I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 143 142 In the name of veto!

Chapter 143 142. In the name of veto!

Phew... is it over? I killed that notorious 'consultant'?

With an expression of disbelief on his face, Lloyd looked down at his hands, and then at the statue of the saint held tightly in his hands.

Fortunately, this thing only felt like a girl's catkin and was not real. Otherwise, with the strength of his grip, he would definitely make the other party scream in pain.

In fact, he had been standing there since the beginning of the contact between the two parties. He did not escape as the consultant suspected, nor was he hidden by the presiding judge's ability.

He just wore an extra dusty vest under his uniform jacket——

This is the 'meeting gift' that the Armored Knight brought him when he came to find him today. It is a sacred object code-named 5-673, named [Calmness outside the world]

The effect is a kind of magical spatial invisibility, as if hiding in a special space. During the half-hour duration of the effect, it will not be affected by changes outside, nor will it be discovered by inspired vision, just like No longer of this world, 'out of it' in the truest sense of the word.

But the price is that he can't move and can only stand motionless. He also can't take action and can only watch from the side.

He couldn't even communicate or send signals to the other party, and he wasn't even a spring water commander.

At the same time, you will also endure gradually increasing mental pollution, from +1 in the first few minutes to +1 in the next second.

At that time, Lloyd obviously didn't care about the madness. Taking advantage of the brief cover of the presiding judge, he activated the effect of the vest and began to watch the entire battle.

Then he watched helplessly as the judge and the armored knight gradually fell into a disadvantage, feeling anxious for a while.

Not only was he anxious about the situation of the war, but more importantly, he wanted to kill this advisor in a hurry.

Several times he became passionate and wanted to help.

However, the vest on the body does not support frequent activation. Once it is used, it means that it is no longer 'out of the world' and cannot be activated again in a short period of time.

In this way, he will be directly exposed on the battlefield where three strong men are fighting...

In the battle between the three strong men, although the fancy light pollution cannot be seen in the visual effects, there are no fancy fighting techniques, and there is not much dialogue.

But in the air, the powers of [veto], [disaster] and [curse] are colliding and stirring crazily, forming an invisible spiritual storm.

Even with the protection of that vest, Lloyd could feel his inspiration and intuition warning him wildly, telling him to escape from this terrifying place of right and wrong.

Even now that the battle is over, Lloyd can feel the burning tingling sensation coming from his skin, which is the aftertaste left by the collision of spiritual powers between the two sides.

If he were to escape from the state of being 'out of the world', Lloyd had no doubt that he would die from an unknown AOE on the spot.

Even if you are lucky enough to escape the aftermath of the battle, you will be discovered by the advisor in an instant...

Lloyd had no doubt that once the consultant discovered him, he would kill him first regardless.

Because in his heart, he has the same murderous intention as himself.

Lloyd knew very well that the reason why the consultant was willing to fight one against two, fighting the presiding judge and the armored knight on the territory of an enemy like Brilliant City, was also influenced by this murderous intention.

His rationality and thinking were disturbed, and he made many inappropriate and unwise choices.

Although Lloyd did not peek into the consultant's thoughts, he had some experience of feeling the same.

During the whole process of watching, he felt that the desire in his heart was constantly urging him to kill him, to devour him, and not to be afraid of the dangers of the battlefield, that was no big deal.

This murderous intention is becoming more and more intense and naked, and it is close to greed.

Lloyd's thinking, obviously like the consultant's, was disturbed, or [distorted].

Especially when the counselor is about to cast that terrible curse.

Although Lloyd didn't know how terrifying the curse was, the weird intuition in his mind reminded him that if that thing really activated, he might never see his sister again...

This is the time when he must take action.

Driven by the murderous intention in his heart, he has mobilized the spiritual power in his body.

But the saint statue he was holding tightly in his hand suddenly turned around and pressed the back of his hand like a real girl's hand.

In an instant, Lloyd's mind was briefly sober, he defeated the crazy greed in his heart, and endured it again.

Until the super curse was ready to strike, Lloyd felt a gentle force take the initiative to hold his hand and point at the consultant.

It's like someone is hugging me gently from behind, reminding me patiently.

Lloyd knew it was time.

So he didn't care whether he was exposed or not, and activated all his skills.

[Twisted Realm] starts!

[Extraordinary Swordsmanship] activated!

[Offensive language] activated!

[Gift Twist] activated!

