I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 131 130 This is really an accident

Chapter 131 130. This is really an accident

As soon as he came out of the [Thinking Field], Lloyd felt that there was something in his hand. He looked down and saw that it was indeed that beautiful little cake, with a layer of fruity mousse on the surface and a cherry missing on it.


The kitten lying next to the pillow called out in a baby voice, reminding Lloyd that he was still awake, and stared at the cake with his round eyes.

"Okay, okay, whoever sees it gets a share."

Lloyd smiled, went outside to bring in the kitten's milk bowl, broke off half of the cake and put it in it, and the man and the cat shared the cake.

Although the cake was sweet and delicious, sweet and not greasy, Lloyd's mind was not on it, but was thinking about tonight's seminar.

New gameplay in the ‘Dream Theater’; the Redeemer Saint is suffering; there is no way out of the extraordinary path; the [Prophecy] that Jenkins obtained at a huge price; and the inexplicable end at the end.

There is a lot of information, Lloyd wrote it down and will think about it slowly later.

At the same time, he sincerely hopes that the four of them are fine, don’t get into trouble, and get better as soon as possible.

After all, everyone can be regarded as like-minded to a certain extent, and we are still waiting for more cooperation in the future.

Although it is too early to talk about ‘future destiny’ and ‘get rid of shackles’, who dares to say that the future destiny of mankind will definitely not start to change here?

By the way, what is the [Prophecy] in Jenkins’ mouth? Some special divination?

I can ask next time I have a chance, it’s time to go to bed now.

Come on, maybe the future of mankind is really in our hands.

Lloyd said in his heart, got into the quilt, and habitually glanced at the panel.

[Unread books: "Book of Truth·Volume 1", current reading progress 14.6%]


Why is the reading progress of "Book of Truth" going backwards again?

And it's going backwards more than last time?

Is it consumed as [Seed of Consciousness] again? But I didn't activate [Gift Distortion]?

Lloyd was puzzled for a while, closed his eyes and frowned again, searched his memory carefully, and felt something vaguely.

So he hurriedly returned to the [Thinking Field], stared at the grass under his feet, and carefully checked it inch by inch.

Finally, in the dead gray soil at the edge, four new sprouts were seen breaking out of the ground, and they were emitting a very familiar spirituality.

His own spirituality...

This is the [Distortion Seed] he spread out. After establishing a certain connection with him, it appeared as a new sprout in the [Thinking Field].

Lloyd lowered his head carefully and observed it carefully.

If nothing unexpected happens, this means that the four members of the seminar...

"But I didn't use any skills on them at all? Why is this happening? Could it be... the influence of that barrage?"

Lloyd suddenly felt guilty. This was really an accident. He definitely didn't want to hurt them.

He quickly reached out and wanted to dig out the seeds.

But the weird intuition in his mind reminded him that it's better not to do this...

Indeed, in the skill description, there is no mention of what will happen if the [Distortion Seed] is forcibly removed, let alone how to remove it.

It is very likely that it is not a simple removal of the new sprouts in front of him...

Lloyd had to change his mind.

So now, he can only settle for the second best and reduce the impact of [Distortion] on them as much as possible.

Well...I can control the general direction and speed of [Distortion]...

He then activated the [Gift Distortion] skill, and the four young sprouts on the ground shook.

Lloyd then felt a few more thin threads in his brain, thinner than a hair, but extending far, far away.

He thought for a moment, stretched out his finger, and gently touched the first bud, which represented Jenkins' [Distortion Seed].

"I hope you can recover from your coma and cheer up."

Lloyd whispered.

Although he didn't know what Jenkins' life was like in reality, he always felt that he was a little too decadent, and didn't look like a high-ranking strong man at all.

Maybe he suffered a heavy blow?

So Lloyd set his [Distortion] direction to 'cheer up', and the amplitude and speed to 'extremely low'.

[Distortion] doesn't have to develop in a bad and bad direction, it can also develop in this optimistic direction.

And considering the other party's attributes and mental state, it will also affect the effect of [Distortion Seed]. Then Jenkins is also a fifth-level, and his mental state is also good, so this degree of [Distortion] should be easily overcome by him.

Then, Lloyd reached out and touched the second bud, which represented Goldron's [Twisted Seed].

"I hope you can recover from your coma and become more cautious."

