I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 139 138 Are you satisfied?

Chapter 139 138. Are you satisfied?


"Excuse me, Advisor, but...it's past the time you ordered to wake you up."

The consultant heard a knock on the door and gradually woke up from a state of complete loss of consciousness.

He was in a luxurious guest room, lying on a soft and comfortable recliner, similar to the kind found in a psychological clinic. The combination of a high-end record player and genuine vinyl records next to him was playing a melodious and soothing symphony. .

There is also a glass of expensive red wine with only a few sips standing next to it, highlighting elegance and luxury.

But when he couldn't feel the weight of his arm, he raised it and saw that the entire right forearm had disappeared, and the remaining half of the arm also showed signs of melting, like a half-burned candle.

This is the new body he just replaced last night. It is young and strong. It has not undergone [Enlightenment] at his request, but it is covered with various symbols and patterns. The whole person looks black and white, showing a kind of Madness and evil temperament.

These tattoos are all meant to enhance inspiration and spiritual power, at the cost of sacrificing some rationality and cognition, but for the consultant's situation, they are just right.

It's just that these tattoos should be temporary new tattoos, and blood is still bleeding in some places, and some bloody and bloody strangulation marks can be seen on the wrists and ankles, etc., which destroys the artistic value of this tattoo.

It was obvious that this body had put up extremely fierce and painful resistance before.

But even so, the consultant was still very satisfied with this new body. The inexplicable damage at the moment made him frown and asked in a low voice:

"What happened while I was asleep?"

Because of the special characteristics of his body, he must take a break every once in a while and enter a state of deep sleep in which he cannot dream and his mind completely stops. This lasts for up to ten hours, and he needs to use elegant music to enhance this sleep. quality.

This was a choice he made when he was at the seventh level. He changed his life form into the very convenient one he is now, and he naturally had to bear the corresponding price.

He could only use this very inefficient method to adjust his condition, restore his strength, and maintain his mental stability.

Generally speaking, he will not make any movements while sleeping. Within ten hours, the entire body function will completely stagnate, like a dead person.

If the body moves or changes in some way, it means something abnormal has occurred.

And what was abnormal was not only his new body, which he was quite satisfied with, but also his sleeping time——

The consultant glanced at the wall clock in the room and saw that it was almost 8pm, which was much later than the time he expected to wake up.

At this time, the consultant heard another knock on the door.

"Your Excellency, Advisor?"

"Please come in."

The consultant was not impatient and sat up from the recliner.

The blacksmith who received him before came in, holding a lot of small notes in his hand, which contained the latest information collected by the "Freedom of Style" association.

But when the blacksmith opened his mouth, he first abdicated his responsibility:

"Your Excellency, you are finally awake. I tried to wake you up several times before, but got no response, so I didn't dare to come in rashly..."

"I know, this is not your problem, it's just that I encountered some special circumstances."

The consultant did not express his anger at this person, but glanced at the small piece of paper in his hand.

The blacksmith quickly explained:

"This morning, more than ten weird 'accidents' happened in the city..."

He then briefly described the situation to the consultant, who also listened patiently.

Then he looked down at his melted right arm and said:

"While I was sleeping, my power went out of control in an unplanned manner."

As he spoke, he looked at the time again, and then said decisively:

"Retreat, the people of the Order should find me soon."

"Ah this..."

The blacksmith was stunned for a while, not quite understanding the situation yet.

Yesterday, I spent a long time trying to appease this evil star. I was just trying to use his illustrious reputation to show off his power and earn some benefits from other forces in this dungeon. Why did he turn around and retreat?

But the consultant would not explain the reason to him, and just continued to order:

"Split up and remember to bring my record player and vinyl records."

The blacksmith did not dare to question the other party's decision, so he could only ask his minions to pack their things.

But the 'Freedom of Style' association has been operating in the underground city for many years and has become a big business. Even if it was just collecting valuables, it took him more than two hours.

But the consultant has disappeared long ago...

Damn it, this heartless monster, how about I just write an anonymous letter?

The blacksmith had this impulse again.

However, he still didn't dare to actually write, nor did he dare to ignore the adviser's 'suggestion'. He could only angrily greet his subordinates, disperse them, and flee.

He himself took a few cronies dressed as blacksmith apprentices, took the most valuable belongings, chose the fastest sewer, and fled to an underground bar in the west of the city.

