I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 142 141 This is the distortion I am looking for

Chapter 142 141. This is the distortion I am looking for

After noticing the sneak attack from behind, the consultant also understood in an instant that the judge had been shielding and hiding the guy behind him with [Intelligence], not the thief.

This made him want to curse him as despicable...

But the heavy sword came too fast and too fiercely, so the consultant had no time to mobilize his strength to resist.

But the blade seemed to be disturbed by some kind of force, and there was a strange deviation. It only chopped on the consultant's right shoulder, cutting through his windbreaker without any hindrance, and slashed down smoothly.

A piece of sleeve fell to the ground.

Only the sleeve...

The consultant's entire right arm, along with a small part of his right body, had long disappeared, leaving only a trace of melted wax.

It seemed that his right arm was still there before, but it was just a clever disguise.


The sneak attacker missed the attack and did not attack again. He quickly jumped back a few times to distance himself from the consultant.

And in the soil layer where he had just stood, several tiny spikes suddenly emerged and pierced the air.

Those spikes were all dangerous [curses], more dangerous and vicious than those that the judge had to deal with. If the attacker had not retreated immediately, he might have been hit.

"Heh~ You lackeys who claim to be justice and order are also good at being insidious and cunning."

The consultant sneered and looked at the attacker.

The other party was tall and burly, wearing a set of silver plate armor covering the whole body, carved with various fine and delicate patterns, with a strong classical charm, and still exuding a faint but unique spirituality.

It may have been a very expensive and powerful weapon, but it is somewhat outdated in this era.

The other party seemed to know this, so there was no one in the armor, but it was empty.

The consultant seemed to know who this armored knight with a classical temperament was, and he sneered again:

"Is it Demani? In your current state, do you still dare to attack?"

"You talk too much nonsense, cough cough..."

The armored knight's voice sounded a little muffled, a little weak and distant, as if it floated from a far away place.

As he said, he stretched out his hand and slowly brushed the heavy sword, making the whole blade light up with a faint fluorescence, emitting the breath of [Veto].

Then he swung the heavy sword in a rotation, cutting off the [Curse] that attacked him one by one.

This is a basic, but advanced way to use the power of [Veto].

The judge who had been forced into a state of embarrassment before suddenly stopped pretending. With a wave of his hand, he [rejected] all the [curses] that had been chasing him before, and then landed beside the armored knight and whispered:

"Your Excellency the Grand Judge."

"Ahem... Tiltus, our plan failed. Now we can only fight him head-on? Ahem..."

"I think so."

"Ahem... It's really troublesome, ahem, I really should have given up my position to you earlier."

The armored knight called the Grand Judge kept coughing like a sickly person, while holding up the heavy sword in his hand, and said in a joking tone:

"Give me something handsome and gorgeous."


So in the eyes of the consultant, the armored knight instantly became golden, like a sun that could dispel darkness and illuminate the night sky.

A handsome red cloak also appeared behind him, flying in the wind, looking handsome and compelling.

There were also many gorgeous and complicated decorations all over the body, including spikes, horns, and hollow patterns, which turned the originally simple armor into a gorgeous work of art. Every step would make a "ding-dong" sound.

Although such changes were limited to the consultant's eyes and seemed meaningless, just a simple visual decoration.

But the consultant still frowned.

He could see such changes, which meant that the interference of the chief judge still existed and could interfere with his vision and inspiration again at any time.

[Intellectual] System, it's really a disgusting maggot...

The consultant cursed in his heart, and had to invest more of his consciousness and power into this body, making him closer to his original body.

Under such influence, the black tattoo on this body seemed to come alive and began to flow, and the blood vessels under the skin began to stir and wriggle like worms.

The consultant looked at the two enemies opposite again, and his eyes became dark and empty in an instant.

He launched a very dangerous and deadly curse - [The Eyes of the Great Being]

This is a skill that can only be mastered when the [Curse] is promoted to the eighth level. Once it takes effect, a large area nearby will no longer have the concept of "rationality".

Everything here, including every blade of grass, every stone, will fall into the abyss of madness. Until the effect disappears, this is an absolute forbidden area for life.

But fortunately, one of the drawbacks of the [Curse] system is that the power will not take effect too quickly, and there is still a chance to forcibly interrupt it...

