I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 130 129 This principle is not difficult to understand, right?

Chapter 130 129. Is this principle not difficult to understand?

Are you guys really... you've come here and yet you don't even give it a try? Run in and become a ‘cloud player’?

Lloyd cursed in his heart and continued to listen to their conversation.

But fortunately, although they didn't play by themselves, they were very serious and roughly understood the rules of the four gameplays.

In fact, on the whole, it is similar to the two ways of playing that Royd himself ended up with. Both of them appear to be easy and simple games on the surface, but are actually a competition of extraordinary abilities.

On the third floor where Jenkins is located, instead of reducing the confrontation and risk, it has become stronger and more direct...

He witnessed with his own eyes two fifth-level experts betting on their respective points, and then chose a card drawing game that looked very safe.

Both sides have ten cards in front of them, and they need to take turns to turn them over. Each time a card is turned over, the pattern drawn on the row will come alive and turn into a 'toy soldier', attacking the other side and destroying the toy soldiers turned out by the other side. Defeat them all and you will win.

This seemed to be quite safe, but after careful observation, Jenkins discovered that the bullets and attacks fired by the toy soldiers were all the abilities of the two players.

Even the attacks suffered by the toy soldiers need to be borne and defended by the player body.

So this is directly a confrontation between two players, just with a new twist.

Of course, there may be some details, which Jenkins will naturally not see.

Anyway, the final result was that the two players spent all the cards in their hands to decide the winner. The loser was seriously injured and his life or death was unknown, while the winner also suffered a huge loss and was crumbling.

After listening to Jenkins' description, Valdez asked with some confusion:

"Wow? You fifth-level experts can actually do such desperate things? I thought that after reaching fifth-level and extending their life span, everyone should cherish their lives."

Jenkins explained with a somewhat wry smile:

"Not everyone has the same pursuit of power as me... In fact, starting from the fifth level, you can truly appreciate the hardship of the extraordinary way. Madness and danger will always be with you. If you don't fight hard, you will always be there. They will all sink into it..."

Elolo on the side also sighed:

"It's so scary... Anyway, if I can advance to the fifth level in the future, I will never take a step forward. I will no longer be exposed to the mysterious and extraordinary. I will keep myself as I was when I was young and enjoy life with peace of mind. There are still many places I haven’t been to and many things I haven’t played yet!”

Valdes deliberately said:

"Then what if you advance to the fifth level only after you become old and lose your lust?"

"I will never let that happen! I will also work hard to practice!"


Even Goldron was trying to embarrass her:

"For the lifespan gained by advancing to the fifth level, this world is still too small. It is so small that you should be able to visit every corner very quickly. What should you do then?"

Eloro obviously had not thought of going so far, and was speechless for a moment.


In the end, it was Jenkins who came out to smooth things over:

"Okay, okay, don't always bully other girls, this is still too far away for her.

However, the Black Chariot’s statement also needs to be taken into account. After being promoted to the fifth level, even if the power is no longer improved, one must maintain contact with the mysterious and extraordinary. Just like me, I have to change to a relatively safe way of contact.

This is a very important thing. When your life loses purpose and meaning, madness will follow...

So people often say that there is no retreat from the extraordinary way. Once you get involved in it, you can never leave it. "

His words made Lloyd thoughtful for a while.

‘There is no retreat in the extraordinary way’, he had heard this saying a long time ago.

I just didn’t expect it to be presented in such a way, without the option of ‘retreat to the countryside’ or ‘take advantage of the situation’.

And in the long life that follows, watching the people you love and the things you are familiar with gradually grow old and disappear, this is something that I dare not imagine...

As for the dangers and difficulties you will encounter after ascending to a high position, it is even more difficult to predict...

This is really a difficult road to walk, and it is different from the fairy tale novels I read on Earth.

Lloyd then changed his mind and thought, it would be great if there was a safe and stable extraordinary system that could allow people to gain strength and extend their lifespan without being so dangerous.

That should be a new future for mankind, right?

Lloyd spoke with emotion, and was wondering whether he should post a barrage and participate in the discussion, when he heard Jenkins continue:

“As for our current extraordinary path, no matter how we move forward, the ninth-level saint is the final destination.

You may not have had any contact with the Saint, but I was fortunate enough to meet the Saint of Redemption once. Although there was no communication between us, I could feel the deep...

