I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 166 165 Reckless Divination

Chapter 166 165. Reckless divination

Following Geras's appeal, the scene quickly became quiet. Everyone present looked at him, wanting to see how the genius who had been watched by the saint performed divination.

Lloyd was also very curious about this. It was his first time to observe other people's divination.

But this person was not in a complacent mood. He still spoke first to get vaccinated:

"My mastery of divination is only the beginning. If I make a mistake, please don't laugh at me."

The guy who had previously suggested that he use divination to find someone quickly said:

"You are too humble, Geras. I lost my wallet before. Didn't you use divination to find it for me? Isn't it more troublesome to find someone who is among us than to find something as small as a wallet?"

Someone immediately echoed:

"Yes, there are 25 of us here, and there are 25 cells in total. That person must be among us. Although I don't know why he refuses to come forward, maybe he doesn't want to talk to us? Is he very arrogant?"

"Haha~ After hearing what you said, I want to see who is so amazing."

As soon as these words came out, they immediately focused their attention on the few executors who didn't like to talk very much, such as the one who always read alone, the one who liked to take naps, and the two who were visibly introverted and socially anxious. And one who would rather be in a daze than speak.

Lloyd should have been noticed by others, but he found that no one noticed him at all, and he completely regarded himself as a little transparent.

I'm obviously so handsome...

He cursed in his heart, and heard Geras say over there:

"Yes, the friend in charge of Cell No. 1 must be among us, so this is a very safe divination, so let's get straight to the point."

After saying that, he stretched out his hand and made gestures on the navigation compass, then began to circle around the statue of the saint, muttering something in his mouth:

"Who is in charge of cell one? Who is in charge of cell one? Who is in charge of cell one?"

This kind of question can be said to be extremely reckless. He goes straight to the subject so casually, without any sense of safety. It is like he has determined the target of divination, cannot counter divination, and cannot pose a threat to himself.

But Lloyd knew that he should not be so easily divined——

He had been deeply disturbed by Jenkins' reaction when he mentioned divining himself in a seminar.

I wonder what kind of interference this guy suspected of being a mole will receive?

Lloyd looked at him like this, circling around the statue of the saint for more than a dozen times. At first, he kept repeating the questions confidently, but then he gradually became silent. Instead, sweat continued to drip from his forehead, which made him I had to keep wiping it, which made me look quite embarrassed, as if I was doing some heavy physical labor.

Later, they became even more aggressive and started running around the statue of the saint. The expression on their faces became frightened and nervous.

As he ran, he would look back from time to time, and then speed up his steps, as if he was being chased by something terrifying.

As for the results of the divination, he no longer cared, letting the pointer on the compass spin like crazy.

When everyone nearby saw this scene, they also realized something was wrong, and quickly went up to hold him, but he pushed him away.

"Let me go! That thing... is coming! It's going to catch up!"

As he spoke, his neck suddenly choked, and wisps of blue veins appeared. His eyes widened, as if he had seen something extremely terrifying, and then he passed out on the spot.

Things suddenly became a big deal.


"So, he just wanted to know who was in charge of Cell 1, and he conducted a divination to do so, and that's what happened?"

I had met Lloyd before. The knight commander who was following the human wall Shandu asked the witnesses at the scene.

After the accident happened to Geras, he was the first to rush over with several priests in black and began to investigate the situation.

Soon, the scholar who used a flashlight to shine at Lloyd's eyes also completed the preliminary diagnosis of Geras and said:

"Fortunately, it's just 'mild madness', not too bad, but..."

As he spoke, he leaned close to the knight commander's ear and whispered what he had not said:

"If he hadn't fainted in time, the consequences would have been disastrous..."

But the knight commander seemed to have expected this. He nodded, gave a warning look of "Don't talk too much", and announced on the spot:

"Okay, it's okay. Executioner Geras caused a minor accident due to improper operation during the divination process. The situation has been brought under control. It will be fine after a rest."

As he spoke, he motioned to the two black priests next to him to carry Geras away, and then added:

"I hope everyone can remember Geras's lesson. Divination is a very dangerous move. Don't be brave and don't act recklessly... Okay, the second batch of monsters has been prepared for you, go ahead. ”

He wanted to disperse the scene and urge these people to go to work, but someone in the crowd had doubts about the result and immediately asked loudly:

"Your Excellency, Knight Commander, is the person in charge of Cell No. 1... some kind of dangerous person? Geras just divined him, and he actually became mildly insane?"

