I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 122 121 Is this too difficult?

Chapter 122 121. Is this too difficult?

Lloyd originally planned to wait and see, cherishing the only two points in his hand.

But as soon as I heard others saying that there was mental pollution, I couldn't sit still. I took advantage of the fact that there was no one on the fairway, stood over, and reached out to touch the crystal ball.

A line of text immediately appeared in front of me:

"Please give yourself a code name——"

Lloyd thought about it, and originally wanted to pick one that was more common on the earth, such as 'Mongolian top laner', 'Your father is coming', 'Cheating to hell' and so on.

Later, I felt that the aggression was a bit too strong, so I thought of someone gentler and more loving.

Such as 'Gratio's husband', 'Fonina's dog', 'My mouth is Clara's shoes'.

But I think it’s too low-key, why not change it to something cooler and more unique?

For example, 'Kezhou Guaisheng', 'Human Emperor', 'Dragon City Tyrant Young Master' and the like?

Forget it...it's too shameful...

After much deliberation, I chose the codename ‘Mengxin’.

It's quite appropriate. It not only shows one's identity, but also shows one's humility, making it easier to win the favor of others.

But Lloyd listened to the discussion next to him and felt something was wrong?

"Cute? What does this word mean? It's weird..."

"Maybe it means 'novice'? But why did he choose difficulty level 7?"

"Have you seen this guy before? No? Then why does he dare to choose such a high difficulty? Are you crazy? This is something that even big guys like Magic Bullet Hunter dare not choose."

"Shh! Keep your voice down, don't scare people, I haven't seen what difficulty level 7 looks like..."

At this time, almost the entire audience gathered here, wanting to see how this 'cute newcomer' would challenge this rare difficulty.

In fact, it was not Lloyd who wanted to choose this difficulty level. As a mature, steady and down-to-earth young man, he definitely wanted to choose a lower level of difficulty and save up his points first.

But the crystal ball directly locked the difficulty at level 7, giving him no chance to choose.

This made Lloyd feel like he had been cheated...

There's nothing you can do about it, you're here now, just have fun and earn some madness points which is a guarantee.

As for the specific gameplay, there are orthodox bowling, golf, archery, gun shooting, etc. templates for him to choose from.

In addition, there is actually a ‘scene construction’ function?

After selecting this function, players can imagine the game scene they need in their mind, but it cannot be too complicated. The simpler, the better, and it cannot violate the basic gameplay of "target shooting".

At the same time, you need to get rid of distracting thoughts, you can't have any superfluous thoughts, and you have to imagine this picture repeatedly and as detailed as possible, otherwise the construction will fail.

Sounds interesting?

Lloyd gave it a try, and now he imagined a picture of himself driving a huge robot. In front of him was a targeting frame, which locked the heads, hands, legs and other parts of several enemy robots, waiting to carve them into sticks. .

As expected, the construction failed...

Lloyd took the next step and imagined that he was a counter-terrorist guarding a missile base. He was holding the most classic Desert Eagle on the third floor of the base and was targeting a terrorist who was planting a bomb downstairs.

In the end, the construction failed...

Why can’t these scenes that were incorporated into DNA be restored?

Lloyd was speechless.

Just at this time, the players onlookers started making noises and said in a flurry of words:

"Why haven't you chosen a specific gameplay yet? Is he really a newcomer who doesn't know anything?"

"Perhaps you are trying to 'build a scene'? You should be more patient."

"'Scene construction'? Doesn't that make it more difficult for you? Those fancy scenes are often more difficult than traditional scenes. What's more, this is still difficulty level 7. I can't even imagine what I will encounter..."

"Yes, only big guys like Magic Bullet Hunter dare to play 'scenario construction', but the big guy himself has admitted that he has failed several times in the scenes he built. It is not recommended for ordinary players to choose. It is better to start from the comparison It’s better to start with basic projects…”

"Huh? Yes, yes? This guy really created his own scene?"

Amid everyone's discussion, Lloyd finally succeeded in his third attempt at constructing the scene.

And the scene he constructed was even more unexpected.

"Uh...why is it such a cartoon style? It's quite childlike?"

"Huh? What is this forked wooden stake? Is it meant to shoot a slingshot like a child?"

"Pfft...you guys are looking at his target, haha, is that a zombie? Why are you still reading the newspaper? Is there someone wearing a bucket on his head?"

Lloyd also didn't expect that the scene he constructed would be like this.

In front of him was a huge slingshot in the cartoon style, and in his hand was a red puppet in the shape of a cartoon bird, fluffy, round, and soft.

But the target he needs to hit is a bunch of cartoon-style zombies.

