I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 226 225 I will always be by your side

Chapter 226 225. I will always be with you

After receiving the furry seahorse puppet from the stall owner, Ailuo was immediately very happy and hugged it and rubbed it hard.

The stall owner was of course very happy too. It was rare to meet such a generous customer, not to mention such a rare pair of handsome men and beautiful women.

Only Lloyd looked serious, still wondering if his shooting skills were really so bad?

It was not like this when he fought terrorists back then? Moreover, he had worked hard at one time and reached a score of 500+ on the battle platform.

While thinking about it, Ailuo suddenly reached out again, naturally took Roy's hand, and pulled him to ride the carousel.

Then he stood on tiptoe, leaned close to his ear, and whispered:

"Lord Uther, I'm a little scared, can you hold me and sit?"

Lloyd's ears were a little itchy from her breath, and he nodded subconsciously.

He really didn't want to make this girl sad and upset...

Let's talk about the future later. At least today, let's accompany her and help her get out of the shadow of "domestic violence" as soon as possible.

So Lloyd also relaxed. The two of them were like a couple in love, holding hands and experiencing the many facilities in the amusement park.

Perhaps it was because of the warm and cheerful smile on Ai Luoluo's face, or perhaps it was because of the atmosphere in the amusement park, Lloyd's heart became particularly happy, and he even hummed a melodious melody from the earth with interest.

Eloro also noticed it and asked quickly:

"Lord Uther, what are you singing? It sounds so good."

"It's a tune from my hometown, describing a story about the happiest girl in the world, who is looking for her lost medal in a city full of monsters. In the process, she meets a handsome boy, and the two of them go around while looking for lost items...

In short, it's the kind of tune that is suitable for humming when going out with girls, symbolizing happiness and beauty."

"Eh? There is such a story? What's the name of this song?"

"I can't remember the name clearly, it seems to be called a market? "Kakarot Market"? Or "Astarte Market"? "

"What happened after that? What's the story of the girl and the boy?"

Eloro asked curiously again.

Lloyd scratched his head and replied:

"Well... I need to recall, I can't remember many details, let's go out for lunch first, I'll tell you as we go, is there anything you like to eat?"

"I like to eat the same things as you."

"Eh? But I didn't say what I like to eat? Are you lying to me?"

Lloyd answered subconsciously.

Ailolo puffed up his face and kept shaking his arm.

"Wow... Really, Lord Uther is so stupid! You'll know if I'm lying to you after a try... Okay, tell me the story quickly, I like to hear this kind of story the most."

"Well, anyway, since the encounter that day, the two of them actually fell in love with each other secretly, and then they happened to be assigned to the same combat unit, which is similar to our Tribunal..."

Lloyd tried hard to recall the story, and added a little bit of his own supplement to the parts he couldn't remember.

"The world they live in is extremely cruel, with disasters happening one after another and people living in poverty. Only the most talented people can go out to fight against monsters..."

"Unfortunately, the boy's talent is not very good. He only got the evaluation of 'Fighting Power Stage 3' in the first test, and he cannot control the God-killing Armor, which is an important weapon; on the other hand, the girl is amazingly talented and is known as the strongest S-level commander..."

"Seeing that there is an insurmountable gap between the two, the boy is unwilling to give up and works hard every day..."

"Finally, his efforts paid off. During a morning exercise, he was accidentally bitten by a mutant spider and awakened an ability called 'system'..."

"With the help of this ability, the boy's strength began to advance by leaps and bounds, and his relationship with the girl became closer and closer..."

"But the good times didn't last long. The situation outside took a sharp turn for the worse. Humans were defeated by the monsters and were in danger. In order to protect humans, the girl did not hesitate to use her ability beyond the limit, and suffered painful consequences for this. Price..."

"Her long sky-blue hair gradually turned orange, and her memory kept disappearing. Gradually, she couldn't even remember the location of the pepper..."

"Soon, the monsters launched a huge offensive to completely exterminate humans. The boy fought bravely, but was outnumbered and surrounded by monsters, seriously injured. In order to protect humans and her lover, the girl burned her life and burst out her last strength..."