Goldron usually doesn't talk much, but what he says is often scary, such as carrying away other people's trees or pocketing public property. Lloyd felt that he was a silent reckless man.

So I hope he can be more cautious. Of course, the amplitude and speed are also extremely low. With his fourth-level level and mental state, he should be able to overcome it.

It was Valdez's turn next, and Lloyd hesitated a little.

This is actually an opportunity to make Valdes absolutely loyal to him. If he [twisted] in that direction, his intelligence should be able to be used for his own benefit.

But Lloyd shook his head and gave up those evil thoughts.

He just hoped that Valdes would recover as soon as possible and be more humble.

This guy's words and deeds gave people a feeling of being arrogant, and he always used words like "mediocrity" and "idiot" on his lips, which was easy to offend people.

It would be good if he could be more humble.

But he was at least a fourth-level, and such a change might take a long time to manifest.

Finally, it was Ai Luoluo's turn.

Because her cake was delicious, Lloyd hoped that she could become strong. After all, she was an extraordinary person who had completed enlightenment, so she didn't cry all the time.

"I'm sorry, I can only do this at present. After all, I can only influence this vague general direction and cannot decide the details..."

Lloyd said, and "rubbed" out four more glass covers and put them on the four new buds to avoid mutual interference.

"Hope there will be a good result in the end? Or hold on until I become more powerful and can make more subtle interference, or even directly remove it."

The directions he specified, such as "cheer up" and "caution", are too vague and too broad. Even he himself doesn't know what the final result will be.

Maybe Jenkins will cheer up, and then run to get involved in the taboo system and become an outlaw...

Maybe Goldron will become as "cautious" as checking the faucet a dozen times before going to bed, and then still pull out the trees in other people's yards...

Maybe Valdez will become Versailles-style "humble"; Eloro will become "strong" in boxing...

Lloyd can only hope that they will be affected as slowly as possible, and then improve faster, so that he can control this accident before causing a big mess.

Anyway, I hope she is okay...


"Miss? Miss, what's wrong with you? Aren't you changing clothes? Why are you sleeping on the floor all of a sudden?"

Ailuo was dazed and felt someone patting her face gently. Then she squinted half of her eyes with great effort, revealing a little bit of light blue eyes.

"Wu...Miss Xie Beileda...I...I'm fine..."

Ailuo said weakly, rubbing her head that had become numb due to pain, and sat up from the carpet.

She actually wanted to lie down for a while, rest for a while, at least wait until the headache subsided before getting up.

But her body couldn't help but force herself to move.

The personal maid who was responsible for taking care of her daily life beside her hurriedly helped her sit down on the bed next to her, and then asked:

"Where is the cake I prepared for you before? Did you eat it?"

Why would Miss Xie Beileda pay attention to such things?

Ailuo thought dazedly, nodded slightly, and slowly opened the other half of her eyes, revealing a deep blue eye.

Her eyes were a pair of heterochromatic pupils with not so great contrast.

Then, she lifted the silver-white hair on her head that was curved into an arc, looked at the home pajamas on her upper body and the short skirt she was wearing, and gradually recalled the things that happened before.

I seemed to...see something extraordinary? Then I fainted...

Woo... It's so scary... I dare not look...

But I didn't see anything clearly? I must seize the opportunity next time...

Some strange thoughts came to her mind, and they were even somewhat contradictory.

But she didn't realize that there was anything wrong, and raised her head slightly and looked at the ceiling of her room.

There was a cartoon-style starry sky on it, and several golden stars formed a wonderful pattern.

"Ms. Xie Beileda, can you help me talk to my father to change the ceiling?"

Ai Luoluo suddenly said.

Somehow, she suddenly didn't like this cartoon starry sky pattern.

Maybe it's because she has seen it for too many years and is tired of it?

However, the maid, who was always very accommodating to her, shook her head and answered without hesitation:

"I'm sorry, miss, I'm afraid this won't work."

"Eh? Why?"

"There's no reason. All the arrangements in this house are not allowed to be changed. Please believe that this is all for your own good..."

The maid said, pressing Eloro's shoulders and stuffing her into the quilt.

"It's getting late. Please go to bed early. There's still Mrs. Heweima's class tomorrow morning."

The maid turned off the lights, left the room, and locked the door from the outside.


Eloro lay in the quilt, hesitating to speak.

"I just woke up from a coma?"

Thanks to Cat_ED for the 100 points reward

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