50 points in one go. It's really eye-catching."

"Your level is good enough to go to the third level, right? When do you plan to shock the players above?"

The player surrounded by the crowd was wearing a very ordinary hunting suit and a tricorn hat with feathers on his head, which was somewhat similar to the outfit of the Saint Grace Court.

He dealt with the flattery of the people around him and answered modestly:

"With my current strength, I am not enough to challenge the third level. In this 'Dream Theater', there are many mediocre people like me."

Lloyd was watching from behind and frowned slightly.

He had observed before that these 'balls' and 'targets' were all chosen by the players themselves. Who would choose such a 'target'?

At the same time, he also noticed that there is a difficulty level in this game. The higher the difficulty, the farther the target is, the more interference there will be, but correspondingly, the higher the reward.

For example, the player on another track next to him chose a scene similar to indoor golf, and he needed to hit the ball into the hole with a golden flagpole.

But when he hit it, the hole moved by itself, just avoiding the ball's landing point.

The man immediately broke the golf club in his hand in frustration, and then picked up a new one, and there was a new ball under his feet.

Lloyd took a closer look and saw a number '2' written on the ball.

And above the player's head, there was a wooden sign with '3' hanging on it.

This shows that he has chosen the level 3 difficulty. Each of the balls below represents 2 points.

If he hits the ball, the 2 points will be gone...

But if he hits the ball, the 2 points he bought for the ball will be returned, and he can get an additional 2*3=6 points as a reward.

This is roughly how the game is played. It is indeed not difficult, and no one will die. Winning or losing is just the points in the game, which is much better than the previous gameplay.

However, Lloyd was still not in a hurry to get started. He only had two points left, and he might only play once. He might as well watch how others play.

Just at this moment, a player next to him hurriedly ran in, and then stood on the third fairway where no one was playing, and put his hand on a crystal ball in front of him.

The fairway suddenly lit up, and a spotlight came down from somewhere, focusing on this player, making him the focus of the whole audience.

Then, a target hung down from his head with '6' written on it, meaning that he was going to challenge the level 6 difficulty.

There was also a line of small characters below, which wrote the code name of this person: "Sharpshooter".

At the end of the fairway, a number of human-shaped targets rose up and began to move left and right. One of them was obviously several circles smaller and was still emitting a faint golden light, indicating that it was the real target.

In front of the player, a booth appeared, on which was a flintlock rifle.

"I want to press my last two points into the barrel!"

He whispered, picked up the gun, calibrated it, and then filled it with bullets.

Other players immediately came over and began to cheer him up.

"Wow? The first difficulty level 6 today? Come on! I'm rooting for you!"

"It's a pity that the second level cannot involve real money transactions, otherwise I would open a handicap for you."

"It seems that few people try difficulty level 6? I heard that not only the target becomes more difficult, but also there will be a lot of interference... Anyway, come on! Sharpshooter!"

For the sport of shooting, the noisier it is, the worse it is. It makes people unable to tell whether these onlookers are cheering or interfering.

Lloyd also estimated the distance to the target. Wow, the biggest interference item was not visible. There was only a tiny dot left on the entire target, not to mention the smaller golden target.

It was unknown how many kilometers away it was, but the entire stadium looked only a few hundred meters wide.

Did the space change?

Lloyd speculated secretly.

Then, he felt a burst of spiritual power from the "sharpshooter", and some inspiration emanated from it, reaching towards the target.

This was normal. Such a long distance was not the range of old-fashioned firearms such as flintlock rifles, and it was impossible to aim with the naked eye.

It seemed that this game project still needed extraordinary abilities to solve.

And this "sharpshooter" should also be quite skilled. He was not disturbed by the noise in his ears at all. He raised the gun calmly and began to aim. His hand was very stable and his breathing was very calm. It was obvious that he had basic shooting skills.

But after aiming for half a minute, he not only did not shoot, but his whole body began to tremble slightly.

And it became more and more intense, his whole body twitched as if he was electrocuted, and he fell to the ground with a 'bang', then squeezed his temples with both hands and began to scream:

"Ah!!! Uh... Don't come over! Don't come over!"

Then, his skin twitched and there were wriggling buds.

This was a sign of losing control...

When his whole body began to alienate into a monster, he was 'kicked out' of the game, and his figure disappeared on the spot, leaving only a golden card, slowly sinking into the waxed wooden floor.

Lloyd shook his head secretly.

He remembered that the waiter said that this way of playing would not cause death...

The onlookers next to him did not express sympathy for this, but ridiculed it for a few words and went to watch other tracks.

"Haha~ I thought he was a master, but he turned out to be a rookie who knows nothing. Is difficulty 6 something you can choose?"

"It seems that the rumors about high difficulty are true. Starting from difficulty 6, not only is it difficult to hit the target, but you will also suffer from continuous mental pollution."

"Isn't this something everyone has known for a long time? It's not a secret, right? Only this idiot knows nothing."

As they were talking, they suddenly heard a "bang bang" sound, and the spotlights behind them turned on again.

When they turned around again, a new player who had never met before was standing in the spotlight, with a wooden sign hanging above his head.

It said "7"

Then another line of small words wrote his code name:

"Meng Xin"

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