I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 185 184 The first step

Chapter 185 184. The First Step

Lloyd had no intention of stopping other people's plans. On the contrary, he was still considering whether he could take the opportunity to help Valdes as "himself".

If he could really help Valdes at a critical moment, coupled with the relationship with the Supreme, he would definitely be able to successfully earn him to join the group and start his own money-making plan.

This is why Lloyd agreed to it before.

Of course, the premise is that Valdes's intentions should not be too excessive, and he should not do something that would anger the heavens and the people.

"That's it for today."

Lloyd was ready to leave, so he swiped away the screen in front of him and reached out to poke the tentacle grass in front of him.

The tentacle grass quickly held his finger, rubbed it a few times, and then waved a tentacle, as if saying goodbye to Lloyd.

It feels like this thing is getting more and more obedient...

Lloyd smiled, covered it with a glass cover, and then left the [Thinking Field] and returned to the room in the real world.

He turned his head and looked at the slightly crowded bedside table next to him.

Three pieces of ancient junk, a craft-grade revolver, a business card, and a small cake.

"I have to change to a bigger bedside table later..."

Lloyd muttered to himself, picked up the revolver again, played with it for a while, and felt that he couldn't let it go.

The workmanship and feel of this thing are really comfortable, and the weight is just right.

I believe that with it, I can also become a sharpshooter who hits the target every time, instead of a master of human body outlining.

Back then, I was also a counter-terrorist elite with superb shooting skills. I often used a burst sniper rifle to shoot terrorists all over the world, which aroused the jealousy of everyone and was voted out of the server.

I also worked hard and practiced hard, and finally won a rank of 500 points.

So compared to the sword, the gun is more suitable for a progressive young man like me who has received higher education!

I wonder which monster will be lucky enough to experience my shooting skills tomorrow?

Lloyd recalled the past in his mind, and imitated the sharpshooter in the movie, trying to turn the gun in his hand.


The gun fell to the ground, which made him feel distressed. He quickly picked it up, wiped it, and put it back in the storage bag.

Then he picked up Valdez's business card, looked at the contact address on it, and put it away.

Then he ate the small cake while weighing the ancient scrap iron in his hand, thinking about how to recycle it.

At first, Lloyd planned to make dumbbells for the little kitten to exercise, but after weighing it carefully, he found that the weight was not enough and it could not achieve effective exercise effect. Moreover, there were three lumps, which could not be used in a team, which would drive people with obsessive-compulsive disorder to death.

Anyway, he couldn't use it himself, and there were people collecting it outside, so why not sell it for money?

Lloyd changed his mind again.

But he was a little unwilling, thinking that it would be a big loss, just like wasting the big guarantee in order to draw a new four-star character.

Let's think about it again, and take a look at what the structure inside is like.

Lloyd thought about it, ate the small cake in a few bites, then turned on his spiritual vision and looked directly into the scrap metal.

The style of the painting inside looks a bit like the back of a computer motherboard, but it's not that complicated. There are also groups of lines distributed, winding around, forming some patterns and patterns that Lloyd can't understand.

These lines are also crooked and not so square. They are a bit like the structure of a ritual, but they are even worse. There are many blurred and damaged places, as if it is a female knight in the hands of a mine owner. I'm afraid it can't be saved.

The structure of this shell is quite solid. It has been rusted, but it is still strong and firm, showing the excellent material craftsmanship of ancient civilization.

I remember that it was said in the "Book of Truth" that this thing was made of ancient magic technology. It sounds like it is completely different from our current steam power. Is it another set of technology trees? Have you really given up completely? It feels a pity...

Lloyd was thinking while folding the scrap metal in his hand. Suddenly, he had a sudden idea and tried to inject some spiritual power into the lines inside to see if he could trigger a miracle.

The result was obviously not...

And his spiritual power was blocked, as if it was being rejected by a pile of scrap metal?

This feeling is quite subtle, like the feeling of snow blocking a drainpipe.

Hmm? Could it be that... the ancient "fighting power" and "magic power" are not the same as the current spiritual power?

That may explain why today's humans have given up the obviously more advanced ancient technology?

But this leads to another question. When monsters are rampant and doomsday is coming, what are those "fighting power three stage" strongmen doing?

Lloyd started a series of unwarranted associations in his mind.

Suddenly, he had another sudden idea and activated the square ring on his hand, [Scenery Seen by Wisdom], to see what color this thing would be.

As a result, a pale blue circuit diagram appeared inside the scrap metal.

