I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 156 155 What a coincidence?

Chapter 156 155. What a coincidence?

Jenkins' question caused Hoylandi to fall into silence for ten minutes.

Then he showed a helpless smile and replied:

"I don't know...Actually, I'm not afraid of the Tribunal. I have many ways to survive; I don't miss my power and status, and I'm willing to accept a life of seclusion. What I'm really afraid of is my mentor... …”

"I don't know how to describe his power and terror to you. I don't even dare to mention his name to you. I only know that if he wants to kill me, no place in the world is safe. "

Then, he talked about an encounter he had before setting off to the Eternal City.

Before he set off, under the orders of the terrifying mentor, he arranged for a junior student. The two had a good personal relationship. The other person was also a lawless element who was exposed to the taboo system, and he also founded an association of his own like him. And he is more loved and respected by his mentor than him.

But this junior was later exposed, and was wanted and suppressed by the Holy Court. When Hoylandi met him again, he had begun to lose control and alienate, but he still maintained a certain degree of rationality, and his arms were still tight. Holding an ancient book that exudes an ominous aura.

Under the instructions of his instructor, Hoylandi helped the junior student arrange a strange ritual, put the ancient book into it, and started some kind of unsettling ritual.

As this ritual progressed, the student's condition worsened, becoming closer to a monster, and the time he could maintain his rationality became less and less.

So Hoylandi finally couldn't stand it any longer. The experience of his junior made him feel fear and despair. He escaped from the Brilliant City overnight and began to look for a way to get rid of his mentor's control.

He didn't dare to betray the Tribunal directly, otherwise he might die in an inexplicable 'accident', and he didn't dare to join other illegal forces because he didn't know if there were other students of his mentor in those organizations...

What's more, if your mentor discovers your defection, there will be no place in the world where you can protect yourself, and you will definitely die in a miserable way.

In his final desperation, he thought of the Eternal City. This is the place where the earliest research on [Destiny] and [Prophecy] began. It is older than the establishment of the Brilliant City, and has gathered the most outstanding related scholars. .

The answer I got was to surrender and remain anonymous...

If this worked, would I still be so panicked?

Hoylandi had no choice but to have today's nearly emergency visit to the doctor. This was his last life-saving straw.

Jenkins wrote down his description for three pages from beginning to end, went through it again at the end, and then began to take vaccinations:

"Since you know the difference between the 'option school' and the 'path school', you should also know what kind of answer I can give, and the price to pay for changing the 'path', right?"

"Of course! Of course! If you can find a path that allows me to continue to live, I am willing to pay any price for it!"

Hoylandi replied without hesitation.

Jenkins nodded and said with a slightly hesitant tone:

"Hmm... But according to your description, your mentor is a very terrifying and powerful man..."

"Uh... If he is just predicting my fate, he shouldn't be aware of it, right? After all, this is the 'future' that has not happened yet. Even my mentor can't interfere or influence it in advance, right?"

"No, you misunderstood. Of course he can't interfere in advance, but generally speaking, when it comes to such high-ranking powerful people...you have to pay more!"



Hoylandy left a few gold bars as a deposit and left, seemingly unafraid that Jenkins would report the crime.

Jenkins really had no idea in this regard, and even stopped the student's attempt to report the crime.

"We must maintain equal treatment in the face of fate in order to get a glimpse of the results we want. This is the first prerequisite for making [prophecy]."

After leaving some teachings, Jenkins chose to go to the secret basement, then took out his metal chessboard, intending to enter the [chess game] to make predictions.

This is the method he has verified countless times. It is safer, more convenient, and more private.

The method of prophecy is different from divination in that it does not require too many props and media. Many operations can even be completed inside the skull, but the efficiency will be slower.

After Jenkins entered the black and white chessboard, he glanced aside.

The mysterious 'spectator' was not there.

Instead, there was an extra white soldier chess piece behind him...


Jenkins was stunned for a moment, not quite sure of the situation, so he just tentatively said hello.

The other party didn't respond. With his life hanging by a thread, there was certainly no chance of a response.

Is this also a ceremony arranged for him by the Most High?

No wonder that with his existence, he suddenly invaded our seminar, all for the ceremony of this white soldier.

So should I continue?

Jenkins hesitated and decided to give it a try to see the effect.