There was still a scene of demons dancing in the bar. A lot of young people from the west side of the city were indulgent in it without being disturbed by anyone.

"It seems that we moved quite quickly and got ahead of the group of hounds."

As the blacksmith spoke, he called his men through the back door of the bar and arrived at a remote dark alley, where a steam truck for traveling was prepared.

But the strange thing is that the place where the truck was originally parked is empty, with only a puddle of engine oil remaining, proving that it once existed.

"Where's my car?"

The blacksmith suddenly felt something was wrong.

The next second, he heard a series of uniform metal friction sounds all around him.

That was the sound of a rifle being loaded...

Then, a bright light fell from the sky, covering the blacksmith and apprentice, and then dozens of gun muzzles poked out from the streets and alleys, as well as from the windows of nearby houses, forming a crossfire network, covering any possible angle for them to dodge.

You can also see several cartoon-style animal masks among them.

The hunters of Saint Grace Court have completely surrounded them.

"Oh shit……"

The blacksmith couldn't help but cursed secretly.

The current situation is already very clear. The consultant's so-called "sudden loss of control" really attracted the people of the cult, and it happened faster than expected.

"Be caught without mercy or commit suicide immediately."

A cold order came from the Saint Grace Hunter.

Before the blacksmith could make a choice, an apprentice behind him raised his hands and shouted:

"Don't shoot! We... I surrender! I know who you are looking for, but the 'advisor' is not here... uh... wow!!!"

Before he could finish his words, he knelt on the ground and started vomiting blood until all his internal organs were vomited out.

Obviously, the consultant has planted some kind of [curse] on these people, and he has never really believed in them...

In his eyes, the "Freedom of Style" association may not even be considered abandoned, but just dispensable ants.

At this moment, the blacksmith also wanted to raise his hands and surrender.

However, the apprentice on the ground was writhing and twitching in pain, which dispelled his luck.

If you choose to resist, you may die, but you also have a chance to escape.

The main goal of the Holy Court of Grace should be to encircle and suppress the consultants. It is likely that they will not invest too much combat power on a small guy like themselves. There should be no high-ranking powerful people here. With their sixth-level strength, they may be able to break out. A bloody road.

If you choose to surrender, you will have to face the consultant's terrifying and strange curse, and die in an extremely painful and miserable way.

The blacksmith figured out the key in an instant, raised his hand immediately, and shouted:

"I surrender! I surrender!"

But the spiritual power was secretly mobilizing in his body, preparing for a desperate fight.

As the sixth level of the [Pain] system, he masters the two powerful skills [Pain Gaze] and [Pain Suppression].

The former can open a gap for himself in the encirclement; the latter can transform his injuries into strength in a short period of time, bursting out with astonishing combat effectiveness.

As a result, his surrender seemed less sincere.

The Saint Grace Hunter fired decisively.


Intensive gunshots rang out one after another, and the blacksmith was quickly shot several times.

The apprentices behind him were also injured to varying degrees, and the weakest among them was directly shot into a honeycomb.

But the blacksmith did not notice the power of [veto] in the wounds on his body.

This means that these people are all rookies, they don't even know how to infuse power, and they can't stop themselves at all.

"If you have a chance, come with me and kill all these hunting dogs!"

The blacksmith shouted loudly and turned the injuries on his body into strength. The muscles all over his body bulged as if they were inflated, and he instantly turned into a muscular monster.

The bullets fired by the hunter could no longer hurt him at all, leaving only a few scratches on his iron-hard skin.

"Too weak, really too weak... It's time for you to feel the real [pain]!"

The blacksmith burst into laughter, jumped up, punched through the wall of the nearby house, grabbed the hunter who was hiding behind and loaded the bullet, and then twisted it...

He felt a refreshing and crisp feeling on his hand, and his whole body suddenly became more violent. He jumped up and down, releasing various [Pain] abilities, killing the Saint Grace Hunter to a rout.

Gradually, he was completely immersed in the pleasure of killing, and his rationality gradually became unstable. He could no longer remember how many people he had killed. He only knew that a mountain of corpses had been piled up behind him.

several hundred? several thousand?

It doesn't matter, he feels that his current state is unparalleled and is the highest peak since his debut.

He even has the confidence to kill all the ants in the entire Brilliant Order!

In this way, the blacksmith continued to kill repeatedly.

Until an old man who looked like a butler suddenly appeared in front of him, nodding towards him, and then asked:

"Are you still satisfied with this [story]?"

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