I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 127 Chapter 126 Here it comes

Chapter 127 126. Coming, coming

[Ding~ [Transcendence] has been completed, the distortion system level has been improved, LV2 → LV3, all attributes +10]

[The system has been [transcendented] times: 3 so far]

[Continue to go deeper into the system to conduct more [detachment]]

[Ding~ [Transcendence] has been completed, the system level upgrade has been rejected, LV1 → LV2, all attributes +5]

[This system has been [transcendented] times: 2]

[Continue to go deeper into the system to conduct more [detachment]]

[Ding~Skill level increased...]

[Ding~Skill level increased...]

[Ding~ The reading progress has been improved...]

A lot of reminders suddenly flooded into Lloyd's ears, making his eyes hurt.

Although he seemed to have become much stronger all of a sudden, he didn't feel much joy in his heart, but instead felt melancholy and sadness.

But I can’t explain why I feel melancholy or who I feel sad for…

"So sleepy... I want to sleep for a while..."

Lloyd murmured something in a low voice and didn't even drink the bottle of 'crazy wine'. He just leaned on the edge of the sofa and fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took before he slowly woke up.

I thought I would have some strange dreams, but in the end I had nothing, I just slept with a full body.

Lloyd stretched himself hard and suddenly felt refreshed and comfortable.


He could feel his spiritual power boiling, his inspiration leaping for joy, his muscles excited, and his heart filled with a strange desire...

He looked at the antique kettle next to him, reached for it, and twisted it hard.

The sturdy kettle was immediately twisted into a twist with his bare hands.

This is an effect that does not require the use of any extraordinary power, it is all based on brute force.

"It seems that not only the extraordinary attributes have become stronger, but also the physical fitness has also been enhanced?"

Lloyd clenched his fists hard, tried to bulge his biceps, and then clapped his hands.

Then he took out the dagger he was wearing and tied it with some fancy sword flowers.

He feels that he should have the physical fitness of an athletic student now.

He is the kind of athlete who can hit a tiger with a sliding shovel, run dozens of kilometers and then fight with hundreds of people in a group.

Some swordsmanship movements that could not be performed before, or were not performed properly, can now be performed smoothly.

This is enough to show that the effect of his [detachment] this time is very good.

Moreover, the effect of "eating an experience book twice" was achieved. Both systems were successfully promoted without drinking that weird bottle of "wine".

Lloyd was immediately in a good mood. The inexplicable melancholy and sadness he had felt before were swept away. He quickly sat on the sofa, called up the panel, and checked his changes.

[User: Royd]

[Status: normal]

[Insanity value: 0/5000, upper limit: 12500]

【Rationality: 125】

[Spiritual power: 120]

【Inspiration: 75】

[Cognition: 120]

[System: Distort LV3, reject LV2]

[Skills Mastered: Focused Learning; Exploration; Divination LV4; Stun Resistance LV5; Extraordinary Swordsmanship LV2; Distortion Realm LV5; Offensive Speech LV3; Gift Distortion LV3; Ritual Control (Distortion) LV2]

[Unanalyzed fragments: unknown fragments with unknown composition*1, current analysis progress is 10.5%]

[Unread book: "The Book of Truth·Volume 1", the current reading progress is 15%]

The magnitude of the change can be said to be very significant!

First, all attributes exceeded the 120 mark, and the bucket became larger and deeper again.

The point is that several skills have been upgraded.

[Efficient learning], which has remained unchanged for thousands of years and has no way to improve, has become [focused learning]

Even [Dizziness Resistance], which has not changed for a long time, has been upgraded.

Lloyd likes this skill now, and is particularly happy to see it upgraded.

However, the improvement of these two skills does not add additional functions, but only strengthens the previous effects.

In addition, the two fusion skills [Super Swordsmanship] and [Gift Distortion] have also been upgraded, and [Gift Distortion] has been upgraded by two levels in one go.

After the upgrade [Super Swordsmanship], the skill description has not changed, and the brain and hands have not learned anything new. The specific changes may need to be experienced by Lloyd himself.

The change of [Gift Distortion] is more obvious, and it can achieve some kind of secret connection with the target that has been released [Seed of Consciousness] that is difficult to discover by normal means.

With the existence of this layer of connection, Lloyd can control the progress and direction of [Seed of Distortion] at any time.

To put it simply, it is to enhance the [Seed of Distortion] that was not very easy to use before and increase some controllability.

But you have to experience it yourself to see how useful it can be.

Among the many improvements this time, the one that surprised Lloyd the most was the reading progress of "The Book of Truth".

