I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 164 163 You can't keep hiding him forever

Chapter 164 163. You can’t keep hiding him, right?

"Haha, it doesn't matter. Anyway, in our poor and poor place, we can only eat potatoes and mushrooms. It's not like a big city like yours, a big religious order, where people all over the world are eager to move here."

Shandu smiled very freely, but there was a little helplessness in his tone.

"Uh... I believe that the City of Order will get better in the future."

The knight commander replied quickly.

Shandu shook his head and said nothing more, unable to accept this meaningless comfort.

Compared to the most developed Brilliant City, and compared to the most popular [veto] system, the City of Order is indeed unattractive.

But it is the earliest city of mankind, with the same history as the Eternal City. It is the last hope and refuge of mankind in that precarious doomsday.

After that, it was only through the sacrifice of countless people's lives and blood that human civilization gained a firm foothold and began to gradually recover.

But that was all a long time ago.

Many people today no longer remember these, and there is no need to remember these ‘old things’.

The knight commander continued:

"The Brilliant City is not a separate city. Our development will also not forget you. Don't forget that our goal is to reshape the prosperity and glory of mankind."

Shandu shook his head, suddenly thought of something interesting, and then said:

"Since you said so, then someone as young and talented as Lloyd, who can independently dissect a karma demon, shouldn't hide him, right?"

As he spoke, he patted the storage bag on his waist, showed that tiger smile again, and continued:

"I really didn't expect that this kid can be so powerful. Not only can he withstand mental pollution, but his anatomy skills are also so outstanding! You should know that my highest expectation for this trip is only to keep half of it, even if only half of it is left. One third is acceptable...

Who knew that the final effect would be so perfect, except that it took a little longer, it was impeccable... Such a magical boy can't just serve you, right? "

The knight commander was stunned for a moment, realized what he wanted to say, and quickly explained:

"He will only stay for seven days during this trip. He will perform a total of two dissection missions. One is to cooperate with you, and the other is to cooperate with the City of Illusion. We will not arrange any other tasks for him."

"Oh? I'm afraid it's hard to say, right? What if someone else knows about his excellence?"

Shandu showed a meaningful smile and added:

"The things on Karma Demon's body are important and precious to the whole world. Can you keep hiding him in the greenhouse?"

"But you won't make his abilities public, right?"

"Of course that's impossible. On the contrary, I'm worried that for the sake of face, you will expose his affairs and let criminals with evil intentions target him, especially a crazy lunatic like the 'consultant'... But I will introduce a few old friends here, and you will always Can’t you keep saying no?”

"This...this is not something I can decide."

"That's good. This cooperation is very pleasant. Let's keep in touch in the future."

Shandu suddenly became happy, and his walking became more striding.


Lloyd in the cell didn't hear what was being said outside. He was studying this unique 'meeting gift'.

This thing is actually the space storage bag he has dreamed of!

Although it is not as powerful as the wide space, unlimited insurance, intelligent organization and other powerful functions in online novels, it is a real space storage bag, not a magic pocket connected to the trunk of a car.

Its internal space is about as big as the luggage that Royd carried on this trip, and there is also an instruction manual inside, reminding various precautions:

Be careful to prevent moisture and don’t store things for too long;

Be careful when packing to avoid spilling and scattering;

Do not store sharp tools to prevent them from being cut;

Do not store dangerous goods such as flammable, explosive and corrosive to avoid accidents;

Do not place it in an area where the temperature is too high or too low to prevent failure;

Don't pretend to be alive, or you will be suffocated to death;

You can install spiritual materials such as ritual materials, divination tools, alchemy potions, and even sacred objects, and have a good preservation effect on the spirituality above, but do not install items that are too high-level, unstable, and difficult to control.

Anyway, it really doesn’t look like it’s very useful…

In order to store it, you must turn on your inspiration and spiritual vision, otherwise you won’t even know what’s inside;

And the inside feels weird, with a weird sticky feel. It looks like a cloth bag from the outside, but the material is more like muscle fibers?

Could it be made from the stomach of some kind of monster?

Lloyd was a little suspicious...

He put the scalpel back into the knife box, fastened the lock on the outside, and then tried to access it with the storage bag. It was quite convenient to use.

And the characteristic that is suitable for maintaining the spirituality of items is quite useful.

In short, no matter how you put it, this is also a space storage bag. It is the standard graduation equipment for the protagonist of the Internet article, which makes Lloyd feel sad and sighing.