That was the effect of the spiritual power he had injected before. Although the spiritual power could not flow through these circuits, it could wash over the surface and absorb onto the circuits, which resulted in the appearance of blue lines.

These blue lines were very thin, as thick as a hair. If the square ring was not activated, they could not be detected by spiritual vision and inspiration alone.

After all turned blue, although the structure did not change, Lloyd could see the trend of these lines more intuitively.

He observed carefully, and then heard a panel prompt:

[Ding~ Wrong knowledge fragment +1, Madness +500]


Lloyd was stunned. He didn't expect there would be such an unexpected surprise?

The panel can handle things that the "Book of Truth" can't handle, and the knowledge panel that the "Book of Truth" can't read can read it?

He quickly did the same to the remaining two pieces of scrap metal.

[Ding~ Wrong knowledge fragment +1, Madness +500]

[Ding~ Wrong knowledge fragment +1, Madness +500]

Obtaining three pieces of knowledge fragments in a row made Lloyd feel itchy and his brain grew again.

He quickly looked at the extra things in his brain.

In fact, it was the complex circuit diagram inside the scrap metal.

These three pieces of scrap metal are "discarded portable shield generators". Their internal structures look the same, but they are damaged in different ways.

After being spliced ​​and supplemented, it is what Lloyd saw in front of him, but there is still a part that is incomplete and blurred, and it cannot be pieced together completely.

This thing is indeed too damaged...

I don’t know if it is because of the incompleteness. Lloyd currently only knows this picture. He has no additional gains and still can’t figure out the principle and mechanism of this ancient creation.

Maybe he needs to put together a whole picture? Or find a better "portable shield generator"?

But after this line map is completed, it has more similarities with the rituals of later generations, although the gap is still large, similar to the difference between the "limited card pool" and the "regular card pool" in krypton gold mobile games.

Anyway, they all belong to the "card pool"...

But what Lloyd cares more about is the prompt on the panel.

What is "wrong knowledge"?

Why does this kind of knowledge also bring spiritual pollution?

He wanted to make some unwarranted associations with his brain, but he immediately felt the warning of a weird intuition, which made him quickly gather his thoughts.

It’s just that… whatever situation Lloyd encountered before, inspiration and weird intuition were all beating in his mind, but this time, only the weird intuition was warning him…

Lloyd could only sigh helplessly:

“In my short life, I understand one truth. The more I study ancient history, the more I will find that humans have limits…”

After that, he lay down on the bed and slept peacefully.


At this time, in a fairy-tale-style bedroom far away in the City of Joy, Ai Luoluo was wearing cartoon pajamas, barefoot, and carefully opened the door.

Then a curved and curled hair slowly emerged from the door frame, followed by her blue-black heterochromatic eyes.

Outside the room was the corridor on the second floor, which was a little dark. Only an oil lamp at the end was emitting a faint light, but it could not dispel the darkness around. The whole corridor was still like the esophagus of a giant beast. I don’t know where the darkness at the other end leads to.

Ailuo couldn't help shrinking her neck, still not daring to leave the room.

Neither her father nor the strict Miss Shebelida allowed her to leave the room when she was sleeping.

Ailuo looked down at the octopus doll in her arms again, and felt that it was emitting a stronger power than before.

This power seemed to give her some kind of inexplicable courage.

I must at least... go to the first floor... no, to the stairs!

Come on! Ailuo, you can do it!

Ailuo cheered herself up in her heart, pursed her pink lips tightly, hugged the octopus doll, and took the first step out of the room.

A thin line appeared on her slender neck again.

Ailuo didn't notice the changes in her body. She tiptoed on her bare jade feet, carefully, and walked step by step to the dark stairs.

She was so scared that cold sweat soaked her pajamas unconsciously.

She should have given up long ago, but there was a strange thought in her mind that made her stubbornly maintain her inner strength.

In this way, she walked into the darkness of the corridor step by step.

At the same time, she silently counted the steps she had taken in her heart.




She had counted carefully once before, and only needed to take 23 steps to reach the stairs.



Here I am!

I did it!

Ai Luoluo was suddenly happy, and she finally took this most critical step for the first time in her sixteen years of life.

Then, she began to reach out and try to touch the handrail of the stairs.

But no matter how the delicate hands groped in the dark, they could not find the handrail in their memory...

Or rather, they could not touch anything...

Thanks to the glass beads in the glass bag for rewarding Eve Luoer with 100 points to buy a small skirt.

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