I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 133 132 Could it be that I am cursed?

Chapter 133 132. Am I not cursed?

[Ding~Insanity value +300]

[Ding~Insanity value +300]

Lloyd managed to get rid of today's task neatly. There were a total of five monsters on level 3.

Today, all five of them were pretty fat. On average, two sets of organs could be recovered, so the whole process was a bit slow and took him almost two hours.

But when he returned to the first floor and was about to change out of his white coat and read a book, he suddenly heard a quarrel coming from the door.

"Nothing will stop you clowns from taking away Senior Lloyd!"

"Yes! I will protect Senior Lloyd!"

"I've been single-voting Royd-senpai since I was born!"

What happened? What happened?

Lloyd was stunned for a moment after hearing this. He quickly changed his clothes and ran over. Then he found that there was also a confrontation outside the No. 9 Tower.

Weiya is taking the lead here, with a pretty face, blocking the door, showing a posture of refusing to give in.

There were more than a dozen executors surrounding her, making a lot of noise.

And at the outermost edge of the crowd, there was a Metis "drinking morning tea", and the strong smell of alcohol could be smelled from a distance.

Opposing them were also Lloyd's 'old acquaintances', several Holy Grace Hunters wearing cartoon fox masks.

The captain among them was shrugging helplessly, spreading his hands, trying to prove that he was harmless, and then defended in a very troubled tone:

"I really have an old acquaintance with Mr. Lloyd. He has helped me twice. I will never harm him. It's just that the circumstances of this case are special and I need him to come with me. It's really not what you think. In that case...Judge Wei Ya, you should be able to believe me, right?"

A fox hunter next to him also helped explain:

"Yes, our Holy Grace Court is not the kind of unreasonable place. How dare you touch your people? It's just that my new colleague is new here and doesn't know the rules yet. It's very offensive... But no matter what He said that since we are all members of the sect that follows the saint, we should have more trust in each other.”

What is all this fuss about?

Lloyd quickly moved closer.

As soon as he saw him appear, the captain on the opposite side immediately waved to him as if looking at a savior.

But when Lloyd took a few steps closer, Wei Ya suddenly stopped in front of him and whispered:

"They said that you are involved in a murder case and they want to take you back. Don't agree and wait for Chief of Staff Golaus to come and deal with it."

Between the fox hunter and Weiya, Lloyd naturally believed in Weiya unconditionally, so he nodded and did not respond to the warm greeting from the other side.

Just at this time, the chief of staff, with only a few hairs messy in the wind, finally arrived.

He showed his professionalism, first dispersed the crowd of onlookers, and then asked both sides about the situation.

Finally the decision was made:

"I will prepare a private enough conference room for you in Tower One. If you want to investigate, just do it there. We will not interfere. Lloyd, please cooperate with them... But don't worry, no one can Take you away by force."

Lloyd, who was completely out of the situation, nodded.

But Captain Fox on the opposite side was still thinking about fighting for it:

"But your Excellency...this is not in line with our rules..."

The chief of staff smiled and replied:

"I know, but this is District 18. Here, there are only the rules of Lord Tiltus."

Seeing that the presiding judge had been moved out, the captain of course had nothing to say and could only reluctantly nod.

"Well, if you insist..."

After saying that, he shook his head at the other two subordinates, indicating that they could do what they wanted, and followed the footsteps of the chief of staff with only the trusted subordinate.

Several people soon arrived at a conference room on the second floor of Tower 1, and only two hunters and Lloyd walked in.

As soon as the door of the conference room is closed, the soundproofing tracks are activated one after another to ensure that the rest of the meeting will not be disturbed.

"Huh... Is your girlfriend really vicious? She almost drew a knife to chop me just now..."

The captain spoke first in a half-joking, half-serious tone, then he pulled up a chair and sat down. He then magically pulled out a set of coffee stoves and coffee pots, set them up on the table in front of the three of them, and lit them.

The hunter he brought also took out a kettle, coffee beans, and grinder like magic, and started grinding coffee on the spot.

Lloyd was stunned for a moment and said quickly:

"She's not my girlfriend yet...how did you do this?"

"Huh? Didn't they equip you with a 'magic pocket'? Oh, yes, you are an executioner, so you really won't be equipped with this, in case you enrich your own pockets during the execution..."

"Magic pocket? Is it some kind of space storage equipment?"

"What are you thinking about? My big star, that kind of equipment can only be found in street stall novels, right?"

