I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 227 226 I never thought someone would ask me this question

Chapter 227 226. I never thought someone would ask me such a question

"Hey... little brother, don't be sad. She is indeed pretty and cute, but she is also not an ordinary girl... There are many good girls around you, right? Why did you choose this one? It's okay, I'll introduce you to a cuter one later."

The chief judge put his arm around Lloyd's shoulders and comforted him awkwardly.

"No... I just..."

Lloyd still looked lost, and he hesitated to speak, and suddenly changed the subject and asked:

"Who is she?"

The chief judge raised a finger, shook it at the mouth of the armor, and explained:

"Actually, I don't know much, and I even find it incredible. Why don't you ask her?"

As he said that, he pointed to Lloyd's pocket.

The statue of the saint was lying inside.

Lloyd could only respond with a helpless bitter smile.

"Or... you can ask that guy?"

The chief judge lowered his voice again and secretly pointed at the clerk in the antique shop.

After that, he patted Lloyd on the shoulder and encouraged him:

"Okay, okay, I have to go and clean up for you. Have a good rest. I'll take you to a super awesome place in two days. It's full of beautiful and enthusiastic girls!"

Then he actually jumped directly off the bell tower that was dozens of stories high. His figure flashed twice in the air and disappeared.

As for the Saint Grace Hunter, who was not ordinary, he had disappeared long ago.

Lloyd turned around again and saw that the clerk in the antique shop was about to close the door and run away, so he rushed over quickly, squeezed in, and stared at him closely.

The waiter threatened fiercely:

"Why are you looking at me? Do you believe I will throw sand in your eyes?"

Lloyd twisted the kitten out and put it on the counter, then repeated the previous question:

"Who is she?"

The waiter grabbed the kitten who wanted to escape, rubbed it in his arms, and asked with some amusement:

"You tricked her here from afar, and implicated me and those idiots above, but you don't even know where she came from?"

Lloyd was speechless for a moment. After holding it in for a few seconds, he answered:

"I just felt sorry for her, and I just happened to have a way to help her..."

"Not only pitiful, but also cute, right? She's like a little bird, I feel pity for her?"

The guy said sarcastically, and continued to sneer:

"I think you look good, why do you like this flat figure? Aren't there enough beautiful women in this city? Why do you want this?"

Lloyd saw that he kept talking about other things, so he had to threaten:

"Give me back the cat!"

The guy sneered and hid the kitten behind him.

"Heh~ In that case, don't blame me for being cruel. I originally wanted to leave you some thoughts, but if you insist on asking, then I can only make you give up completely!"

"That girl is the saint of the City of Joy, or rather, she can become the saint of the City of Joy."

This answer made Lloyd open his eyes slightly, frowned again, and asked back:

"Can you respect my eyesight and IQ?"

"Look, you don't believe me after I told you, so what answer do you want to hear? I'll make one up for you?"

"You...but...how could she be a saint? I checked every part of her body, and she is obviously just an ordinary girl who has just completed enlightenment."

"Hehe, what do you think a saint is? Can you become a saint by looking for monsters to kill and eat every day? Or can you suddenly become a saint by staying in the library for a few years? You are not still buying novels outside to read, are you?"

The guy said with disdain, and pointed to the door again.

Lloyd then noticed that the clock tower had been replaced by the used book market near his home.

He was slightly stunned, and then asked:

"Well, I don't know what a saint is. I just want to know why Ai Luoluo suddenly became a patron saint? As far as I know, patron saints are young and a little special, but not so special, right?"

The guy asked back with a smile:

"When did I say she was a patron saint?"


"So you might as well think about the good side. Although your girlfriend suddenly became a saint and can't come back to you to be affectionate, your sacrifice has made an outstanding contribution to mankind. Future history books will probably record your broken heart today, right?"

Lloyd couldn't bear it anymore, and asked back unhappily:

"Isn't it... Are all your ancient magician systems like you who are full of nonsense?"

As soon as he entered the door, he used [Enhanced Detection] on the guy.

Although the four attributes are still '? ? ', indicating that he had exceeded the detection limit of his 100 points of [Inspiration], but he saw the system and threat level of this guy.

[System: Ancient Mage]

[Threat Level: (╬ ̄俣)]

This threat level is really scary...