"Ahem...you lunatic! Damn it, in the name of veto!"

The armored knight cursed, and his figure suddenly blurred and flickered, and disappeared from the spot.

Then he instantly appeared in front of the consultant.

He actually [vetoed] the distance between himself and the consultant.

But this seemed to have been expected by the other party. The armored knight was raising his heavy sword and preparing to exert force, when he suddenly felt empty under his feet.

The originally solid ground unexpectedly cracked into a fork, causing his legs to sink into it, making it impossible to move.

Then, his armor, which should have been extremely solid, unexpectedly broke out several rivets, and his entire arm lost support in an instant and fell down weakly.

The consultant also stretched out his only remaining left hand at this time and grabbed his helmet.

Compared to using the eyes to curse, physical contact is more direct and faster.

But the armored knight switched the heavy sword to his other hand and blocked it in front of him in time.

The blade, which was still glowing slightly, came into contact with the consultant's palm, and immediately emitted bursts of yellow smoke, indicating that the power of the two was in the most direct collision.

At the same time, the chief judge had quietly come to the other side of the consultant, pointed at the consultant, and spread his five fingers.

"In the name of veto!"

The next second, the consultant felt his power suddenly stagnated, and his vision became blurred.

It was just that this fleeting flaw was keenly grasped by the armored knight, who pushed the heavy sword in his hand fiercely, drew a shining arc, directly cut off the consultant's left arm, and then cut towards his chest.

But at this critical moment, his sword blade shifted an inch strangely, just barely passing through the consultant's chest, missing this great opportunity.

At this moment, the skin on the consultant's face suddenly surged with a few tentacle-like buds, and the power suddenly became stronger. An invisible [Curse] power surrounded him, blocking the heavy sword like a barrier.

The shining heavy sword and armor instantly began to corrode and weather at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the unstoppable [Curse] instantly spread to the whole body of the armored knight.

If there was a living person in the armor, it would definitely become inhuman in an instant.

But fortunately there was no one inside, so he could continue to cough.

"Ahem...what has twisted and deflected my power?"

"This is the distortion I'm looking for!"

The consultant let out a hysterical roar, gathering all the power around him, like an invisible sharp blade, stabbing at the helmet of the armored knight.

At the same time, a thunderbolt "accidentally" fell from the sky, striking the judge next to him, completely covering him in lightning.

And the terrible curse that the consultant had been brewing before did not stop, and was on the verge of being ready to go.

As long as the curse is successfully cast, this farce tonight can be ended.

At the same time, the [disaster] that has been brewing for a long time will also be triggered at the same time, so that the effect of the curse will not be limited to this uninhabited suburb, but will be transformed into a terrible disaster, with this place as the center and spreading everywhere.

That will inevitably be a result of a thousand miles of desolate land and a thousand miles of desolate land...

"It's over...you should know that I don't actually like killing people, and you forced me to do this."

The consultant said coldly, preparing to trigger this final curse.

But at this moment, he suddenly heard a voice behind him:

"In the name of veto!"

The consultant was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly spit out a mouthful of dirty blood.

"How... is it possible..."

He slowly turned his head and saw that the thief who stole the "Book of Truth" appeared behind him at some point.

Or without his awareness?

At this time, although he was still using this body, because of the continuous investment of consciousness and power, he was infinitely close to his original body.

Whether it was inspiration or spiritual power, or the use and control of power, they were all in the strongest state.

In this state, [Intelligence] could no longer interfere with his perception, [Veto] could no longer understand his existence, and under the coverage of inspiration, it was even more impossible for anyone to escape his control.

But the thief suddenly appeared and launched a sinister sneak attack on him.

The consultant's mind was suddenly a little confused, and he couldn't figure out why this guy could attack under his nose? Why could he use a mere second-level power to sneak attack and hurt himself who had already tried his best?

And it was an extremely deadly sneak attack...

The spiritual power in his body began to run wild and out of control, and his thinking and rationality began to gradually deviate.

He even saw a few kittens in short skirts appearing in front of him, twisting their buttocks and dancing towards him?

[The gaze from the great existence] was instantly deflected, and the state of being ready to go was forcibly interrupted, and the terrifying power contained in it was fed back to his whole body.


The consultant's figure exploded like a crushed tomato and scattered all over the ground.

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