This chessboard already has the aura and spirituality of a supreme being and an eighth-level powerhouse. Theoretically, it should promote and protect the prophecy.

Then Jenkins started the process and began to read out what happened to Hoylandi that he had previously recorded verbatim.

At the same time, he also activated skills related to mysticism and began to conduct the so-called 'destiny deduction'.

His eyes immediately fell into darkness, and he could vaguely feel a layer of mist shrouding him.

This layer of fog is also called the 'future haze'. When his deduction reaches a critical stage and a valid conclusion is reached, the fog will dissipate in an instant, leaving a relatively clear picture in his mind.

This is the standard process of prophecy.

With the efficiency of the 'Path School' where Jenkins belongs, this process may last for a week, and because it may involve powerful people in high positions, leading to some uncertainty and danger, so additional money is necessary!

But what Jenkins didn't expect was that what he was muttering in his mouth was harassing the supreme being in his mind endlessly.


"No... Lao Zhan, why did he suddenly become insane?"

Lloyd complained in a dumbfounded voice.

After taking a day off last night, he returned to the regular pace of life today.

After finishing his job, he ran to Metis to borrow a bell, then entered the [Thinking Realm] and prepared to [Meet the Saint]

As a result, I didn't learn any knowledge, but I heard Jenkins talking nonsense...

Because there was no 'on air', the seminar was not held, so the picture on the chessboard could not be seen, and only Jenkins' voice could be heard coming from the screen.

The screen was being held by the Tentacle Grass' hands and carried on its shoulders, and the tragic experience of a guy named Hoylandi was being played in a loop.

Lloyd listened patiently for a while, and suddenly realized that the name seemed familiar?

And the situation this guy experienced seemed to have some sense of déjà vu?

He quickly recalled it carefully.

Finally, the name was found in the memory of Insider Williams.

Is this unlucky guy actually the leader of the 'Free Fashion Association'?

And his 'junior' and 'ancient book', aren't they the guy who inexplicably committed suicide in front of me, and the "Book of Truth"?

As for that terrifying mentor who kills people like crazy, is cruel in his methods, and is involved with many evil forces, but he keeps saying that he doesn’t want to kill people...

Lloyd turned his head and looked at the bloody sprout next to him.

Can't it be such a coincidence? In this huge world, these things couldn't be so coincidental, right?

Lloyd suddenly felt a little funny, and listened carefully for a while, and finally understood the general experience of Hoylandi.

This guy was willing to pay any price to escape from his mentor's control, but he was too cowardly to betray him directly, so he tried other methods and placed his last hope on the illusory "destiny".

It's really sad and ridiculous. If you don't embark on the road of illegal crime from the beginning, wouldn't these things be gone?

After Jenkins recited Hoylandi's experience several times and left a deep impression on himself, he began to conduct a substantial deduction of fate. He suddenly became quiet, except for a few 'futures' and 'destinies' popping up from time to time. ', 'path'.

Lloyd speculated on this, thinking that he might be making some kind of prophecy - he had learned about this kind of operation in books about occultism, but he didn't go into it in depth, and he was even a little repelled by it.

According to the book, prophecy is different from divination. It is a very low-accuracy, ambiguous, and fuzzy prediction behavior, which is somewhat close to that of a magician.

As a time-traveler, Lloyd only believes that "I have no control over my fate."

Even when performing divination, one is looking for answers that already exist, and interpreting the omens presented with a mindless and optimistic approach. Naturally, one does not believe in prophecies.

But this was an old thought. Since Cheap Big Brother and even the Veto Saint mentioned the word "destiny", Lloyd has also changed his mind. Maybe this really has a certain degree of credibility?

So what conclusion can Lao Zhan draw? Will the mentor that the leader of the evil forces wants to get rid of be the consultant who is nothing but a sapling?

Can I use my identity as the Supreme Being to guide and intervene?

Lloyd launched into a series of bold associations.

But no matter what, let’s wait until Lao Zhan comes to a conclusion...

So he told the Tentacle Grass:

"Pay attention to his conclusion and notify me if there is any progress. Then mute the sound and don't disturb my study."

Tentacle Grass quickly hid the screen it was carrying behind its back.

Lloyd just looked up at the double helix spire and carried out his scheduled study.

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