I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 137 136 No violation, no resistance

Chapter 137 136. Do not violate, dare not resist

"The results of divination point to the location of the Book of Truth, ancient, toys, clown's one-man show, carousel, veto, neon lights, urban areas, spring mattresses, street children, grass, dirty rags, prisons, saints The residence, the beautiful little garden, the sewer, the kitchen, the prostitute, the fairy tale town, the twist..."

The securities manager spoke out a lot of nouns like he was naming a dish, while he kept rubbing his Adam's apple.

It wasn't until his voice gradually became hoarse and intrusive, like a dying old man, that he stopped and continued:

"Tend to...anxiety, death, danger, madness, optimism, cheerfulness, warmth, desire for love, happiness, and the realization of ideals."

"There are too many meaningless results and keywords, and the interference is too serious..."

"Only the three keywords [ancient], [veto], and [distortion] are clearly valid, while tendency is completely invalid. This is [distortion]'s natural restraint on divination."

"But...why would anyone be able to dabble in distortion outside of my sight?"

"And there are still two systems coexisting, which may also involve [intellect] and [embodiment]..."

"Will it be my old friend? Have you succumbed to the mortal saint?"

Like a delusional patient, he muttered to himself in the office for a while, then stood up, rummaged through the spare suits, ties, and silk hats in the office, transforming himself from a depressed drunkard into a Back to the financial elite.

"We need more in-depth divination, we need a strong new puppet, we need to find the holder of the Book of Truth, we need..."

"Kill him..."

The manager, who had regained his dignity, continued to talk nonchalantly as he left the securities center and walked through the streets and alleys in the west of the city, gradually approaching the underground area.

Then, he found a sewer with a manhole cover half opened and jumped in regardless of his identity.

The maze-like sewers couldn't stop him at all, and he soon arrived at the huge underground city, and then found an ordinary cave dwelling.

As soon as he got close, two strong men with various tattoos on their faces blocked his way.

"I want to see Hoylandi."

"Huh? Meet our leader? I think you should find a boyfriend first and let him teach you the rules below."

A strong man smiled evilly, grabbed the manager's tie, took off the shiny golden collar clip, put it to his mouth and bit it.

"Huh? It's actually made of pure gold. I can't tell you... uh... wow!!!"

He only said half of what he said before he knelt on the ground and began to vomit profusely.

He vomited so hard that he spit out all his internal organs...

But as if that wasn't enough, he started vomiting blood again, as if he wanted to vomit out all the blood in his body.

The other strong man who was partnering with him next to him was immediately frightened out of his wits. He quickly picked up a bone whistle around his neck and blew it with all his strength.

A sharp whistle suddenly came from the whistle and could be heard in every corner of the dungeon.

But he only blew it for less than a second when he found that the bone whistle was blocked by something sticky.

When I took it down and took a look, I didn’t know when the bone whistle was filled with a bunch of bloody things.

Then, the strong man felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, and immediately fell to the ground, clutching his stomach, twitching and struggling hard.

At this time, there was a rush of footsteps behind the manager, and then someone said hello:

"I'm sorry, Mr. Advisor, these two newcomers don't understand the rules and have never met you."

"It doesn't matter, they've already paid the price."

The manager, or consultant, said without looking back.

The man who arrived looked like an honest and honest blacksmith, wearing oil-stained clothes, followed by several apprentices with the same style of painting. Everyone looked pale and wanted to hold their breath.

But the leader still had to stand up and explain:

"I'm very sorry, advisor. Our leader is not here for the time being. He went to the Eternal City to find a [prophecy]. The association affairs are currently in my hands."

After saying that, his body couldn't help but tremble slightly, not hiding the fear in his heart.

Even this upper-class person with his back turned to him didn't seem to have any spiritual fluctuations in his body, just like an ordinary person who hadn't even completed [Enlightenment].

But the blacksmith knew very well that if the consultant wanted to kill someone, he didn't need to use his spiritual power.

In particular, he heard the leader mention that advisors generally would not kill people at will, but once he did it, he would have no reason and no worries.

He even dared to kill the Grand Inquisitor of the Eternal City. He was an out-and-out lunatic.

Thinking of this, the blacksmith's trembling could not help but intensify slightly, causing some fluctuations in the spiritual energy escaping from his body.

