I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 176 175 Is there something wrong with the social atmosphere in your Quiet City?

Chapter 176 175. Is there something wrong with the social atmosphere in your quiet city?

Lloyd didn't know what the situation was, so he quickly asked, only to find that Wald didn't know the specific details either...

I've only heard about it, and it's related to [Forgetting]?

"Not only Judge Tiltus, but also many powerful people from the [Intellectual] system participated. It must have been some kind of instruction given by the Saint of Knowledge, right? Maybe it was to encircle and suppress the remnants of [Forgotten]? But with such momentum It’s so vast, I’m afraid there are other intentions in it, right?”

Walder could only speculate.

He is indeed a good old man as Lloyd admits. He never talks in riddles and is keen to share such things with Lloyd.

"It was the Saint who gave the order? Well... I hope Judge Tiltus goes well and returns safely."

Lloyd said sincerely.

"You can rest assured about this. Your Excellency Tiltus is a high-ranking man of dual systems. He is the absolute top combat force of our religious order. Many people believe that he will be the next Grand Inquisitor. You don't have to worry about him. ”

Walder was quite optimistic, and his face was full of admiration and admiration when he mentioned the presiding judge.

"That's true..."

Lloyd nodded. He still remembered that Big Brother Cheap once said that after he retires, he will let the presiding judge take the position of the grand presiding judge. This shows that the presiding judge is indeed very strong.

He then asked again:

"By the way, do saints often issue such large-scale instructions?"

"Of course not."

Walder shook his head repeatedly and explained patiently:

"In fact, no matter which saint, they rarely issue such large-scale orders. Most of the time, they only communicate with a very few people. The veto saints we follow have never issued such large-scale orders. Large scale instructions.”

After saying that, he turned to look in the direction of the Brilliant City and sighed:

"Once an instruction of this level is issued, it must be something important, so I still hope that I will never receive such an instruction."

Lloyd also nodded and thought in his mind:

The orders of the saints do have extremely strong authority for the extraordinary people in the system, and they basically must be implemented.

I wonder if this counts as the ‘shackles of the saint’ that Jenkins talks about?

"By the way, how are you doing today? Can you carry out the execution?"

Walder asked again.

The execution he called was obviously not the low-intensity work in other cells, but a key heavyweight task similar to the one in Human Wall Mountain.

Lloyd nodded repeatedly and replied:

“Better than ever!”

"That's alright. You should prepare as soon as possible. Koral will bring people over in a moment."

So just like that, Lloyd quickly ate breakfast and rushed to the cell No. 1 that he was responsible for.

Before entering, the scholar guarding the door handed him another bottle of dark green potion, reminding him like last time not to drink indiscriminately and to keep it properly.

This man is actually quite nice, but he just likes to use a flashlight to dazzle other people's eyes. All the more than 20 executioners here have been dizzy by him. It is said that they have formed a conditioned reflex to get dizzy when they see him.

Fortunately, he didn't glare at Lloyd today. Maybe he was afraid of affecting his condition during the subsequent autopsy? Let Lloyd enter the cell intact.

Lloyd got ready in the cell, and after waiting for a while, he heard footsteps coming from outside.

But there was no conversation, and both parties came to Lloyd in a state of silence.

Next to the arrogant knight commander, stood an old man with gray hair and beard. He was dressed in the attire of the Brilliant City, a suit and leather shoes, and a slightly boring purple tie. He was looking carefully through his monocle. Looking at Lloyd.

Then he turned back and looked at the knight commander next to him. Both of them were silent and seemed to communicate only with their eyes.

Lloyd couldn't hold himself any longer and took the initiative to ask:

"Do you need me to tell a joke to liven things up?"

Then an old voice with a hint of arrogance sounded in his mind:

"Oh? It seems that you are not inspired enough to hear our conversation, which is a good thing."

Then another young and energetic voice spoke in his head:

"Lloyd, this is Master Elfredi from the Serenity Order."

This was the first time that Lloyd heard the 'roommate' next door speak, and he couldn't help but sigh:

"So you don't just know how to use bubble boxes?"

He now understood why a city based on the [intellectual] system was called the 'Silent City'.

They are all communicating inside the skull, it would be strange if they were not quiet...

Knight Commander Koral's answer was somewhat beyond Lloyd's expectations:

"Oh? Bubble box? Are you talking about the expression method like comics or comic strips? It turns out that my communication looks like this in your eyes... It seems that I still haven't made much progress in the [intellectual] system."