Pain and madness...

At that moment, I almost thought I was being watched by a dangerous monster. "

As soon as these words came out, the chessboard suddenly became quiet, everyone seemed to be chewing on this amount of information.

Even Lloyd off-screen was a little surprised.

He also had contact with the Veto Saint, although the contact was limited to eye contact.

But the other person's eyes were gentle and calm, and there was no sign of pain or madness.

Could it be that the life of the redeemed saint was relatively miserable? In a bad mental state?

Or is it some kind of difference between the two systems?

After thinking briefly, he heard Goldron speak again:

"This...the pain and madness of the saint? You actually mentioned this to us...didn't you say before that you would talk about it after we advance to the fifth level?"

Valdes also said:

"So, is this the reason why you have been emphasizing 'getting rid of the shackles of the saints'?"

Jenkins did not answer in a hurry, but first turned to look at the 'audience' next to him, and waited for a while to see if the other party would speak to correct his opinion.

The result did not wait, as if there was some kind of acquiescence, so he answered:

"It's not entirely because of this. It also involves many reasons that can only be encountered after the fifth level. I didn't tell you before because I didn't want you to have random thoughts..."

With that said, he turned back to the 'audience' beside him and continued:

"But no matter what, all my previous conjectures have been answered, and the [prophecy] I spent a huge amount of money to spy on has also been fulfilled...

In this world, there is indeed a power beyond the saints!

So...please, Your Majesty, forgive me for being rude and reckless, but I really want to know how to get involved in that kind of power, and what price do I have to pay?

I am begging you here to grant me some answers. "

What you said...I don't know either?

[Distortion] Do you want to try the system? What if you weren't afraid of death or madness?

Lloyd couldn't help but murmured a few words in his heart, but he didn't write these words into a barrage.

But at this time, it's not good to say anything anymore. For the sake of your own image and majesty, you have to tell some riddles to maintain your "riddle boss" persona.

So he thought for a while and sent a barrage:

"The more unknown, the more powerful it becomes."

This is what he learned from the "Book of Truth". It is similar to a principle, but it is relatively vague and there is no more detailed and specific theory to explain it.

It's quite suitable to use as a riddle...

There were three such principles at that time. He used one first and waited for the rest to come up next time when he encountered such a situation.

But after the barrage was sent out, the four guys on the chessboard stopped moving and became quiet.

This made Lloyd a little uneasy. I wonder if he can fool him?

This silence lasted for two minutes, and then Airolo's white bishop chess piece took the lead in breaking the calm.

She staggered on the spot for a while, then fell down and slowly disappeared.

This is the reaction of falling into coma and leaving the [chess game].

Then, the chess pieces of Valdes and Goldron also began to shake, and then they fainted.

In the end, only Jenkins was left, still struggling to hold on.

He felt like he was letting out a scream of shrillness and pain, and his voice was hoarse from it.

But no one heard him, and he seemed quiet.

At the same time, he also felt that his brain was boiling and burning, and he could already smell a disgusting burnt smell.

In such torture, he persisted for five minutes, reluctantly not falling down or comatose.

After the pain subsided a little, he whispered in a feeble voice:

"Thank you...for your...gift..."

At this time, Jenkins only felt endless regret...

Never ask questions like this that could kill you again!

The key is that he feels that he has suffered a lot -

He hadn't seen clearly what the words in front of him were saying before. When he was still trying to identify it, severe pain hit him, making him unable to see anything.

Sure enough, I gave up on promotion for so long that I lost the instinct and vigilance I should have. Otherwise, how could I ask such a stupid question?

Hope...they are okay...

The last thought came to Jenkins' mind, and he finally couldn't hold on anymore and passed out.

This seminar ended inexplicably.

Only a slightly embarrassed Lloyd was left off-screen.

"Uh...how did this happen?"

He opened the screen and questioned the tentacle grass in front of him.

The tentacle grass twisted into a ‘? ’ shape means that you don’t know anything about it.

"Is it because of my barrage?"

Lloyd asked himself a question and thought about it in his mind.

Shouldn't it? I just told them a very simple principle with no support?

And this principle should not be difficult to understand, right?

So why is this happening?

Lloyd was helpless and could only shake his head, put the tentacle grass back into the glass cover, and then left the [Thinking Realm]

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