You obviously didn't do anything?

And I only have 120 points of [Cognition], so why did my reading progress soar to 15%?

And, this improvement in reading progress does not seem to bring any obvious changes?

Only the progress value changes can be seen on the panel, not even the madness value has increased, and there is nothing extra in my mind.

Lloyd really can't understand this magical ancient book...

He was a little unwilling, so he just ‘looked’ at the ancient book deep in his memory that was slowly rotating again, and tried to turn it.

It was meaningless to do this before, because he couldn’t touch the book at all.

This time it actually worked? The ancient book slowly turned one of the pages, revealing a simple drawing.

It was actually that stick figure standing tall?

Lloyd hurriedly ‘turned’ a few pages back and found that the ‘murals’ he had just seen were all printed on the Book of Truth.

After turning a few pages, the picture froze at the last scene he had seen before, with a huge stick figure standing in the sea, and his lower body was covered with all kinds of messy lines representing tentacles.

Then he could no longer ‘turn’ it, and the Book of Truth slowly closed and became untouchable again.

Why was the picture I saw at the transcendence ceremony recorded in the Book of Truth?

Is this the original content of the Book of Truth? Or is it the content recorded by it?

What do these ‘murals’ mean?

And, what does the second transcendence ritual of the [Veto] system mean?

Lloyd felt a lot of questions in his mind, and his mood began to be melancholy and sad again.

But it was still so inexplicable, and he still couldn't tell why he was melancholy, and for whom he was sad?

Forget it... Don't think too much, don't ask too much...

Anyway, I don't know how to think or how to ask...

Lloyd shook his head vigorously and threw these questions behind his mind.

Then, he whispered:

"Here it comes..."

Then he returned to his [Thinking Field]

As soon as his feet landed on the lush grass, he felt a sight penetrating the heavy gray fog on the sky and falling on him.

Still as gentle as ever, as calm as ever, without the slightest hostility.

It was just that he couldn't find Lloyd before, so he showed some anxiety and worry. It was this strangeness that made Lloyd realize something and returned to the [Thinking Field].

"It's okay, I'm fine, thank you for your concern."

Lloyd met the gaze calmly and whispered.

I don't know if the other party can hear it, the gaze was quickly retracted.

Then, Lloyd felt that the grass under his feet began to spread, covering an area larger than before, with more blue wildflowers and more coral texture embellishments.

Although it was still a tiny bit of green compared to this endless dead world, it still made Lloyd feel more at ease.

If there was no green, this place would always be a doomsday scene, lonely and weird, and he would probably not be willing to come in.

Lloyd looked up at the double helix tower closest to him again, and some changes had also occurred.

They were originally standing still, just normal buildings.

Now, the dead gray and pure white that formed the double helix were slowly rotating and intertwining, as if they were winding up.

Lloyd first stared at the dead gray, and felt dizzy, as if someone was twisting his brain.

He quickly switched his attention to the pure white next to him, and he felt better all of a sudden. Some knowledge began to flow into his mind, and whispers began to come from his ears, as if he was [seeing the saint] and learning her knowledge.

But Lloyd obviously did not perform the relevant audience ceremony, and this was not a suitable time to study.

The main reason was that it was inefficient. The knowledge that flowed into his mind and the whispers that came from his ears were like the Internet speed was too slow, and they kept getting stuck and repeated, creating a unique sense of humor, as if he was watching a ghost video on Earth.

This was because he had a high [cognition] and the blessing of [focus on learning], and the result was always like this.

It seems that [seeing the saint] still requires a special corresponding process, and the sense of ritual cannot be saved.

Finally, Lloyd looked down at the tentacle grass.

This guy has grown taller and fatter, and is about to lift the glass cover.

And it is twisting slowly, as if dancing, and seems to be in a good mood?

Although Lloyd didn't know why it was so happy, he still "rubbed" a larger glass cover out of thin air and put it on it.

When the tentacle grass saw him approaching, it twisted more happily and joyfully, and then crawled at his feet, as if worshiping.

Somehow, Lloyd thought of the "murals".

At the same time, his mood became a little complicated.

He didn't want to eradicate this strange grass, but wanted to see what it would look like in the future.

The weird intuition in his mind agreed with his judgment and thought it was right to do so.

"Then let it be."

Lloyd whispered, left the [Thinking Field], and returned to reality.

Then he took out an ordinary pocket watch and checked the time.

It's almost six in the afternoon...

Compared to the rapid [enlightenment] of the first time, this second [transcendence] process is really a bit slow.

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