After traveling through another world for twenty years, I finally got a piece of protagonist-level equipment!

Lloyd put down the storage bag and picked up the pendant.

The "Book of Reality" in my mind immediately reacted, opened a new page, and recorded the appearance and information of this thing:

[Codename: 5-782, its name: Desperate Counterattack]

[Description: Consume all spiritual power, launch a powerful spiritual bombardment, will have the effect of the system, the remaining number of times: 18 times; daily wear can slightly increase the spiritual power recovery speed]

Good stuff! Just what I need!

Lloyd was immediately delighted.

His current basic attributes are very solid, and he has mastered many skills, but he still focuses on control and assistance. The damage he can cause directly is not enough, and he still has to rely on weapons and [Superb Swordsmanship], and he lacks an ultimate move that can make the final decision.

With this pendant, I finally unlocked the "Element Burst" skill.

Although it doesn't feel like a very effective move, and there is even a limit on the number of uses, as long as I don't "big and small soldiers" and use the number of times on the blade, it should be enough.

What's more, it has a permanent effect of increasing the spiritual power recovery speed, which is really strong overall.

Lloyd then wore the pendant on his neck with satisfaction, and put it on the small vest given by the cheap big brother, making up a set of holy objects with both offensive and defensive capabilities.

By the way, are all level 5 relics so powerful? Compared to the level 7 bracelet that can only heal slowly, it is much stronger, right?

Then by analogy, how powerful are the higher level 4 and level 3?

Lloyd thought about it and couldn't help but recall the half-dead consultant.

If this guy didn't have the special ability to shield the relics, how could he get away with it for so long?

Then, Lloyd picked up the so-called internal manual and flipped through it casually.

There are some unique ways to exercise on it?

It should be quite useful. My current physical fitness has reached the level of a sports student, but I haven't exercised seriously yet. It's a bit of a waste. I hope this manual can better play my physical fitness.

After counting the three gains, Lloyd called out the panel again.

The more than 10,000 points of this trip, plus the previous accumulation, just upgraded three levels.

So Lloyd looked at the current attributes, carefully considered and weighed them, and slightly changed the strategy of adding points.

5 points of [rationality], 5 points of [inspiration], 5 points of [cognition], add them up!

[Ding~ points added]

[User: Lloyd]

[Status: Normal]

[Madness value: 50/5500, upper limit: 13000]

[Rationality: 130]

[Spiritual power: 125]

[Inspiration: 80]

[Cognition: 125]

After witnessing the high-level battle, he also realized the importance of [inspiration] in the PVP field, and thought it was better to add some.

Of course, you can't add all [inspiration]. You still have to continue to add some ideas to your bucket.

I am really a plump and full of connotation young man!

Lloyd nodded with satisfaction, and finally looked at the remaining scraps on the table, which were the scattered bones and nerve bundles that Shan didn't want.

This thing doesn't emit spiritual pollution, but has a faint spirituality. Maybe it has some value?

Although he didn't know what it was used for, Lloyd still followed the principle of "waste is shameful" and found two pieces of oilcloth under the workbench, wrapped the scraps and threw them into the storage bag.

In this way, today's work was successfully completed, and it can be said that he had gained a lot. According to the knight commander, he could go back and have a good rest.

"My cheap big brother really didn't lie to me? This trip is indeed "a big opportunity"... But then again, does it have to be handled by low-level young people to clean up and recycle the demons? Is this really some kind of unique sense of ritual?"

"But where can I find so many young people who can withstand strong mental pollution and can still dissect stably?"

Lloyd muttered to himself and got out of the cell.

Just at this time, he saw several teams of Crusaders, with the assistance of several knights and priests, carrying large black boxes, and they were busy panting.

Those boxes were filled with monsters whose mobility was [denied]

The taciturn knight commander was also watching and on guard. After noticing Lloyd, a bubble popped up above his head, with a cartoon-style stick figure waving at him.

Is he saying hello?

Lloyd also waved at him in response.

It felt like his attainments in the [Intellectual] system were much lower than the Chief Judge. He couldn't communicate directly intracranial, so he could only adopt this very abstract method.

But apart from not talking, this person didn't seem to be difficult to get along with?

But Lloyd observed the attitudes of the Crusaders and priests around him, and they still seemed to be in awe of him.

Does this mean that these people probably couldn't see the cartoon bubble above his head?

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