I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 155 154 Prophecy and Destiny

Chapter 155 154. Prophecy and Destiny

"Want to discuss [prophecy] and [destiny] with me?"

Jenkins stopped, looking a little surprised.

It had been a long time since anyone had come to talk to him about this topic.

Although Jenkins had already shown a slack attitude in the way of transcendence, he was actually doing well in the academic circle, especially in archaeology, and was considered a highly respected archaeologist.

But few people knew that Jenkins was actually very accomplished in the three fields of [divination], [prophecy], and [destiny], and was even more authoritative than he was in archaeology.

But since he had made a [prophecy] that he still regretted, he quietly "retired from the circle", refused all matters related to this, and became an archaeologist at ease until he was completely forgotten by the circle in this area.

So Jenkins didn't expect that a person from the Brilliant City would actually come to him to talk about this, and he was hesitant for a while.

The student next to him noticed his embarrassment and said sensibly:

"Do I need you to refuse?"

But Jenkins shook his head.

"No, help me arrange a time and place with him."

He also found a reason for himself:

"He can come to me to talk about this topic, which means he has visited my old friends in the city. There are only those few old people in the world who remember my past. I don't want to be laughed at by them because of rejection and avoidance."

These words made the student stunned, and felt that the mentor he had been with day and night had really changed.

If it were a few days ago, he would definitely not accept this meeting.

Fortunately, this change is optimistic and positive, which makes the student happy for Jenkins, so he hurried to take care of it.

About two hours later, Jenkins met Mr. Hoylandy from the City of Brilliance in his study, which was decorated quite simply but kept clean and tidy.

The two sides shook hands politely at first, and then had a general judgment of each other's strength.

Level 6, unknown system, but not very similar to the popular [Veto] in the Brilliant City

Jenkins pondered in his heart.

But this does not mean anything, it can only mean that the other party pays more attention to privacy.

And the other party's appearance also looks like the gentleman style popular in the Brilliant City, with monocles, pocket watches, courtesy, and canes, which makes him look particularly elegant and decent, and he is not from the same world as the common robe-style dress in the Eternal City.

But despite his dress, his speaking style is quite direct. As soon as he sat down, he said straight to the point:

"Thank you for accepting my visit, Professor Jenkins... To be honest, I have been in the Eternal City for quite some time, but I have never got the answer I want... If you can answer my questions, I have also prepared a small gift for you."

As he said, he tilted his head and motioned to the follower behind him, who took out a black briefcase, put it on the table, opened it and showed it a little.

It was filled with gold bars and jewelry, which instantly made the study room sparkle with gold.

But Jenkins frowned, knowing that this huge sum of money might not be easy to earn.

"It seems that Mr. Hoylandi's problem is very tricky..."

The other party smiled, took a sip of the tea handed by the student, and said:

"I believe it should not be a big deal for you. After all, the several "option school" masters I visited before could not give me an answer, but they also recommended you, the "path school" master, to me."

At present, the understanding and definition of the concept of "fate" on the market as a whole still tends to be "try to change fate", "never succumb to fate", "strangle fate by the throat", and other themes that tend to be positive, active, and progressive, believing that fate is malleable and can be changed.

There are also relatively passive ones such as "character determines fate", but there is not much difference in the theme, because character can also be changed, and the overall trend is still positive.

Of course, there are also some pessimistic and negative views that believe that everyone's fate has been written long ago and cannot be violated at all.

There are even some dangerous views that the so-called "fate" is nothing more than a toy of some high-level beings, and everything a person experiences is a script written by them.

Fortunately, this kind of view is generally not popular, and people's overall cognition of "fate" tends to be optimistic and positive.

Among the various optimistic views, many people believe that fate is not illusory and unpredictable, but an objective law or natural phenomenon that exists in reality, which can be observed, summarized, and even accurately grasped.

So the "prophecy" theory came into being. People tried to peek into fate and the future through some mystical means, and derived various "prophecy" means from the "divination" system.

Divination can indeed make some simple predictions about the future, but it can only judge a general tendency through various omens, which is very vague, and the interpretation of omens itself is also a very subjective judgment, without a standard process and correct answer.