Yes, the target is not one person, but a bunch of about twenty cartoon zombies. They must be eliminated within three minutes. If one is missed, all the previous efforts will be wasted.

But he only has this toy-like ammunition...

Moreover, those zombies are not standing still. They are still pacing and turning in circles at normal human speeds. They may even run away as soon as they are attacked.

At the same time, there was a wave of mental pollution coming towards him.

[Ding~ Madness value +5]

[Ding~ Madness value +2]

[Ding~ Madness value +3]


With an exaggerated sound effect, a wooden sign popped up in front of Lloyd, still shaking slightly, with a countdown displayed on it:



Is this difficulty 7? It really is something...

While Lloyd was enduring mental pollution, he kneaded the bird puppet in his hand and thought about countermeasures.

If he wanted to win this game, he would definitely not be able to rely on this kind of toy ammunition. He had to find a way to survive.

Even the players watching felt the exaggerated difficulty and began to worry about Lloyd.

"How to play at this difficulty? It's impossible, right?"

"If there were more ammunition, there might be a chance, but it seems that he only has one?"

"The key is time! Time is too tight, and there are too many targets. Even if you can exchange a bunch of ammunition, what if you can't finish it? Those cartoon zombies will definitely run around everywhere. After all, in this game, even golf holes will run around."

"What about using inspiration to lock?"

"How dare you? There is spiritual pollution over there. Do you know what your inspiration will touch?"

After a discussion, someone asked the big guy who was also watching:

"Big Bullet Hunter, what do you think should be done in this situation? How to solve it? "

The magic bullet hunter in hunting clothes rubbed his chin, pondered for half a minute, and then said:

"It's very difficult, almost unsolvable... If there is no mental pollution, there may be some chance? Use inspiration to lock all those zombies, and then use abilities to enhance the power and lethality of ammunition. It is better to use abilities with stronger lethality such as [Veto] and [Concrete]...

But mental pollution is very troublesome. Power is just a headless fly without the guidance of inspiration. "

After analyzing it, the boss shook his head and entered a thoughtful state again, probably thinking about how to deal with it if he challenges this difficulty?

Time passed by minute by minute, and soon the countdown was only thirty seconds.

Lloyd, who had been standing still, as if thinking about countermeasures, finally made some moves and walked to the huge cartoon slingshot.

The player next to him exclaimed:

"It's moving! He's about to start! Come on, come on, if you can solve this game, I'd like to call you the strongest."

"It's impossible. Even a big guy like the Bullet Hunter said there's no solution."

"Let's wait and see. Don't jump to conclusions."

"I'm a professional player of this game. I make a living from it. Don't you dare to make a judgment?"

In fact, Lloyd didn't come up with any good countermeasures. The difficulty was indeed a bit high for him who was playing this game for the first time.

But it didn't matter. He absorbed a lot of mental pollution in two and a half minutes, and with the previous accumulation, he was promoted by two levels. He wouldn't lose anything in the future.

So Lloyd relaxed his mentality and pinched the cute little bird puppet in his hand, wondering if it was a cold weapon?

It doesn't matter. [Superb Swordsmanship], start!

Then, he activated the [Distortion] system again, and then deliberately shouted at a volume that others could hear:

"In the name of veto!"

[Gift Distortion] activated!

Then he placed the bird puppet on the slingshot, pulled it back tight, and poured the power of [Gift Distortion] into it.

"Oh wow!"

The bird puppet actually yelled twice, which was very consistent with Lloyd's memory.

Lloyd aimed symbolically. Anyway, the inspiration had already spread out, firmly locked on the more than 20 cartoon zombies, so the madness value increased so much.

Finally, he let go.


The bird puppet chirped, drew a parabola, flapped its short wings, and flew out slowly.

It looked like it was running here to be cute...

Some old players watching nearby shook their heads when they saw this.

They didn't feel any domineering or extraordinary power on this puppet-like ammunition.

Judging from the declaration of the ‘newbie’ just now, he should be a transcendent of the [Veto] system, but his rank should not be high.

This kind of soft power cannot solve this problem.

The big boss of the magic bullet hunter also shook his head, not knowing whether he felt disappointed or felt that there was no solution.

After the bird puppet flew leisurely for a while, it finally hit the bucket on the head of a zombie, making a muffled sound of ‘dong’.

Then it exploded with a ‘bang’, and a few feathers were scattered.

The zombie did not move at all, but the other zombies were disturbed. As expected, they began to run around at an exaggerated speed that did not match the style of the painting.

But as they ran, their upper bodies suddenly rotated 180 degrees and broke into two pieces...

Thanks to the 100 points rewarded by cat_ED

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