At this time, the consultant slowly turned around and asked:

"You actually have level six? Not bad, but why are you so nervous? I'm not the kind of lunatic who likes to kill people."

The blacksmith quickly raised his head and glanced at the other party, then was stunned.

The flesh and blood on the opponent's face drooped softly, as if he had lost his bones, leaving layers of wax marks on his skin and flesh, like a melted wax statue, looking extremely evil.

"I need a new body. I don't need to complete [Enlightenment], but my inspiration must be sharper than that of ordinary people... In addition, I need some followers, a clean bedroom, the latest newspapers and magazines, and genuine vinyl records."

The consultant ordered again in a tone that could not be refused.

"Yes, I will prepare it for you as soon as possible."

The blacksmith nodded quickly.

The consultant did not embarrass him anymore and turned away.

After he walked a long way, the blacksmith let out a long breath.

"Oh my God... He really is... Huhu~ What are you still doing? Why don't you go and prepare what he wants?"

"Yes! Yes!"

The apprentices following behind hurriedly responded.

But one of them was not very smart, scratched his head again, and asked in a low voice:

"What if I can't find all these things?"

"Then find a way to commit suicide as soon as possible, so that you may die more comfortably."

The blacksmith said, lowering his head and looking at the two strong men on the ground.

One of them was still twitching and struggling, opening and closing his mouth like a drowning fish trying to take a last breath of air.

But more than half of his lungs were already stuffed into the bone whistle...

For a moment, the blacksmith had an urge to write an anonymous letter of complaint.

But he didn't dare...

Because that was the 'consultant'.

Even though the blacksmith already had the strength of the sixth level, he still didn't dare to have the slightest thought of resistance.


The next morning, when Lloyd was brushing his teeth, he couldn't help but feel a trace of worry in his heart.

Can my sister comb her hair by herself? Her hair is so long, her hands are so small, and her arms are so short...

She won't go out with her hair messy and furry, right?

He subconsciously wanted to take out his pocket watch to divine his sister's current situation, but he recalled the advice of Captain Fox, the butler, and the presiding judge, so he had to put the pocket watch back.

The murderer is from the [Curse] system, and is best at using divination to harm people, so we have to be on guard.

It's really hateful! Even the critic who was just an ordinary person was not spared, so the manuscript I used to criticize the editor must have been wasted.

Lloyd cursed in his heart, and his mind began to think wildly again.

Why did the murderer choose that critic to attack?

Was there a grudge before? A critic with sharp words can easily make enemies...

But he shouldn't be so cruel, right?


Lloyd actually guessed a bigger possibility that would make him more troubled.

But he really didn't want to think in that direction, so he shook his head vigorously.

Anyway, two high-ranking bosses said they would help him, so as a third-level newbie, he should not think about those things.

After washing up, there was a knock on the door, followed by Viya's greeting:

"Good morning~ Lloyd, are you awake?"

"I'm coming."

Lloyd hurried over to open the door and saw the beautiful Viya standing outside the door. Her beautiful face was full of gentleness and tranquility, and she actually had the illusion of a girl next door.

This made Lloyd feel much better.

If possible, I would see Viya every morning when I wake up...

So I must work hard to make money and try to move next to Viya.

When the two chatted before, Viya had inadvertently revealed that she lived in a single-family villa in the rich area.

A low-key little rich woman belongs to...

The two chatted like this, had breakfast together, and then went to Tower 9 together, and then each started working today.

Lloyd didn't have much work today, still three heads-3 floors.

He solved the first two heads with ease, recovered the organs, and then walked to the third cell.

A demon transformed from a wasp was imprisoned here. It had grown a human-like spine, which was directly exposed behind it. The compound eyes on its eyes were filled with human-like eyeballs, and the stingers on its buttocks softened into antennae, twisting wildly.

A pair of wings can also vibrate at a very high frequency, making a "buzzing" sound.

This is not written in the textbook, but what Lloyd actually saw and heard-

This wasp demon was flying in the air of the prison cell, and the eyeballs in its compound eyes looked around, looking for an opportunity to escape.

The white chains that were supposed to tie it up had broken at the root, and the rituals engraved on the ground had become blurred, as if they were covered with a layer of mosaics and completely ineffective.

As soon as it noticed someone coming in, the wasp demon turned flexibly and pounced on Lloyd.

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