"The boy lay on the ground helplessly, watching his lover dancing like a moth to a flame surrounded by monsters; the girl smiled, even though she was seriously injured, she thought that she was the happiest girl in the world to die for her lover..."

"The two of them hummed the ballad they first met..."


"In desperation, the boy finally awakened the full power of the 'system', suddenly rose up, and killed all the monsters in front of him. Not only did he easily wipe out all the monsters in front of him, he also successfully saved the girl and healed all her injuries..."

"In the end, the two of them joined forces to kill all the monsters in the world and created a brand new world, and the two of them lived a happy sexual life without shame."

At this point in the story, Lloyd put down the knife and fork in his hand and just finished his lunch.

Ai Luoluo, who was opposite, patted his magnanimous chest repeatedly and let out a long breath.

"Huh~ It really scared me to death. I almost thought they both died..."

Lloyd just smiled and said nothing.

Ai Luoluo then showed a longing look and said in a low voice:

"I really want to be the happiest girl in the world..."

Lloyd pretended that he didn't hear anything and said instead:

"Okay, after dinner, let's go to the nearby aquarium?"

"Okay~ Lord Uther, I will accompany you wherever you want to go."

Eloro smiled sweetly again.

In this way, the two of them played all the way from the aquarium to the commercial street, and after buying a few souvenirs that Airolo liked, they came to an ancient clock tower.

It is said that this is the earliest bell tower in the city, and it has also held the title of 'tallest building' for several years. If you can climb to the top floor at dusk, you will be able to see a sunset that is plated with gold by the setting sun, and you will be deeply impressed by it. Understand the origin of the name 'Bright City'.

It was dusk at this time, and Lloyd and Eloro had climbed to the highest point. Not far from them was the quaint big clock.

"What a nice view……"

Ai Luoluo looked at the splendid city in front of him and admired sincerely.

What a nice view……

Lloyd looked at Elolo, who was shining brightly in the sunset, and secretly admired it in his heart.

"Won't it ring?"

Eloro looked back at the big clock and asked.

"Well, the heart was torn out inside."

Lloyd replied casually, then subconsciously held Elolo's hand and continued:

"Okay, let's go have dinner. There happens to be a good restaurant nearby..."


Elolo nodded, but his feet remained motionless, as if he was reluctant to part with the beautiful sunset in front of him.

"What's wrong? There will be plenty of opportunities to see it in the future, right?"

Lloyd asked.

Ai Luoluo lowered his head and said abruptly:

"Feel sorry……"


"I should...go back..."

As Elolo said, he raised his head again, showing a sad and sad smile. His eyes looking at Lloyd were full of reluctance and nostalgia.

Lloyd thought she was being willful, so he helplessly replied:

"Then you really posed a problem for me. I can't send you away again..."


Suddenly there was a dry cough from the side.

Turning around, I saw that the place where the big clock was originally hung suddenly turned into a familiar antique store, just blocking the intersection. The always lazy guy was standing in front of the door, spreading his hands towards Lloyd.

Lloyd seemed to realize something, and quickly pulled Elolo up and walked to the spiral staircase on the other side, still saying comfort:

"Don't be afraid of him, let's leave quickly."

But not even two steps out, a hunter wearing a Saint's Court uniform and a colorful clown mask on his face climbed up the spiral staircase and blocked Lloyd's path.

When Lloyd saw the mask opposite him, his heart suddenly skipped a beat.

While chatting with Captain Fox, he heard from the opposite party that the masks of the Holy Grace Hunters were not chosen randomly. Each team had a unified style, among which the clown-style masks were the most special. That was their trial. Can only be worn when you are older.

However, ordinary presiding judges are only allowed to wear black and white clown masks, and only the grand presiding judge can wear colored ones.

"You...what do you want to do?"

Lloyd took two steps back and stood in front of Elolo.

"According to the order of the saint, I came to stop your dangerous behavior."

The other party replied coldly, her voice sounded like that of a woman of considerable age.

"Are you kidding me?"

Lloyd said, looking back at Elolo behind him.

At some point, her little hand had slipped out of her palm...

