I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 268 Substantial changes in rank advancement 267

Chapter 268 267. Substantial changes in rank promotion

In fact, the abandoned city area is very strange. It is so close to the new city area, and the location and location advantages should be very high, but it has been completely abandoned and left to become a gray area where no one cares.

Why is it like this?

Did they dig something incredible when digging the sewer? So they gave up?

Then why are they actively building a new city area nearby and ignoring the people here?

A series of question marks immediately emerged in Lloyd's mind. He really couldn't understand the development and operation ideas above.

But one thing is certain, the reason for the abandonment of this place is definitely not the paper ghost just now. This thing is too fragile and its nature is too special. It doesn't take much effort to get rid of it.

Moreover, there have been eyewitness reports of this thing recently, and it has nothing to do with the "long history" of the abandoned city area.

Maybe it's just because of various cost issues? Or some historical problems? So the above gave up here?

After Lloyd had some random thoughts, he suddenly remembered another detail, about the experience of several victims before.

According to the information he got from the bar, there were not many victims who died at the hands of this unique and strange derivative, just a few ordinary people and a fourth-level extraordinary person.

Considering the population density here and the daily routine of going out early and returning late, this level of casualties is already a miracle.

Of course, the efforts of the bartenders are involved, but this ghost is also somewhat involved...

It is not surprising that extraordinary people will die at its hands. This thing is more dangerous to extraordinary people with higher ranks.

But it is not so powerful against ordinary people. It is not as powerful as the normal dangerous level 3 demon ghost. Ordinary people who have not been exposed to the mysterious and extraordinary just look at it directly, at most they will not have a specific image and will not be hurt.

You must get closer to it to suffer the mental pollution it emits.

But doesn't this thing always float in the sky? The victim has no inspiration, how did he get "close" to it? It's impossible to poke it with a bamboo pole from below, right?

In addition, those victims all chose to commit suicide after falling into madness?

If humans would commit suicide after falling into madness, then there would be no monsters of the category of "out of control" in this world...

So, how did those ordinary people die at the hands of this guy before?

Could it be that... the strange derivatives seen by those ordinary people were not harmless images such as rags, women in white, and white birds, but something more special?

For example, some weird thing that would make people commit suicide after seeing it?

But there is a paradox here. Let's not talk about how ordinary people come into contact with such dangerous things. How can a thing that can make people commit suicide after seeing it make people see it a second time?

The more Lloyd thought about it, the more he felt that there were doubts and problems here.

Weird abandoned city, weird monsters...

But he didn't have the time or energy to play puzzle games right now. He had many more important things to focus on, so he put this suspicious rare monster aside for now and continued to review the new knowledge in his mind.

Apart from the new knowledge brought by the skill improvement, he had a lot of knowledge about the [materialization] system in his mind.

This should be the new knowledge brought by the progress of the analysis of unknown fragments.

Although it looks like a very basic content, still related to the [projection] route, Lloyd only went through it roughly and suffered a new round of mental pollution...

This made Lloyd unable to do it.

Is this knowledge problematic? Or is it because I haven't completed the enlightenment of the [materialization] system, so I will suffer mental pollution when I come into contact with this knowledge?

If there is a problem with this knowledge, they seem to be very normal [projection] related knowledge?

Because I have not completed the enlightenment, I will suffer mental pollution because of mental pollution, which is even more untenable. If so, who would dare to get involved in the [materialization] system?

Without access to knowledge, enlightenment cannot be completed. Without enlightenment, knowledge cannot be accessed safely. It's a logical loop, right?

However, through these new knowledge, Lloyd has mastered a new ability - a special skill of releasing spiritual power.

This is an ability that is not included in the panel. It is more similar to the most basic professional instinct of extraordinary people such as "dispersing inspiration" and "opening spiritual vision", which is to mobilize spiritual power and release it out of the body or inject it into objects.

If it is released directly, it will not cause any damage. The spiritual power disappears after being released. It only slightly increases the spiritual charm in the air. It is meaningless, just like an ordinary person blowing a breath.

Lloyd usually uses this technique when activating the psychic blade. He mastered this professional instinct when he just completed [Enlightenment], and he will also use it in arranging rituals and activating holy objects later.

Anyway, "releasing spiritual power" is a very basic skill. It still needs to be matched with various extraordinary abilities and extraordinary equipment to make this basic skill practical.

The special skill he had just mastered was to use some techniques of the [materialization] system to make the spiritual power he released no longer invisible, but have some substantial effects.

Lloyd then tried this new technique, stretched out a finger and poked the little milk cat from a distance.


The little cat turned back to look at him in confusion.

Lloyd clenched his fist again and knocked twice on the wall next to him.


The walls squeaked in response.

And then again...

Uh...no more, this special technique only has so much effect.

Although the effect is very weak, it is equivalent to his hands becoming longer, and there is no offensive effect. If you use it in combat, you probably can't count on it.

But this happens to be the ability that Lloyd needs most right now.

Finally, I finally ‘grew’ a pair of invisible invisible hands!

Hey, tonight I'm going to pinch Eloro's little face and feet, and then pull her curvy and curvy hair.

When I usually go to the kitchen, I can better demonstrate my excellent cooking skills!

It just so happens that when cooking during this period, I always feel that my hands are not enough. Now with this new skill, my cooking skills and creativity can finally be put to use and realized!

