I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 175 174 The Wrath of the Saint

Chapter 175 174. Wrath of the Saint

This great crusade of the [Intellectual] system only involves the high-ranking strongmen in the system, and is not related to many people. Lloyd is obviously the same.

He was ordered by Knight Commander Walder to stay in the dormitory to rest well, conserve his energy, and not run around, and was not allowed to participate in the subsequent cleanup.

Considering that this guy is a ruthless character who will attack his own people, Lloyd is still a little afraid of him. Naturally, he can't replace Geras to execute monsters, let alone go to the grove to find some delicious wild mushrooms to taste.

He had to exercise in his room, and then took out the "Lloyd's Notes" during the break, intending to record what happened today.

Speaking of which, this is a learning method taught to him by the presiding judge. If you have received new knowledge, seen special scenes, and gained important insights, you can record them to avoid forgetting them. When you review them later, you may gain new insights.

Maybe it is to gain new knowledge by reviewing the past, right? This coincides with the idea of ​​a famous educator on Earth.

Lloyd then recorded in his notes:

"This is the first time I have come into contact with the rare taboo system [Forget], and I have properly resolved the matter, but I have to admit that this system is indeed weird and dangerous, especially the impact on the absolutely private area of ​​'memory', which is really chilling!"

"Especially, intuition and inspiration don't give warnings? They seem to regard 'forgetting' as a natural phenomenon of the human body? So they just remind me that 'something is special', not 'very dangerous'?"

"But even so, the impact of [Forget] on thinking and memory is still reflected in the two aspects of 'modification' and 'deletion', and it is still impossible to directly read other people's thinking and memory. Is this barely good news?"

"The better news is that even the battle-hardened Mr. Randolph has not mentioned this system in his notes, which shows that being able to get involved in this system There should be very few people in the system. This is probably an extremely dangerous and difficult system? "

"At the same time, the power of this system seems to take a certain amount of time? It requires a gradual process to endanger human lives? But I'm not sure if I have to proceed step by step when facing the criminals of the [Forget] system at close range? "

"I don't know if there are any means to deal with [Forget] yet. I just heard Knight Commander Walder mention that the [Intelligence] system seems to be good at dealing with them? Maybe there are some unique holy objects that can deal with this strange power? "

Lloyd recorded this and looked at the "Book of Truth" in his mind, which had become dim and ancient again, like an unearthed cultural relic.

This time it was also thanks to this thing. Now I think back and still feel a little scared...

But he did not regret his choice at the time. If it happened again, he would definitely rush forward without hesitation.

This is a major crisis involving thousands of lives. You can't escape or retreat!

For a young man with responsibilities and ambitions, perhaps escaping requires greater courage...

After summarizing the horror of the [Forget] system, Lloyd summarized his own [Distortion] system in his mind.

It is still so strong, and even when facing a high-ranking strongman, it has a certain amount of room for operation.

But after all, it still cannot make up for the absolute gap in strength. Even if the effect of distorting the opponent's ability can still take effect, it is too slow...

Not to mention the high-ranking strongman behind the statue of the Great Disrespectful Saint, even distorting Wald's [Declaration of Veto] is very difficult.

Lloyd has deeply realized the true meaning of "different effects based on different targets" mentioned in almost every skill description.

In the face of a huge gap in strength, the advantages of the system alone are not enough.

In addition, Lloyd also noticed that the passive effect of [Distortion Realm] to deflect other people's attacks did not take effect correctly.

This may be because the gap in strength is too great, and the passive distortion effect cannot be improved by injecting spiritual power, so it is not very twisted...

It may also be because there is no warning for inspiration and intuition, and the passive effect cannot be exerted?

So in the final analysis, we still have to get stronger! Get stronger! Get stronger at a faster speed!

After summing up in his mind, he continued to pick up the pen and added some insights on [Veto].

"This is the first time I have tasted the taste of being [vetoed] by others. The [Veto Declaration] from Knight Commander Walder is really powerful. I can't move at all and can't break free. This taste is really uncomfortable!"

"I understand why Mr. Randolph commented that the [Veto] system is unreasonable..."

"No wonder the Holy Tribunal has the conditions to adopt the existing execution system, which can safely transport dangerous monsters to the rear."

"But... I was able to break free from the restrictions of the Knight Commander at that time, all thanks to the help of the Saint Statue. Was this help from the Saint? Not sure, and I dare not think about it..."