As he spoke, he put on an apologetic tone and explained:

"If your inspiration is not strong enough, or if you don't spend much time with me, you won't be able to detect my expression. No wonder you never communicated with me before..."

"I have already said that you are not suitable for the [intellectual] system at all, so you should just follow your veto saint with peace of mind."

The old man said in a slightly sarcastic tone, very shamelessly.

But the Knight Commander has some persistence of his own:

"I know, Mr. Elfredi, I really don't have any [intellectual] talent, but I still don't want to give up. After all, this is the system that best suits [veto] and is also very suitable for my current position."

oh? It seems that there is an old relationship between the two of them? Maybe the relationship is quite close?

Lloyd noticed this detail in the conversation.

I also noticed what the Knight Commander said. It turns out that there is really a combination of the [Intellect] system and the [Veto] system?

Is it because [veto] does not have the effect of interfering with the field of consciousness, and [intelligence] happens to specialize in the level of consciousness?

While Lloyd was thinking about it, he heard the old man 'speak' and said:

"Haha, immature [conscious communication] will only look like a clown in the eyes of others... It's up to you. Anyway, you are not my student now."

As he spoke, he reached for a storage bag of the same style as Lloyd's at his waist. The silver suitcase from it was placed on the workbench in front of Lloyd, and he forcibly changed the subject:

"Let's get to the point. I'm still anxious to participate in the expedition, but I'm wasting my time on these trivial matters..."

There was a hint of distrust in his tone. He looked at Lloyd carefully through his monocle, but he did not release his inspiration to touch it. He just asked:

"You are indeed very young, and maybe very good? You can make that fool Demani look down on you and come to me for a letter of recommendation..."

But my requirements have always been extremely strict, or harsh. If you can't get my recognition, then I won't give Demani face. "

After hearing this, Knight Commander Koral quickly stepped forward to help his roommate next door:

"Lloyd is the most talented young man in our Holy Inquisition Tribunal, but his attainments in anatomy have reached the level of a master, and he has been recognized and appreciated by His Excellency Shandu in the City of Order."

But the old guy still didn't buy it, and even stretched out his hand to rub his eyebrows, showing a headache expression, and said in a sinister way:

"Oh! Shandu! Holy one! That's a reckless man whose name I don't even want to mention...my former student, do you think I would care about such a reckless man's evaluation?"

These words made Lloyd frown at the side.

He felt that there was something wrong with the social atmosphere in the Quiet City? Does everyone suffer from the superiority disorder of having a high self-esteem?

For example, White Knight Valdez always likes to talk about "Mediocrity", this old guy also keeps shouting "Reckless Man", and looks like he is looked down upon by everyone.

While he was complaining in his mind, Lloyd saw the old guy take out two more pairs of exquisite small boxes from the storage bag, which were exuding some familiar spirituality.

The old guy continued:

"Corresponding to the strict standards is my generosity. These are the core materials for your [veto] system to be promoted to the fifth level, and they are all spiritual and high-quality goods. If you can meet my requirements, they will be yours." Yes, and I will also make a fair evaluation of you in the recommendation letter.”

These two pairs of boxes made Lloyd and Koral open their eyes. Maybe they didn't expect that the other party was so wealthy?

[Rejection] As the most popular system nowadays, the fifth level is the most important [Transcendence]. The price of its core materials can no longer be calculated in terms of specific money.

Lloyd once paid some attention in the trading hall on the second floor of the club. The five core materials required to advance to the fifth level are basically in a bartering state, and no one talks about money anymore.

The items used for trading are either core materials of other systems, sacred objects with specific functions, or things like the property certificate of a large villa...

If Lloyd can get these two boxes and doesn't plan to advance to the fifth level, he can move directly to the big villa.

Of course, promotion is a must, and big villas can be slowed down a bit.

Compared to the storage bag Shandu took out before and a level 5 sacred object that had been used twice, although this old guy said something ugly, he gave too much...

Lloyd was naturally determined to get these two boxes.

If you can get these two materials, plus the one promised by Butler Randolph, you will have three of the five materials needed to advance to the fifth level.

Although there is still a little distance from the fifth level, it is always important to be prepared for a rainy day.

Therefore, these two materials must not be lost!

So Lloyd instantly became energetic, nodded, and replied humbly:

"It just so happens that I have always been strict with myself, so... please witness this art called 'dissection'."

Thanks to the glass bead in the glass bag for tipping Efrol 100 points to buy small trinkets.

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