I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 184 183 Are you going to do something big?

Chapter 184 183. Are you going to do something big?

Valdez just said it casually, but Lloyd was more concerned.

He didn't care why someone wanted to find him, but he cared more about the term "commission hall".

He had some contact with places like the "commission hall". The trading hall on the second floor of the club had some such functions, such as the last time the eloquent manager showed some commissions about the "Dream Theater".

But it was a public place after all, with low confidentiality, and the coverage area was only around the Brilliant City.

If you want to conduct some more private commission activities involving other cities, the function of the trading hall is obviously not enough.

On the other hand, the mixed "Dream Theater" has stronger confidentiality, and the people inside come from all directions. Some inconvenient things may be handled there.

For example, collecting those unpopular and strange materials of the [Distortion] system; inquiring about some inconvenient information; selling some hot stuff - that is, the wood-colored wax mark that Lloyd scraped off before.

Maybe this will be a very useful channel?

So Lloyd decided to go back to the 'Dream Theater' when he was done tomorrow, and he could also consider contacting those guys who came to him to understand the 'game mechanism' of this 'Commission Hall'.

The practice of the extraordinary is not only about strength and knowledge, but also about connections and channels.

Tonight's seminar is almost over here.

After Lao Zhan announced the adjournment, everyone bowed to the 'audience' next to them and said goodbye, and then Jenkins and Goldron's chess pieces disappeared on the chessboard, but Valdes and Eloro stayed at the same time.

It seems that there is still something to say to the Supreme.

"You go first, I won't eavesdrop."

Valdes was quite graceful and jumped back a few steps on the chessboard.

Then he found that there was only a buzzing sound in his ears, and he could not hear anything.

This was Lloyd outside turning on the "shielding" function on the screen...

Ailolo jumped forward a few steps, first bravely took a sneak peek at the image of the "audience", and then timidly said:

"My Lord, I left a small cake for you today... No, I actually left it for you every day, just waiting for the seminar to be held to offer it to you, but there were no meetings in the past few days, I was afraid that the small cake would go bad, so I ate it secretly..."

Her voice became thinner and thinner, and she seemed a little lacking in confidence.

Then a delicate small cake with cherries appeared in front of her and fell into the crack on the surface of the chessboard.

Lloyd immediately felt a soft thing in his hand, and was also amused by her, waiting patiently for her to continue.

"My Lord, I feel that Lord Uther seems to be getting stronger, but I still can't muster up the courage to challenge the rules set by my father... I really want to go out and see, but I don't want to make my father angry, what should I do?"

Ailuo asked again.

How can Lloyd answer such a question? He could only ask in his heart:

Uh... Does anyone know how to deal with rebellious girls? Waiting online, very urgent!

Unfortunately, it was useless to be anxious, and no one could reply to him...

I felt that Ailuo seemed to be looking at me with that pitiful and expectant look, so I could only bite the bullet and send a barrage:

"You can talk to him."

Ailuo saw the reply, was stunned, and replied in a low voice:

"My father hasn't been home for a long time. When he comes home next time, I will talk to him, but... woo... I'm still a little scared. Lord, can you give me more courage? I will leave small cakes for you every day!"

After listening, Lloyd temporarily swiped the screen away, and shook his head at the tentacle grass next to him, indicating that it should go up.

The tentacle grass immediately raised one arm and saluted, probably to express the meaning of "obey the order"?

Then it began to dance inexplicably, twisting into three wavy lines.

After dancing for about ten seconds, it stopped and imitated the human's bowing posture, probably to express the meaning of "fortunately fulfilling the mission"?

Lloyd turned his head and glanced at the bloody new buds on the other side.

Several groups, dim and sluggish again...

When I came in before, I felt that it seemed to have some vitality, but now it is sluggish again.

"You just stare at the consultant and pull it hard, right?"

Lloyd asked with some amusement.

The tentacle grass immediately put his hands on his waist and raised his head with his chest, probably wanting to express the meaning of "this is natural", right?

So Lloyd replied with a barrage:

"I gave you some power, but "courage" still depends on you to find it."

"Okay! Thank you! Lord! You are so kind!"

Ailolo was happy, and he bowed to the "audience" and disappeared on the chessboard.

