I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 138 137 Is this really just an accident?

Chapter 138 137. Is this really just an accident?

This giant wasp was more than one meter long and could easily take Everoel away. When it saw Lloyd, it made a 'buzzing' sound and flew in the air in a standard inverted '8' shape. Its antennae-like stinger hardened into a sharp spear and swooped down towards Lloyd.


It crashed into the wall next to it, and the spear-like stinger broke into two pieces with a crisp sound of snapping.

But the big wasp did not give in. It flapped its wings again and pounced on Lloyd, who was seen by its compound eyes.


After another muffled sound, the big wasp was a little confused. It distanced itself again, tilted its head slightly, and scratched itself with its forelimbs, as if it didn't quite understand why this human was so tough?

But it still didn't give up easily. It distanced itself for the third time, and with all its strength, it swooped down towards Lloyd in its eyes.

It was so fast that it could leave an afterimage in the air, and it whistled like a cannonball.


The whole cell trembled slightly.

Then I saw the giant hornet sliding down the wall and fainting.

This collision was too strong, and it almost turned me into a second dimension...

Lloyd watched from the side and didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Although it was surprising that it escaped the suppression of the ritual, although its speed and strength were indeed very strong, although monsters of this level did not have the consciousness and thinking of high-risk monsters.

But it seemed that it could not cope with the visual distortion effect of [Distorted Realm], and it was always fighting wits and courage with the wall.

And the solidity of this wall, Lloyd had personally tested it, and the bullets only left a slight scratch on it, and the giant hornet's random collision could not even scratch the wall skin, which was so hard that it violated the common sense of materials science.

Anyway, with Lloyd's knowledge of civil engineering, he had no idea what kind of technology this wall was built with, but it was definitely not something that monsters of this level could shake.

He walked over, drew the short sword from his waist, and gave the giant wasp a quick death. Then he picked up the spine and stinger that it had broken by itself and threw them into the recycling bin next to him.

Lloyd was not sure if there was still a bounty for such a broken one...

After dealing with the giant wasp, Lloyd walked to the wall and picked up the white steel nail and chain that was usually used to restrain monsters from the ground.

He had come into contact with this set of things several times before, and it can be said that he was very familiar with it. As soon as he got his hands on it this time, he noticed something was wrong.

The spirituality on the steel nails and chains was gone...

And the texture was also lighter than usual, so the monster could easily break free.

But the design performance of this thing was such that even a giant cicada with a danger level of 6 could not break free by force. It had to weaken the ritual and corrode the inscriptions on it before it could break free.

But the inscriptions on the steel nails and chains in Lloyd's hand did not show any signs of wear and corrosion, and were even brand new and shiny.

This was wiped out by Lloyd himself yesterday...

The ritual patterns carved on the ground are still blurry at this time, as if they have been neglected for a long time and have naturally weathered away.

But Lloyd just executed a demon in this cell yesterday, and everything was normal.

So...what's going on?

Is there a traitor in District 18? Want to harm the 'senior Lloyd who hates evil'?

It doesn't make sense. If this traitor has a little brain stem, he should know that it is as easy for the senior Lloyd who hates evil to clean up the things on the -3 floor as drinking water. It is more effective to directly shoot from behind than to go to great lengths to tamper with this link.

What's more, the maintenance of the cells below is the responsibility of a team of professional priests. The chain steel nails used, including the subsequent processing and recycling of corpses and organs, all have a strict process and are under supervision throughout the process.

No matter how smart the traitor is, it is difficult to tamper with this.

But it can't be an accident, right?

After Lloyd pondered for a while, he went back to the first floor and told Weiya about the situation.

"What? The ritual suddenly failed?"

Weiya stood up from her desk, then walked quickly to Lloyd and asked hurriedly:

"You are not injured?"

"Of course not. Although I am humble, I am also very good."

Weiya: "…………"

After hesitating for two seconds, she switched to a businesslike tone, asked about the details, and then said:

"I have to report to the chief of staff as soon as possible."

As a result, as soon as the voice fell, there was a knock on the door in the minds of the two, and then they heard the voice of the chief judge:

"Lloyd, Weiya, in the past half hour, there have been 17 "accidents" of varying sizes in the entire Brilliant City. If you count those that were not summarized in time, the number may be more..."

The chief judge then briefly introduced the situation of these "accidents".

The accident sites ranged from highways, stations, factories, mines, to residences and schools. They were basically accidents that looked normal and could indeed happen in such areas, such as car accidents, pipeline leaks, gas explosions, etc.

However, according to preliminary investigations, a large part of these "accidents" were not normal, similar to what Lloyd encountered, such as the brakes that had just been checked suddenly failing; pipelines that fully complied with safety regulations suddenly leaked, etc.

"The various accidents have caused two deaths and more than ten injuries."

The presiding judge concluded.

This result was unexpectedly optimistic. Lloyd and Weiya breathed a sigh of relief and quickly reported the situation here.

The presiding judge seemed to have expected it and replied:

"As expected, you also encountered it, but fortunately you were not injured."

"This is not a normal accident at all, right?"

Lloyd asked again quickly.

"Yes, this is the power of the [Disaster] system."


Lloyd was stunned.

If it is [Disaster], the current number of casualties seems to be okay?

But the presiding judge immediately said seriously:

"Don't underestimate the power of [Disaster], and don't take it lightly. The characteristics of this taboo system are like this. Through a series of seemingly insignificant minor accidents, they are gradually connected in series. In the end, a small accident will turn into a pair of butterfly wings and set off a terrible storm."

"There is actually such a taboo system that plays the 'butterfly effect'? Isn't it hard to guard against? Is there anything I can do to help?"

Lloyd said nervously.

He was most afraid of this kind of large-scale destruction. What if it affected his sister?

Fortunately, the chief judge's answer made him feel much more at ease:

"Don't worry. We have already obtained enough clues to cause such a reckless [disaster]."

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