After Lloyd broke the system, the waiter finally became serious. He put the kitten back on the table and asked in a low voice:

"It seems that I underestimated you a little? How did you know?"

Lloyd pointed to the ceiling and threw the pot to the waiter above.


The waiter sneered, without commenting, and then said:

"Since you know that the saint of protection is very special, do you know that He was not originally a human being, but originated from a great archaeological discovery decades ago?

If nothing unexpected happens, your delicate girlfriend is also one of the gains of that time...

But she may have been in a state of sleep for a long time. It was not until you tricked her out today that she realized her responsibilities."

Lloyd was stunned when he heard it. His mind was a little messy and he had no time to sort it out. He could only ask quickly:

"Archaeology can actually dig out saints?"

The guy smiled again and replied:

"So you still can't realize the essence of saints. If they can allow humans to safely receive knowledge and avoid harm and spiritual pollution, what else can they be but saints? In ancient times, there was no shortage of means to do this."

"It's just that today's humans have to give up too many things in order to survive, and can only let the most powerful people make sacrifices and live in the cage called "saints", enduring the pain you can't imagine. Suffering and torture..."

"So, I have always respected them; so, as a member of the human race, I cannot let you bring a saint around as a girlfriend; so, those people outside just now have the same idea as me."

He instilled more than half of the information in one breath, and then he showed an expression of wanting to sleep, waved his hand, and finally concluded:

"That's all I know. If you want to know more about her, go explore the great archaeology decades ago."

"Where can you find it?"

"Apart from a ghost place like Mizkatok, where else can they study these?"

"I see."

Lloyd nodded, and while the other side was still asleep, he asked:

"You said she is a saint, so if I become a saint, can I..."

As he said, he suddenly became a little hesitant, but immediately gritted his teeth and added:

"Can I be with her?"

The guy immediately raised his head, looked at Lloyd, and nodded slowly.

But he said:

"Damn, I've lived for so many years, and I never thought that someone would ask me such a question... I suggest you go to a mental hospital first."

He then lay down on the table and threatened fiercely:

"I'm going to sleep, don't disturb me, or I'll beat you to death!"

Considering that this guy's strength might be a little stronger than his own, Lloyd could only swallow his anger, leave the antique shop, and return to the familiar second-hand book market.

Then he walked home while thinking about this large amount of information in his mind.

The reason why Ai Luoluo carries mental pollution and even taboo knowledge is because she really has the "qualification of a saint" and can be regarded as a kind of... "pseudo-saint"?

And her age doesn't look as young as her appearance. I don't know how old she is, right? If she is with me, is it considered copper refining?

Uh... No, why am I still thinking about these?

Lloyd gently slapped himself twice, pulling back his thoughts that had drifted away.

The guy said that it was his contact with Eloro that awakened her; Eloro herself said that she had a mission that she had to fulfill...

But his contact with her was just ordinary intimacy?

Could it be that...

Lloyd suddenly recalled that Eloro was dazed and absent-minded for several minutes when she visited the Sanctuary of Denial.

He reached into his pocket, intending to refer to Big Brother's advice and seek answers from his saint.

But the saint seemed to have just gently held his hand, and did not speak directly like he did when he met the consultant before, as if expressing some kind of silent apology.

Lloyd pursed his lips hard, but still did not ask questions, but turned his mind to think about his delusion that he should be admitted to a mental hospital.

Although the guy's words were sharp, he did not directly deny his thoughts.

Of course, this is probably because he didn't know...

In that case, I should try to see if I can keep her by my side after I really become a saint.

Thinking of this, Lloyd's heavy mood seemed to become a little lighter. He rubbed his face vigorously and continued to think in an optimistic direction.

So why am I so sad? It's not like Ai Luoluo is gone. I can still go to her every night. She's just not around.

But then, he thought of Wei Ya, who hadn't officially confirmed the relationship yet...

I... am not a scumbag who is cheating on two women at the same time. I just... feel sorry for her and don't want her to bear those things, nor do I want the previous series of efforts to go to waste.

Yeah! Yes! That's it!

Lloyd comforted himself in his heart.

I added Ai Luoluo's character card. Are there any kind book friends who can help upload two pictures?

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