Next it was Valdes' turn. Lloyd touched the "shield" on his body and waited patiently for him to speak.

Valdez then felt the constant buzzing sound in his ears disappear, and realized that it was his turn, so he quickly jumped to the edge of the chessboard and asked:

"Your Majesty, I want to know what these powerful men in our Quiet City are doing? You must know where they are going, right?"

Are you actually asking this?

Lloyd didn't expect Valdez's question to be so simple.

At the same time, I am also a little curious, why does this guy who always has his eyes on the top pay attention to the movements of those powerful people in high positions?

But Valdez did not explain and just continued:

"If you can answer my question, I would like to present to you one of my most outstanding creations during this period. Although it is nothing to you, it should be relatively interesting, right? At least I am in Ditan Novel I’ve seen it... uh... no, it’s nothing..."

Having said that, Lloyd didn't have any riddles to answer, so he replied with a barrage:

"They are chasing [oblivion]"

"Huh? [Forget]???"

Valdez was stunned, apparently hearing this term for the first time.

But for some reason, he suddenly felt a strong dissatisfaction with this word in his heart. He wanted to chew it into pieces and swallow it down to the bone.

Valdes couldn't explain why, so he continued to ask:

"Are they going to be gone for long?"

So what does this guy want to do? Why do you feel like you have evil intentions?

Lloyd thought for a while, carefully considered his words, and gave a very riddle reply:


But he immediately added:

"One of my favored ones wants to get to know you."

When he came across a rare opportunity to chat privately with Valdez, he thought about advancing his plan to 'make a lot of money'.

Valdez saw the two lines of words floating in front of his eyes, and he was flattered and replied:

"Ah...this is my honor! Thank you for your answer."

After saying that, two things appeared in front of him and fell into the cracks of the chessboard.

Lloyd reached out and took it, then looked down. A business card slowly appeared in his palm, plus a very exquisitely crafted revolver?

There is no spirituality attached to it, nor is it some black technology that transcends the times. It is a product of the same era as the bolt-action rifles that are commonly installed in the Inquisition.

But the craftsmanship of the entire gun seems to be superior to the flintlock guns that Lloyd usually comes into contact with, and it also has a very artistic aesthetic. The entire gun body is an elegant bronze color, and the handle is made of an ivory-like material with inlays on it. The wisps of decorative golden patterns are pleasing to the eye.

It can be put on the table as a collection at home or in the office, and it will definitely be worth a lot of money if sold.

It can only be said that Valdez is indeed someone that Lloyd valued very much from the beginning.

It's just that... exchanging a not-so-secret answer for such a thing made Lloyd feel a little ashamed, and he unknowingly took advantage of someone else...

He was embarrassed to continue pretending to be cold, so he replied:


Balders suddenly felt even more flattered, and quickly said respectfully:

"Your approval is its value!"

As he spoke, he became bolder and asked tentatively:

"I am willing to continue to offer you such tribute, but I don't know...can I ask for some strength from you?"

This kid is really arrogant. Are you starting to negotiate terms now?

Lloyd also wanted to laugh for a while, but he still swiped away the screen and took another look at the tentacle grass.

The Tentacle Grass poses like a human being with its hands spread out and shrugging its shoulders. It probably means "the wool is bald", right?

Fortunately, Valdes was not that ignorant. Seeing that the Supreme Being did not reply to him immediately, he quickly changed his words and said:

"Of course, not today. It may take a while. I need to do something big. Then I will prepare tributes to pray for your favor."

This guy... really has evil intentions, right?

Lloyd thought about it in his mind again and replied with a barrage:


"That's great! If your beloved wants to contact me, just write to me."

Valdes said overjoyed, maintained his bowing posture, and slowly disappeared from the chessboard.

At this point, the seminar is officially over.

"This guy looks like he's thinking about the big news? Is he trying to rob a bank?"

Lloyd tried to guess Valdez's plan, but immediately shook his head.

With Valdez's mind, his talent in the extraordinary field, his skills in making things, and the various contacts he has accumulated, plus the relationship at the seminar, I really can't think of any reason for him to take risks.

What he wants to do is probably not to make money...

That's... revenge?

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