And the timeliness is also very short, and it can only predict the development trend of the next 1-3 days.

Therefore, divination is mainly used to explore existing and already happened answers, while prophecy is more inclined to peek into the longer-term future.

In the prophecy-related school of thought, some people focus on the micro level and believe that people will experience various 'forks in life' and many 'options' in their lives. If they can spy on these 'options' in advance and make the right choice, You can embark on a relatively successful life path.

This is the so-called ‘option’ faction.

The 'path' school to which Jenkins belongs focuses on a more macro level and believes that destiny will not be changed through a few options, but clear paths leading to different endings. If the path at the beginning is If you make the wrong choice, there is no point in making more choices. You can only make great efforts to change a path.

Suppose a college student majoring in civil engineering has just graduated and is confused about his future. The optionist can tell him that you can interview with a certain company on a certain day and get a decent job.

The Pathist would tell him that if you don’t want to spend your whole life working on the construction site, it’s best to find a way to switch to the financial industry.

Therefore, there is no clear distinction between the two factions. One focuses on the short term and the other focuses on the long term. Each has gains and losses.

Of course, this is also because humans do not have enough mastery of mysticism and prophecy, so they cannot see a clearer and more realistic destiny.

According to legend, once you reach the level of a saint, you can spy on the fate of every extraordinary person in the system, and provide some guidance and reminders.

But no one has ever confirmed the accuracy of this rumor, so it is still in the "fantasy" stage of street stall novels.

As for Jenkins, he definitely doesn't believe this.

If the saint is really that powerful, wouldn't it mean that the eighth level can walk all over the ground, and the seventh level is not as good as a dog?

Why are humans trapped in just six cities? Shouldn't they have fought back long ago to rebuild the glorious era?

And in addition to this logical deduction, Jenkins has more clear evidence——

He once had a very close contact with the Saint of Redemption, and helped Him with prophecies, which was also a huge favor regarding the overall destiny and future of mankind.

Jenkins also paid an extremely heavy price for this crazy action.

If the saint is really that powerful and can control the fate of every extraordinary being in the system, then why does he need his own help to end up in the situation where his wife and children are separated like this?

"Then, let's talk about your situation first. Of course, you can choose to conceal it or describe it in a general way, but this may affect my subsequent judgment."

Jenkins spoke.

As a result, Hoylandi actually said very frankly:

"Of course I won't hide anything. In fact, I am a sixth-level leader of the [Pain] system. I lead an association that is considered illegal in the Brilliant City. I am wanted by the Holy Court over there. Hmm…need to tell you how much my head is worth?”

As soon as these words came out, the student led by Jenkins was frightened. His face instantly turned pale, and he regretted his operation of luring the wolf into the house.

Did he never expect that this very decent-looking guy would actually be a wanted criminal? Or a sixth-level wanted criminal?

If this guy gets angry, he and his mentor will have no ability to fight back.

But what the student didn't expect was that Jenkins just smiled, then picked up a pen and paper and started recording the other party's information.

Hoylandi also laughed and said:

"Your reaction was pretty much what I expected. You didn't fear or reject me because of it."

"Because in front of [destiny], everyone is equal."

Jenkins replied very calmly.

"You are indeed a true spy of destiny..."

Hoylandi then continued to talk about his recent situation and experiences, and emphasized that he had a very powerful and terrifying mentor, but did not mention the name of the other person or the details of their relationship. He just said briefly:

"I feel that in his eyes, I am just a group of nutrients that will be killed and absorbed by him at any time. Although he has always emphasized to me that he does not like killing, the methods and terror he uses to kill have become my obsession. A nightmare that won’t go away.”

Then, he put forward the answer he was looking for:

"As you can see, I have been living in the shadow of my mentor and I want to get rid of him, no matter the cost."

"What do those old guys from the Alternative Party say?"

"They suggested that I surrender, or disband my association, and stay anonymous from now on, far away from the extraordinary way."

"Then what if I finally come to the same conclusion?"

Jenkins put down the writing pen and looked up and asked.

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