Lloyd stopped writing here, then opened the bag he brought with him, searched for a while, and found a box of incense from it.

He basically always has the classic ritual set of incense, mirror, and candle, plus spiritual ink, ready for use. In other words, any extraordinary person who has the conditions will carry these with him, as they are not valuable anyway.

After finding the incense, Lloyd sneaked to the scrap pile at the construction site and found a few unwanted pieces of wood. He then whittled them with a dagger a few times and got out a few slender wooden sticks.

Then he went to the construction site cafeteria and asked for food for four people. He ate three portions by himself and took another portion back to his dormitory.

Lloyd then took out a slender wooden stick, wrapped the incense on it, and rubbed it with his hands for a while, making several simple sticks of incense.

It doesn't look very organized, so I have to make do with it, it's in the middle of nowhere and the conditions are not good.

After completing the preparations, he lit two candles, took out the statue of the saint and placed it between the candles, then placed the incense box in front of the statue of the saint, and finally placed the dinner packed back from the cafeteria.

Then he lit the homemade incense and worshiped the statue of the saint.

This was what he had promised before, and he would offer incense to the saint after the event was completed.

The other party is a saint, so I don’t dare to forget, and I don’t dare to pigeon-hole him.

As for this kind of 'incense-burning' ritual, although it is rare and not very popular in this world, it is not unheard of. Lloyd had seen a story about it in his sister's magazine, and it was also mentioned above that it was an expression of respect. worship ceremony.

It seems to coincide with the tradition on the other side of the earth.

Lloyd hopes that the Saint can feel his admiration and sincerity.

After only a few bows, he suddenly noticed an invisible force emerging from the saint's statue.

"Huh? The Saint sensed my sincerity and responded?"

Lloyd was immediately overjoyed and very excited. He quickly thought about what to say to the saint.

Before he could think about the result, the force condensed into one, like a small white hand clenched into a fist, and then knocked on his head three times.


Very loud and a good head.


Lloyd immediately meowed like a cat.

It seems that not only did the saint not feel the sincerity, but he also acted a little angry?

I don’t know if there’s something wrong with the process, or if it’s not good to reject the tribute?

But fortunately, the saint didn't look very angry. It was probably just like "punching him a few times with a small fist", right?

It's just that the saint's fist... hurts a bit...

"I was wrong, I was wrong, I would never dare to do it again."

Lloyd quickly begged for mercy.

I don’t know if the saint heard it, but the power dissipated after three strikes.

"You can't believe what's in the magazine..."

Lloyd said dumbfounded and quickly cleaned up the scene.

Then he continued to exercise and went to bed early.

Next, Lloyd spent another two days of boredom. Apart from exercising every day, he could only sigh:

"I can't do anything..."

There is no execution mission, there is no library, I cannot [Meet the Saint], I cannot go to the ‘Dream Theater’ as a rookie, and I don’t really want to hold the ‘Future of Humanity Seminar’——

Lao Zhan was still thinking about it, calculating the fate of the criminal, but it seemed that there was still no result. At least there was no feedback from the tentacle grass, and it was not easy for Lloyd to disturb others.

But he finally slipped out and wandered around in the nearby woods, but he didn't find any delicious mushrooms, only some bitter and bitter wild fruits.

It's not surprising that an 'exploration team' composed of Crusaders and Inquisitors is dispatched here every day. They are responsible for cleaning up the monsters in the nearby area bit by bit, patiently and slowly, and then bring back those with recycling value for execution. Lose.

So if there is any delicious food nearby, it must have been raided by others. How can it be his turn?

But if you want to go further afield, one person is obviously not enough.

The inarticulate knight commander who lives in the dormitory next to Lloyd is responsible for cleaning and exploration. He is responsible for commanding and supervising multiple exploration teams and handling corresponding crisis situations. He leaves early and returns late every day.

Lloyd found out about this through Walder, so he had a chat with the person in the next door dormitory the night before and asked if he could join an exploration team.

The other party did not answer, but a red 'X' symbol appeared in the cartoon bubble box above his head, expressing his stern rejection.

I really don’t know how he can direct others to fight with his way of speaking in bubble boxes?

Lloyd had no choice but to continue to exercise out of boredom, and decided that if he ever went out on business like this in the future, he would definitely bring more books with him.

Finally, early in the morning on the fourth day here, Wald came over and brought bad news:

His backer, Judge Titus, went off to participate in some [intellectual] expedition?

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