Lloyd felt very good all of a sudden, and he couldn't wait to [sneak in] to Elolo now to verify this new technique in detail.

It's a pity that I can't go...

I had no choice but to put away my thoughts and focus on the last improvement of this [Transcendence].

Lloyd closed his eyes, and kept clenching his hands into fists, then unclenching them, and so on, as if he wanted to catch something invisible.

After two or three minutes, he opened his eyes again and tilted his head in confusion.

This last improvement seems to have no real impact...

The moment he completed the ritual, before the hallucinations appeared in front of him, he noticed that his body seemed to have undergone some indescribable and wonderful changes.

But then all kinds of messy information came to him, which made him put this change aside for the time being, and he didn't realize it again until the end.

But after thinking about it and reflecting on it, I still couldn't grasp the specific reality. I just felt that I was not the same person as before?

This is not some philosophical speculation, but a real change.

Lloyd thought for a while, then reached into the storage bag on his waist, took out the presiding judge's notebook, flipped to the back, and reviewed it again.

Hmm... If nothing else, this indescribable change should be the 'substantial feeling brought about by the increase in rank' mentioned by the presiding judge, right?

When an extraordinary person completes the fourth [Transcendence], he will clearly feel for the first time what 'level' is, and every time after [Transcendence], this change will become more and more obvious.

As for the definition of the concept of ‘rank’, the presiding judge simply explained:

"Rank is not simply an objective positioning of strength. It itself has certain extraordinary characteristics. It can be regarded as a certain distance between oneself and ordinary people or other extraordinary people."

"Generally speaking, the higher the rank, the more difficult it is to reach and understand."

"And the substantial improvement of rank to extraordinary people is precisely because of this 'hard to touch and difficult to understand', which reflects the huge difference in strength between high-ranking and low-ranking extraordinary people."

"In terms of simple distance, the same [Rejection Declaration] will show clear and obvious differences in effects if it is performed by a low-level or high-level extraordinary person, or if it is applied to a low-level or high-level extraordinary person."

"Even if both parties use the same [Veto Declaration] and have the same inspiration and spiritual power, the [Veto Declaration] of the low-ranking extraordinary person will be difficult to take effect on the high-ranking extraordinary person, or the effect will be greatly reduced."

"But in turn, if you use it from a high position to a low position, the effect will naturally be outstanding."

After reviewing the presiding judge's notes, Lloyd recalled the feeling of completing [Transcendence] before.

I just simply feel that I have become stronger, my values ​​have expanded, and my skills have been upgraded. This wonderful experience is indeed missing.

And this time, although my [Veto] system is still at the third level, my [Distortion] system is actually at the fourth level!

So I should be considered level four now, right?

But I usually don't activate the [Distortion] system, so others see me as only level three, and even the presiding judge and Big Brother don't realize my true level.

That's good. After all, my character has always been that of a humble and reserved low-key young man who doesn't like to show off.

Lloyd nodded, but then shook his head slightly.

This increase in rank has indeed brought a lot of benefits. For example, if Knight Commander Wald attacks him again, he should be able to break away easily.

If I have to deal with those criminals in the future, the effects of various skills will definitely be better.

But there is a bad thing——

Lloyd could clearly feel that as the [Distortion] system entered the fourth level, if he thought about [Transcendence] next time, he would not be able to achieve the perfect effect of 'two levels at a time' like today.

The next time I have to face it is the fifth level, which is very critical for extraordinary beings. It is obviously not enough to just distort the [transcendence] effect of other systems.

In other words, it will be more troublesome to upgrade next time.

And if you don't plan to choose those non-human formal [transcendence] methods, then you have to get involved in the third system.

Although Lloyd prefers various abilities on the [Intellectual] side, judging from his current situation, he probably still has to choose [Embodiment] for this third system.

In my current situation, it shouldn’t be difficult to complete the enlightenment of the [Embodiment] system. This service is available at the ‘Dream Theater’, and a rich second generation actually redeemed it before.

How dare this guy?

I probably won’t consider taking the ‘Dream Theater’ route, that place is really unsettling...

After some weighing, Lloyd began to consider whether he should go to the City of Illusion?

It's only a matter of time that he will go there, because the next 'gamble' that Boss Olga invites him to participate in is in the City of Illusion.

That will be two months later, so there is no need to rush now.

During the two-month window period, I should continue to accelerate and upgrade quickly, preferably through another promotion in the [Rejection] system.

Then with the help of the enlightenment of the [Embodiment] system, which is the first time of [Transcendence], he directly brings [Distortion] to level 5 and is promoted to a high position.

Well, that’s a happy decision!

Lloyd thought of this and decided on his next improvement ideas. He couldn't help but clenched his fists and felt full of energy.

As for what several big bosses have reminded me, about getting married and having children before the fifth level...

Besides, I haven’t decided who I want to marry anyway...

And it was only two months, which was too hasty, and it was impossible to get married.

Moreover, listening to the words of these big guys, they regard marriage and family as important links to maintain rationality. I don't need this. I have always been a mature and stable rational young man.

So no problem, keep accelerating and upgrade as soon as possible!

When Lloyd thought of this, he didn't want to rest anymore, so he stood up and prepared to leave this place.

Next, we still have to go back to District 18, finish today's work, and then find a place to rest.

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