Chapter 134 133. He is very lucky

Lloyd put down his coffee cup, then closed his eyes and recalled, telling all about the meeting with the critic at that time, as well as the causes and consequences. He didn't hide anything, and there was nothing he could hide.

The captain listened patiently, while the team member patiently took notes and asked two questions from time to time.

"So, you didn't develop inspiration at that time, you just observed it with your naked eyes, and then you didn't notice anything strange about the other party?"

Lloyd nodded and asked again.

"Yes, who would drink tea with inspiration turned on all the time?"

"Uh... we..."


"Don't worry about it. This is our professional habit and one of the many differences between us and you."

The captain explained in a helpless tone.

Lloyd smiled and asked:

"I can understand this. Your duty is mainly to deal with criminals. Inspiration is indeed very important... So that's all I can say. I wonder if I can help you?"

"Well... it should help us narrow down the time of the crime, right? The murderer was probably the victim who visited after you left, and happened to pass you by..."

The captain made a preliminary judgment, then nodded, indicating that it was OK.

"Okay, that's it for now. Thank you for your cooperation. Can you lend us this place for a while? We plan to sort out the case first."

But Lloyd was not in a hurry to leave and asked again:

"Uh...there's nothing you need my help with?"

He was serious about helping. After all, he had always been a righteous young man who hated evil and would write anonymous letters no matter what.

What's more, such gangsters who dare to attack the central area must be extremely vicious. It will be a good thing for everyone if they can be brought to justice as soon as possible.

But the captain declined his kindness and said with a slight smile:

"Okay, my big star, a super genius like you should focus his time and energy on the right path and deal with these annoying gangsters, so let us do it."

Having said that, what else can Lloyd say?

Just when he was about to leave, the captain suddenly reminded him:

"Just in case, you'd better not use divination during this period. Gangsters like this [Curse] type are best at using divination to harm people."

Lloyd nodded, took note of this advice, and then opened the door and left.

After he walked away, the remaining two people in the conference room, like magic, took out sugar cubes, milk, and chocolate, added them to their coffee, and then tasted it carefully while briefly discussing it. Ichiban.

The team member was the first to ask:

"Could it be a 'consultant'? I can only think of this guy who can attack so close to the Veto Sanctuary without being noticed."

"It's possible, but something is wrong..."

"Captain, you mean...he let our big star go?"

"Yes, it really doesn't look like a 'consultant' to have such a super genius so close but let him leave safely... But then I thought about it, maybe the two of them really just passed each other. In this case, The time range can be narrowed down to that day.”

As the captain said, he picked up his notebook and checked the timetable, then nodded and briefly analyzed:

"We first found signs of the 'consultant' in the underground area, and then the critic was brutally murdered the next day and became his scapegoat, and then we completed the preliminary preparations for [price transfer] last night...

The time was a little tight, but if it was a 'consultant' who took action, that would make sense.

Our big star is really lucky. It is possible that if he had left a little later, nothing would have happened today..."

As he spoke, he flipped through a few more pages of his notebook, which contained the records of the last appearance of the 'consultant'.

“The last time I found this guy’s clear whereabouts, he used the power of the [Disaster] system and designed to kill more than ten colleagues from the City of Silence…

But this was already a case three years ago, and now he appears again. Has he even mastered the [Price Transfer] of the [Curse] system? "

"What a creepy guy...Why did such an unfortunate job happen to us?"

The teammate next to him whispered something and took another sip of the cloyingly sweet coffee.

"When you catch him later, you can ask him why he has been obsessed with [distorting] the system for so many years? Otherwise, this case will not be thrown at us."

"Uh... Captain, do you actually think we can catch such a dangerous guy?"

"What if?"

"I feel that we may die miserably and ugly..."

"Ha~ people will always die, just one day sooner and one day later."

The captain said very casually and took another sip of coffee.

Why is it still so painful?


For the time being, Lloyd didn't know that he had passed by the top five most wanted criminals on the bounty list.

As soon as he came out of Tower No. 1, he saw Wei Ya waiting for him outside. As soon as he saw him, he asked anxiously:

"How's it going? They didn't make things difficult for you, did they?"

