I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 123 122 Creating Records

Chapter 123 122. Create a record

More than 20 cartoon zombies that were already scattered and fleeing at high speed were inexplicably wiped out in an instant?

And the zombie that was hit by the bucket on its head at the beginning was directly split into two, as if it was cut by a sharp paper cutter.

There were more than 20 seconds left on the wooden sign with a countdown in front of Lloyd.

After the countdown was over, a huge colorful ball suddenly appeared on his head, and it opened from the middle with a "bang", scattering various petals and streamers, all of which were printed with the word "1st".

Indicates that he is the first player to pass the difficulty 7.

The players next to him were silent, obviously they had not come back to their senses, and were stunned for about ten seconds until someone started to applaud.

Pah~ Pah~ Pah~

The applause came from the ‘Magic Bullet Hunter’, who praised again:

“Congratulations, your performance amazed me, and thank you for opening up a new way of thinking for me.”

With his lead, the rest of the players also burst into cheers and applause:

“Awesome! Awesome! I am honored to witness the wonderful performance of the ‘newbie’ boss! Please allow me to salute you!”

“I said that anyone who dares to choose difficulty 7 right away is definitely not a newcomer. ‘Newbie’ must have another meaning. It seems that I have learned a new word.”

“Hello, can you please leave a real contact information? I run a society in the City of Illusion, and I really hope to build a relationship with you. Establish a deeper friendship. "

Amidst the praise and flattery, some people also raised questions:

"How is it possible? Isn't he using the power of the [Veto] system? He also shouted out that iconic slogan... Why can he achieve such an exaggerated effect? ​​"

"The [Veto] system has always been unfathomable. It is known as the system with the highest ceiling and has the possibility of creating miracles. It is not worth being so surprised to win the next game, right? "

"No, you are not from the [Veto] system, so you don't understand the principles of [Veto], and you don't know how exaggerated this is. It's really incredible... How did he do it? "

In fact, not only these players didn't understand, but even Lloyd himself was surprised.

He really locked the target, activated two skills that seemed to be useful, infused power, and then ejected the bird puppet at will.

It was beyond his own expectations that this effect would occur.

But he could vaguely feel that the power he infused into the puppet had changed a little compared to before.

Probably, the power that can be injected is a little more, a little stronger, and a little more concentrated.

Maybe it's because when I upgraded before, I maxed out [Spiritual Power] to 100, and then some changes occurred?

Just like after maxing out [Rationality] to 100, I can feel that I adapt to mental pollution faster than before?

Anyway, now is not the time to think about these things. Lloyd just casually dealt with a few players around him and prepared to change to a quieter place to talk.

He really wanted to strike while the iron is hot and play another game, but he just tried it. This game stipulates that you can't play after winning one game every day. Please come back tomorrow.

But you can lose countless games until you win one game, or the points are reduced to 0...

Damn! I'm still thinking about brushing a wave of points.

Lloyd cursed inwardly, and understood why there were so many people watching the fun on the side, but few people came to play.

At the same time, I also understood why the waiter recommended this way of playing to me. The guy was originally dissatisfied with his frequency of not coming enough.

I always feel that this guy has other intentions...

Lloyd was thinking about it in his mind, and he dealt with the players around him casually with a high and low-key attitude. When he was about to leave, the waiter suddenly appeared and came to him.

"Congratulations, you have set a new record in the game, and you have earned 1 precious point, and therefore you have entered the Hall of Fame of the second-floor garden."

The waiter said, snapped his fingers, and a blackboard fell from the ceiling, with a long list of names written on it, which should be dozens or even hundreds of people.

Lloyd took a rough look, and it was all the records created by various players in various gameplays, and then sorted by the number of precious points.

He searched for a long time before he found his own record at the very back:

[New player, became the first player to pass the difficulty 7 in the "Hit the Bull's Eye" project, precious points +1]

Although Lloyd didn't know how many players there were here, he felt that this "Hall of Fame" was quite cheap?

But judging from the reactions of other players around, it seemed quite remarkable? They were chattering, as if they were envious and jealous.

Unfortunately, Lloyd couldn't hear what they were talking about. Since the waiter suddenly appeared, he couldn't hear the voices of other players, as if he was excluded.

And these players seemed to be unable to see him, the waiter?

While his ears were quiet, Lloyd looked at the top player again, codenamed "Entertainment First", who already had 5 precious points.

Most of those below him had 3 or 2 points, which was a clear gap from him.

The waiter said again "as if no one was around":

"Precious points are hard-earned and very valuable, please be careful. Do you need to see the redemption list?"

"Let's talk about it after we get out."

Lloyd raised his chin.

A lot of people around him were talking at once, but he couldn't hear a single note. This was a bit weird...

A black wooden door appeared in front of the waiter, who took Lloyd to the exquisite little garden and handed him a few lists.

There weren't many items on the first list, and the names looked strange. Lloyd didn't recognize any of them.

What 'Daedalus', 'Monarch Butterfly', 'Almighty Whirling Stick', 'Black and White Thousand Birds'.

What are these?

The key is that they are very expensive, starting at 10 precious points, and it seems that they didn't intend to let people exchange them.

Lloyd looked at the next two pages again, and there were still some things whose names he had never heard of, and he couldn't afford to exchange them.

The only thing he barely recognized, and it only required 1 precious point to exchange, was an item called 'Ancient Book Fragment'.

There was no need to think about this kind of thing, it was definitely a huge pit, and Lloyd would definitely not exchange it for this.

He threw those lists back to the waiter and asked for the ordinary lists instead.

But he just looked at them casually and didn't exchange them.

He currently has a total of 16 ordinary points, 14 points won from difficulty 7, plus 2 points returned. He plans to save them first and exchange them for materials that are not available on the market when needed.

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