I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 164 Divination requires a quiet environment

Chapter 165 164. Divination requires a quiet environment

Lloyd was about to leave the 'processing' area, but a holy scholar wearing a white coat suddenly appeared next to him, stopped in front of him, and without saying a word, he took out a flashlight and started to shine it in his eyes.

Lloyd quickly covered his eyes and asked:

"No, why do you always act like this? If you want to know if I'm crazy or not, why don't you just use inspiration?"

"What if you go crazy? What if you carry something with you that makes you crazy?"

The other party asked confidently.

Uh... what he said makes sense, and he can't stop talking...

Lloyd could only stand obediently and let the other party open his eyelids, making his eyes dazzled.

The scholar finally let Lloyd go and nodded.

"Huh? You're actually in pretty good shape? Have you taken the medicine I gave you?"

"Not yet, do you want to give it back to you?"

"That's not necessary. You keep it for emergencies. Don't sell it for money. This medicine has serious side effects... Okay, the church is over there, go and have a rest."

The scholar pointed to a temporary church surrounded by iron sheets in the distance, and ran to do his own business again.

This guy is actually pretty good...

Lloyd rubbed his eyes and walked towards the church.

Compared to the conditions of the prison cell, the completion here is much simpler. There is no floor, no roof, not even a door. Just a few snakeskin cloths were randomly pulled up to cover it, and it was used as a church. Just highlight one aspect: adapt measures to local conditions.

There is also a statue of a saint in the middle, which is the most common and traditional image of a girl, with a vague face and an 'X' sign with her hands.

More than twenty executioners were gathering inside, some were chatting in small groups, some were concentrating with their eyes closed, some were reading with their heads down, and some were in a daze.

Lloyd listened to their chat for a while and found that the monsters they had executed before were all danger level 3 monsters. Even the strongest among them, Geras, had executed a danger level 4 monster.

But they all seem to be in good condition right now. The mental pollution they suffered from previous executions should have recovered, and they can start again at any time.

If you change it to real ordinary people, such as those ordinary executioners in the 18th District, those who are usually sentenced to level -1 or -2 will have to lie in a hospital bed for a day and a half. If like them, they suffer danger 3 or 4 mental pollution, not to mention how long I will have to lie down.

Lloyd nodded secretly, mentally improving his evaluation of these people.

They are indeed genuine 'qualified people', showing good resistance and resilience to mental pollution. Their four attributes are not weak, but they are just not as good as the numerical monsters like Metis, but Compared with the priests and even knights outside, they are not bad at all.

It's just that the work intensity is too low on weekdays, making it look like a nursing home, and the organization is too well protected.

Lloyd was thinking about it, and his imagination suddenly opened up again. He guessed that the higher-ups of the religious sect had mobilized these people all at once and forcibly increased their work intensity. There was a kind of "if you don't force them, you don't know how good they are" Feel'?

And the reason why these people are released now to increase their strength, could it be related to the temporary demise of the consultant? After all, that crazy lunatic likes to take action against talented young people...

It seems that solving this big devil can have a positive impact on all aspects, which is good!

After that, we will definitely not be able to revive this devil, we will have to fight him to death!

Lloyd sighed in his heart, and then heard Geras, whom he was 'focusing on', asking:

"Have any of you noticed the cell in the middle?"

"Huh? The distribution of these cells is so chaotic. Where is the middle?"

"Have you... never understood rituals at all?"

"I do want to learn, but where do I get so much time? I'm too busy just to practice anatomy... Sigh~ I'm not afraid of your jokes. My recovery success rate is not as good as that of those Executioner students, who are often beaten by them He secretly ridiculed me and said that I was suitable for serving people in the cafeteria. "

"How did you get in touch with the cafeteria?"

"My hands shake easily..."

"Pfft~ Haha, that's quite appropriate, but it's normal for my hands to shake. I have practiced for many years before I can barely stop shaking. Before that, the success rate of recovery was also very ugly. I often had an extra cut here and a shallow cut there. , which made me wonder if I was not suitable for this industry at all?”

"I'm better than you. My family runs a butcher shop. I've been exposed to it since I was a child, so I got started quickly. Today, the recovery rate is close to 60%."

"Amazing! Amazing! I'm only about 40%, and my performance is not stable enough... By the way, what about you, Geras? What's your recovery rate?"

"It's also about 60%, it depends on the status and difficulty."

"Wow! He is indeed the new star of the cult who has been watched by the saints. We mortals can only look up to him."

Lloyd was listening and felt funny.

The guy who was suspected of being a mole was obviously asking if anyone had been to Cell No. 1, but the topic inexplicably shifted to the autopsy recovery rate.

But are their recycling rates that low? Only 40%, 60%. How many monster organs are wasted, and how much bounty is wasted?

Look at my basically 100% recycling rate. Even the leftover materials have to be collected to avoid waste...

I really want to show them a pair of crab hands and tell them that they need to practice cooking more. Ant claws are ant claws and crab larvae are crab larvae.

Sure enough, if you don’t come out for this trip, you don’t know how good you are?

Lloyd was a little bit proud in his heart, but he immediately remembered the duel between the high-ranking strong men, and he couldn’t be proud at once.

He is still far from being good enough at the moment. He must always remember his humble and low-key youth personality. He can’t be blindly arrogant and must continue to work hard.

After reminding himself, he focused on Geras, who was suspected to be the insider.

This man tried very hard to bring the topic back to Cell No. 1, but after asking around, no one noticed this little thing, and many people didn’t even know where Cell No. 1 was?

Geras was speechless for a while, until someone around him suddenly suggested:

"Geras, if you care so much, why not try divination? With your attainments in mysticism, it should be easy to get the answer to such a small matter, right?"

Geras lowered his head and thought about it, and felt that it made sense, so he took out a pair of ancient nautical compasses from his arms, and came to the statue of the saint again, intending to show his divination skills.

The people around him suddenly made a noise, expecting him to show his real skills.

"Okay, everyone, please be quiet for a while, divination requires a quiet environment."

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