"No, no, I just cooperated with their investigation."

Lloyd said and asked one more question:

"I think they are getting along quite well? Why were they so ugly before?"

"That's because there is a new member in their team who just reported today. He said some unpleasant things, which caused strong dissatisfaction."

Weiya explained, her face turned cold, and she was obviously still angry about those words.

New member who just reported? Joined a hunter team that was obviously very sophisticated and smooth, and then came to the territory of the Holy Inquisition to say weird things?

Lloyd couldn't help but recall what Captain Fox said before, such as 'someone reminded him to abide by the rules', 'it has nothing to do with you and me' and so on.

This made him smell the stench of workplace politics...

From this point of view, the notoriety of the Holy Grace Court is not without reason...

"You don't have to care too much about these things. The cult is a very large organization, and some things are always inevitable."

Viya comforted her again, and then asked curiously:

"What case are they questioning you about?"

"An extremely cruel homicide..."

Lloyd then told Viya about the case, which frightened her so much that she couldn't help but sigh in a low voice:

"I didn't expect such a bad case to happen in a place like the central area... It seems that with the progress of the great development, these evil forces have begun to stir."

"Yes, so we must work hard to become stronger."

Lloyd agreed.

The two chatted while returning to Tower 9. As soon as they entered, they saw several executors surrounding them.

"Senior Lloyd, are you okay? Did those clowns embarrass you?"

"Are the people from the Holy Grace Court trying to get you to join them? Don't agree! We can't live without Senior Lloyd in District 18!"

"What that idiot said earlier was really rude. What do you mean they are the law enforcement agencies? What do you mean they have the right to inquire about everything? That arrogant face really makes people want to beat him up."

"If Judge Weiya hadn't stopped me, I would have thrown a brick at that idiot."

Looking at the sincere concern on these people's faces, Lloyd smiled, changed his usual indifference, responded one by one, and patiently comforted everyone.

But he didn't mention the case, just asked them to 'don't think too much, don't ask too much'.

After these people dispersed, Lloyd went to the library to borrow a book on equipment, intending to study what the captain's 'magic pocket' was?

He temporarily put the murder case behind him, anyway, the information he could provide was just that little.

There was just a little curiosity left in his heart - what kind of divination could make that critic look so miserable?

These criminals are so hateful!

When Lloyd returned to the office, he flipped through the catalog of the book and soon found the description of the "magic pocket".

It turned out that this thing was a much weaker "space storage bag", not even a storage bag, but only a special channel.

It allows the holder to have a special space connection with a real safe or warehouse, and put his hand in it to take out the things inside.

But there is a clear distance limit. The distance between the safe or warehouse and the "magic pocket" cannot be too far, so most of the time, it is connected to the trunk of the steam car, and the coffee pot used by the captain and others is mostly transformed from the trunk.

As for the functions in the novel such as "can hold anything", "ignore size", "unconditional preservation", and "intelligent sorting and filtering", forget it.

However, according to the book, the space equipment in the novel did exist in history. When humans were still in the glorious era of the "Fighting Power Stage 3", this kind of equipment was not uncommon.

It's just that after experiencing the apocalypse, humans can only use this youth version that has been weakened many times.

I can find a way to get one later. Although I don't have a car and may not use it much, as a time traveler, this kind of equipment must be available!

Lloyd pondered in his mind.

Just at this time, he heard someone knocking on the office door.

"Come in."

After saying that, Lloyd waited for a while.

In the end, no one came in, but there was another knock on the door.


He went over to open the door with some doubts.

Then he saw a crack in the space in front of him. It was pitch black inside, and there was a faint star-like light flickering, but he couldn't see anything.

An arm as thick as cardboard, wearing a white sleeve, stretched out from the pitch-black crack, holding a letter in his hand, and handed it to Lloyd.

There was a series of symbols on the envelope that looked very familiar to Lloyd.

Lloyd took the letter, and the cardboard-like arm waved at him and retracted into the crack.

The entire crack disappeared.

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