"I obviously just..."

Lloyd wanted to say something, but he saw his cheap big brother emerging from the stairs blocked by the antique shop.

He first looked at the hunter wearing a colorful clown mask and cursed unceremoniously:

"You stinky bitch, I'm warning you not to talk nonsense!"

Then he turned around, shrugged at Lloyd, and changed into a helpless tone that made him laugh and cry:

"Little brother, I didn't expect you to use the experience I taught you to seduce a girl of this level?"


As soon as Lloyd opened his mouth, he suddenly felt someone gently hugging his waist from behind and pressing his face against his vest, wanting to comfort himself with such tenderness.

He quickly looked back.

It’s not Elolo…

"I obviously rescued her from such a dangerous place, and I obviously treated her..."

Lloyd was still talking, but Eloro suddenly stood up on tiptoes and sealed his mouth with those crystal clear pink lips.

But it was just a kiss like a dragonfly, and they separated quickly.

"I'm sorry, Lord Uther, I don't belong here. I also have my own mission. There is no way to stay forever... But just like I promised you before, I will always be by your side..."

"Don't worry about me, don't feel sorry for me, I'll be fine, I'll be fine."

"If you are so sad, I will cry, right?"

Eloro's eyes sparkled with crystal tears, almost bursting out of her eyes.

But she rubbed her eyes stubbornly and did not really cry.

He just hugged Lloyd tightly and said softly:

"After today's encounter, I am already the happiest girl in the world, so... don't be sad, okay?"

Then he stood on tiptoes and whispered in his ear:

"I will be waiting for you every night from now on..."

After that, she really made up her mind, left Lloyd's arms, and walked towards the antique shop.

Tears finally burst out at this moment, quickly covering that pretty face, and they couldn't stop no matter how hard they tried.

The heart-shaped balloon that had been wrapped around his hand also broke at this time and quietly disappeared into the dim sky.

She didn't dare to look back, for fear that she would regret it, and quickly fled into the antique shop that suddenly appeared.

The guys next to her, Big Brother, and even the Holy Grace Hunter were all bowing slightly to her, respectfully.

It wasn't until he hid in the antique shop that Ai Luoluo suddenly looked back, but he was not looking at Lloyd outside the door, but facing the direction of the central area through the wall.

"Leave him to me, okay?"

She asked suddenly into the empty air.

There was no response, or rather, no one could hear the response.

Ai Luoluo showed an expression of unwillingness to admit defeat and said to himself:

"It was he who woke me up, and it was he who gave me the warmth of a human being, not you who are above me...so I will not give up. Although you are very powerful and beautiful, I will never give up!"

As she spoke, she clenched her cute little fists and said as if declaring war:

"After all, I can also be a saint."

But such generosity and heroism only lasted less than two seconds, and she quickly fled to the second floor of the antique store, as if she was afraid of being held accountable.

When she passed the room on the second floor and arrived at the second-floor garden of the 'Dream Theater', she found dozens of waiters surrounding her in an arc, bowing to greet her.

The one in the middle, the waiter who received Lloyd, said respectfully:

"We are honored by your presence, but... it won't happen again..."

Ai Luoluo didn't look very strange about this, he just asked calmly:

"Don't you welcome me here?"

"That's it for the time being, but I believe we will welcome you to visit us in the near future."

After the waiter said this, he took a step sideways and opened a wooden door behind him.

Ai Luoluo didn't say much, just shook his head, silently walked towards the door and walked in.

The next second, she instantly crossed the barrier of distant space and arrived at the City of Joy.

In front of her was a luxurious and gorgeous golden hall, with a wide high-backed chair at the top.

Under her feet was a straight red carpet, leading directly to the chair.

On the left and right sides, two rows of half-kneeling members of the Order of Joy were waiting for her return.

There was cheerful music floating in the air, as if there was some kind of celebration.

An old man in gorgeous and noble clothes came to Eloro, holding a tray in his hands and handed it to her.

Inside is a slightly exaggerated and exquisite top hat.

Ai Luoluo picked up the top hat, put it on his head, stretched out his hand to twist the brim, and straightened it carefully.

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