I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 126 125 This is not what is written in the book!

Chapter 126 125. That's not what the book says!

Lloyd adjusted his breathing, calmed his heartbeat as much as possible, and patiently waited for the pattern on the canvas to take shape.

The special blood-red pigment slowly spread along the strands of nerve bundles, looking like a blood vessel and nerve bundle gradually taking shape.

If you keep staring at it, you can even feel a slight pulsation and trembling, as if it is coming alive.

Lloyd waited patiently for five minutes. According to the presiding judge's experience, the red on the canvas should have solidified by now.

But the paint in front of Lloyd was still flowing and changing.

"Is it because the material I used is of better quality?"

He rubbed his chin and analyzed it, and then continued to wait patiently for another two minutes.

However, the pattern on the canvas was still changing and still hadn't taken shape.

Lloyd quickly lay down and took a closer look.

In fact, the red special pigment had already solidified and completely penetrated into the canvas, and with the nerve endings as the base, it drew a pattern by itself.

It was just that this pattern was constantly surging and changing, refusing to stop, like a heart that was unwilling to be lonely.

"Fuck, this is different from what the book says? Other people's rituals are a .jpg, why is mine a .gif?"

Lloyd couldn't help but curse, and quickly reached out to touch the paint.

"Don't mess with me at the critical moment? Do you think you are an emoticon?"

Such complaints are naturally meaningless, and the pattern is still changing, and there is no repetition.

Maybe this is not a '.gif', but a '.avi'...

If this goes on, Lloyd will not even have the opportunity to [reject] the mistakes.

Is half a month's salary going to go down the drain like this?

Lloyd gradually became impatient and had to shake his head vigorously, admonishing himself in his heart.

Calm down! You must calm down! I have always been a calm and cautious young man!

Think of a way! Look at these skills of mine...

Lloyd quickly called out the panel.

Efficient learning? Useless...

Divination? Useless...

Extraordinary swordsmanship? Dare not use it...

Gift distortion? Not yet...

Distortion realm?

Lloyd calmed down and turned on [Distortion realm], covering the canvas in front of him.

He was actually not sure what effect this would have, so he could only try it first.

As a result, when the skill was turned on, the pattern on the canvas changed more happily, and those lines even began to dance, looking complacent and like a fish in water.

Lloyd wanted to turn off [Distortion realm], but suddenly found that the "Book of Truth" deep in his memory had actually changed a little.

It stopped spinning, became quiet, and then turned on its own.

After turning over a few pages, it stopped.

Lloyd suddenly felt his vision blurred, and the pattern on the canvas in front of him became blurred.

He blinked, and the pattern on the canvas suddenly changed from meaningless messy lines to a simple drawing with clear meaning. The style of the painting was similar to that of ancient murals carved on the rock wall and printed on the canvas.

Lloyd had no spare energy to think about why it turned out like this. He could only stare at this "mural" intently, trying to understand its meaning.

There was a tall stickman on the picture, taller than the mountains around him, and his head had touched the clouds in the sky.

He was alone, wandering aimlessly on the earth, walking slowly and steadily, crossing mountains and rivers.

Finally, he came to a seaside.

Even the depth of the sea was only above his knees, and he continued to move forward, walking towards the depths of the ocean.

Then, he suddenly looked down and found that the originally blue ocean had turned blood red without knowing it.

He felt that his feet were slightly painful, as if he was bitten by leeches.

His eyes looked through the red sea and looked at his legs.

There were tentacles of all sizes crawling on it, like leeches, gnawing at his flesh and blood frantically.

The overflowing blood dyed the ocean red.

The huge stickman looked at it quietly for a while, then said nothing and continued to move forward aimlessly.

This little bit of flesh and blood and pain was nothing to him.

He walked deeper and deeper, and the sea water gradually spread from his calves to his waist.

He could no longer feel the pain in his legs, as if he had gotten used to it.

He was also a little tired, so he stopped and rested for a while.

Then, the bloody ocean began to boil and roll, and tentacles emerged from the sea, twisting wildly at him, and making tiny roars together.

It was like worshiping him, like singing a hymn.

The huge stickman seemed to enjoy this atmosphere and no longer had the desire to move forward.

He lowered his head slightly, standing there, and slowly fell asleep surrounded by a group of tentacles.

He didn't seem to realize that his legs under the sea were only bare bones, and countless tentacles were still clinging on them, biting and sucking.

Maybe one day he would suddenly wake up and continue to move forward.

Maybe one day he would suddenly fall down and sink into the deep sea.

The scene in front of Lloyd stopped abruptly, and there was no follow-up plot.

The pattern on the canvas became chaotic and meaningless again.

Then, he felt a sense of suffocation and headache, and his back was soaked with cold sweat without knowing it.

He quickly collapsed on the sofa behind him, gasping for breath.

"Uh... huh... huh..."

He wanted to rest for a while, just like the huge stickman.

But a strange intuition reminded him:


Lloyd still remembered that the judge had specifically mentioned [Intuition] in his notes:

"Believe in your inspiration, believe in your intuition, and... believe in yourself."

Lloyd quickly cheered up, spread out his inspiration, locked onto the canvas under his feet, and then mobilized his spiritual power to launch [Declaration of Veto]

"With the veto of..."

He was halfway through the prayer when he suddenly realized that something was wrong and quickly changed his words:

"In my name, I will give you a gift of distortion!"

[Gift of Distortion], activate!

In an instant, the messy lines on the canvas began to fade, the bright red gradually turned yellow, black, and then blurred little by little, gradually dissipating.

The originally white and new canvas also showed cracks like weathering.

This whole painting seemed to have been baptized for a long time, and it would fall apart with a slight touch.

But even if Lloyd didn't touch it, it would eventually collapse completely and turn into a piece of fine dust.

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