Captain Fox laughed and explained:

"But the magic pocket can be regarded as a poor substitute for that kind of thing. If you are interested, I will explain it to you later. Why don't we talk about business now? Of course, we can also wait until the coffee is brewed. "

"Okay, then why did you take me away?"

Lloyd asked proactively.

Captain Fox adjusted the mask on his face and replied:

"There is indeed a murder case that requires your assistance in the investigation, but in fact... we don't want to take you away, at least I don't. I would rather finish the work like this while drinking coffee, but it is inevitable that someone will remind me Must follow the rules...

Forget it, you and I don't need to care about this kind of thing. Your Excellency the Chief of Staff has come forward anyway, right? Let’s go back to the case itself——

Godock, a well-known critic who had had contact with you before and signed a relevant agreement, was found dead in his luxury apartment. "


Lloyd was really shocked this time. He just saw the soft article he bought from him two hours ago, and when he turned around, the person was gone?

Isn’t it possible that the editor on the other side is not a good person and just fast forwards to the offline PK session?

"Take a look at the photos of the scene."

The captain took out a few black-and-white photos and handed them to Lloyd, and then began to observe the changes in the expression on his face.

The photo showed a corpse that was so bloody that it was no longer human-like. The whole body was almost cut into pieces and then scattered into a strange pattern.

But there was no trace of blood on the ground, and no remains of organs, as if the whole person had been hollowed out before being broken down into this.

Although the photo is in black and white, it is clear enough and the angle is very comprehensive. If a normal person sees it, it will definitely cause physical discomfort.

But Lloyd just frowned and patiently read them one by one.

The captain sitting opposite couldn't help but nodded.

After more than ten minutes, Lloyd asked:

"How is this done?"

As an expert in anatomy, although he has never done anything to humans, some basic principles are still the same. He could tell at a glance that the wounds on the corpse were not normal. They did not look like they could be caused by a blade, but rather seemed to be caused by a huge force. The force tore it apart like this.

Just like a human tearing up a rag doll...

This was obviously the hand of some supernatural power.

But the apartment where the critic lives is the core and safest central area. It can directly overlook the Veto Sanctuary. It can be said to be the safest area in the city.

Who would dare to commit such a cruel and vicious murder under the eyes of a saint?

Newspaper editors shouldn’t be that powerful, right?

"The body was discovered by the apartment manager last night. Our people conducted a preliminary investigation and then threw this hot potato to my team... But I don't know much information at the moment. I can only confirm He died from an extremely vicious trick——

[Price transfer]"

The captain said and asked again:

"Have you heard of this?"

"I just heard that it seems to be the high-level power of the [Curse] system?"

Lloyd recalled the butler's notes, which briefly mentioned this [price transfer], but did not go into details. He just cursed a lot and used unusually vulgar words.

At that time, I thought it was the housekeeper who was jealous of evil, but now that I think about it, I feel a little helpless and furious...

Maybe he suffered a big loss from this...

The captain gave Lloyd a rough explanation.

To put it simply, [Cost Transfer] is not an offensive ability, but a relatively special divination method. After some cruel and anti-human preparations under the [Curse] system, the victim is asked to bear the divination belt on his behalf. consequences and dangers.

This is undoubtedly an extremely vicious trick...

In the case of this reviewer, it is obvious that the murderer divined something terrible and then passed it on to the victim...

"But the problem is that [price transfer] does not take effect by chanting a spell, but requires several days of preparation... In other words, during the period when the murderer was preparing, you visited him and Signed an agreement with him..."

As the captain said, he noticed that Lloyd on the opposite side suddenly became nervous and began to touch his body and look at his hands.

"Huh? Why are you suddenly nervous? I didn't doubt you, I just wanted to understand the situation at that time."

"No, no, I did visit him and tasted his black tea and desserts. I'm afraid I've been cursed..."

"Uh... you'd better stop scaring yourself. We are followers of the Veto Saint. If the gangsters of the [Curse] system don't have brain problems, they won't attack us, not to mention that you have a powerful Ti... Lord Ertus."

The captain first comforted him, then handed Lloyd a cup of coffee and continued:

"Okay, let's try the coffee I brought from the City of Order first, calm down, and then let's recall the scene together?"

Lloyd nodded, but he still used inspiration to check his whole body carefully. After confirming that there was nothing wrong, he picked up the coffee and took a sip.

grass! So bitter!

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