Then he mobilized all his spiritual power and left the protection of the vest.

At the moment he was about to take action, he heard a gentle and quiet female voice ringing in his ears. The girl holding him from behind shouted together with him:

"In the name of veto!"


Lloyd was stunned for a few seconds, briefly recalling the previous battle process, and then turned to look at the advisors scattered on the ground.

He subconsciously stepped forward and approached.

But at this time, as the center of the battle, the agitation of spiritual power has not yet ended, and the power of various systems is still colliding and escaping, [veto], [curse], [disaster], and [distortion], rashly To get close is tantamount to courting death.

But Lloyd still gritted his teeth and walked over regardless.

For some reason, the gentle force from before didn't stop him anymore.

There was only a cry in my ears:

"Hello? Don't go there! Brother Lloyd? Are you crazy? Damn... in the name of veto!"

The armored knight, whose feet were still stuck in the cracks in the ground, shouted hurriedly, then quickly stretched out his active hand and activated the [Rejection Declaration]

The turbulent spiritual power nearby was immediately reduced by [Rejection], and the fierce storm subsided a lot, allowing Lloyd to safely approach the advisors everywhere.

He looked down and found several slender blood-red nematodes, squirming and squirming, trying to get into the soil.

Under the dual influence of the instinctive impulse in his heart and a strange intuition in his mind, Lloyd made an almost life-threatening crazy move——

He bent down and directly touched the pile of nematodes with his fingers.

"Huh? Are you fucking kidding me?"

The armored knight was so anxious that he cursed.

But his voice was still half a beat too slow after all...

The worms instantly regained their vitality under Lloyd's touch, and fluttered violently, wrapping around his fingers, piercing his skin, and burrowing into his flesh.


Lloyd only heard a loud noise in his head, as if his brain had been crushed by a heavy hammer, and he suddenly forgot who he was.

He didn't feel pain because his brain could no longer feed him any feelings...

The shouts of the armored knight could not be heard in his ears, only a faint murmur came to mind.

But it was extremely clear and penetrating, as if it had magical power that could penetrate the eardrums and forcefully penetrate into his brain.

"Praise the supreme and great existence! Peel off the body with him and fall into... the abyss where our Lord is. There is no need to be afraid or fearful. That is... where my Lord is, that is... our faith... …”

"Praise that supreme great existence! Forget knowledge with it and touch...the reality where our Lord is. There is no need to be confused or hesitant. That is...what my Lord wants, and that is...our perseverance. …”

With these two clear murmurs echoing in his ears, Lloyd saw the giant stick figure again.

But this time, my perspective is no longer that of a distant bystander, but immersed in the scene, becoming a witness.

The match giant was very close to him, and its lower body was still soaked in the blood-colored ocean. The sea surface was constantly churning, as if it was boiling. From time to time, a few tentacles could be seen poking out of the sea surface, twisting crazily.

And beside Lloyd, there were countless such tentacles floating on the sea, worshiping while twisting crazily.

Lloyd was among them, feeling as if he had become one of them...

He tried to deny it, to move his arms and legs to prove that he was different from them.

But he felt that his hands and feet were tightly stuck together, unable to move at all.

He couldn't even control his body, and was twisting involuntarily according to the rhythm of the surroundings.

If I continue like this, I'm afraid I will completely blend into it and become a tentacle like that...

When he thought of this, Lloyd bit the tip of his tongue hard.

The severe pain in his mouth made him wake up instantly and return to reality.


He gasped for air and found that he was half-lying on the ground without realizing it. His hands were still barely supporting his body. He was a little shaky and looked extremely embarrassed.

And there was a burning sensation in my left index finger.

Lloyd looked down and found several capillary-like red lines emerging under the skin of his index finger, struggling and twisting.

This made him feel sick and irritable, and he quickly mobilized his spiritual power and poured it into his index finger.

Those few red threads resisted for a while and then disappeared quickly.

At this time, a series of panel prompts came to my ears:

[Ding~Insanity value +800]

[Ding~ Enough knowledge fragments have been obtained, the skill level has been improved, and the realm of distortion is LV5 → LV6]

[Ding~ enough knowledge fragments have been obtained, skill level has been improved, ritual control (distortion) LV2 → LV3]

[Ding~ enough knowledge fragments have been obtained, the skill level has been improved, and the gift distortion is LV3 → LV4]

[Ding~ Reading progress improved]

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