The knight commander glared at the man, showed a slightly speechless expression, and asked:

"Do you think the cult arranged you to participate in this important mission without knowing your situation and details? Or let me change the angle, have you never thought that cell No. 1 itself is a very special place?"

Hearing him say this, the young executors present suddenly had an expression of sudden enlightenment.

It seems that the problem is not the person in charge of cell No. 1, but cell No. 1 itself. Geras's reckless divination obviously implicated cell No. 1, so the accident happened.

Although the cause of the accident was clear, everyone was more curious. Who would be in charge of this special cell No. 1? Is he better than Geras?

They were holding doubts, discussing quietly, and went to work.

And the focus of their discussion was still on the five autistic young men who didn't like to talk and didn't like to deal with people.

No one still noticed Lloyd, which confused him.

Did I awaken a skill that made my presence disappear?

Or was it the influence of this vest on me?

Lloyd scratched his chest through his uniform coat, as if he was stroking the vest.

He had actually discovered before that the Book of Truth did not record the information about this vest, and speculated that it might be related to the characteristic of "being out of the world".

Then, he, who is so handsome, has become invisible in the eyes of others. Perhaps it is also the effect of this "being out of the world"?

Probably similar to the permanent effect of "accelerating spiritual power recovery" on the pendant, the vest may have a similar permanent effect.

But this is not the kind of complete disappearance of the sense of existence. For example, the people around him, the familiar people, his sister, Wei Ya, and the executor students who live with him day and night in District 18 are not affected by this.

And the two knight commanders he met, the enthusiastic adjutant, and the white-coated scholar can also perceive his existence.

So this should be some kind of conditional lack of sense of existence?

The triggering condition may depend on the connection with himself, or it may be that the inspiration is not high enough?

After a speculation, Lloyd was about to go out to find someone to verify it.

The Book of Truth did not record it, and the cheap Big Brother did not mention it either, so he could only experience it himself.

As soon as he walked out of the temporary church, he was stopped by the Knight Commander guarding the door, and then asked in a low voice:

"Why did he want to divine you?"

Lloyd then reported his suspicions truthfully, from the man's different descriptions of the saint's sight, to his inexplicable interest in him, and the disrespectful statue of the saint, plus his attention to cell number one.

After listening patiently, the Knight Commander analyzed:

"It does sound a bit strange, but it makes sense. Although the statue of the saint is disrespectful, it does not clearly violate the rules, so what you said is not substantial evidence. However, I am not those clowns in the Holy Grace Court and I am not very good at this."

Lloyd also expressed his own opinion:

"I don't understand these things, but after his reckless divination, I have reduced my suspicion of him. I feel that he should not be the kind of criminal who lurks in, but more like someone entrusted by someone?"

"Oh? That makes sense..."

The Knight Commander thought about it seriously, nodded, and continued:

"It is indeed as you said. If he really came in to lurk, he should not be so high-profile and so eye-catching. His subsequent performance is indeed very immature, and it is indeed more Like helping someone... Well, I'll go find someone from the Holy Grace Court right away and ask them to investigate."

"Are there people from the Holy Grace Court here too?"

"Of course, you don't think the Great Development is a happy party, do you? There are many people with bad intentions in it."

The Knight Commander smiled helplessly and was about to leave, but after walking a few steps, he suddenly remembered something and asked:

"You said that his description of the saint's eyes is not quite right, then what do you think the saint's eyes should be like?"

Lloyd thought he would ask about the mental pollution that Geras suffered, but he asked this instead, so he answered casually:

"I think... it should be the kind of gentle, considerate, virtuous, intellectual, like the feeling of childhood sweethearts next door? Uh... is this disrespectful?"

But the other party was stunned, and his pupils shrank rapidly.

But he recovered immediately, smiled awkwardly, and said:

"Not really, it seems that everyone can see a thousand protagonists in a novel... Okay, it's okay, you should go and have a rest, and tasks like today may be assigned to you later."

Thanks to Long E for the 500 points reward

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