I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 269 Chapter 268 Not a surprise

Chapter 269 268. Not surprised

Lloyd closed his eyes and rested in this simple hut for a while. At 6 o'clock in the morning, he returned to the [Thinking Field] as usual.

As soon as he came in, he saw that the giant flower bud had changed significantly.

The size and shape were still the same, without much change, but several flower buds split out at the top, and it looked like it was about to bloom.

Then the original bud wall looked a little whiter, and some lines vaguely appeared on it, looking like blood vessels under delicate skin.

Lloyd stared at the flower bud for a while, and somehow, he suddenly felt that it was very beautiful, with a kind of delicate beauty.

It's not the kind of beauty that describes flowers, but the beauty of girls, which will make people's hearts beat...

And this is a thought that he subconsciously generated, tending to be a kind of physiological instinct, not a random thought in his mind.

Lloyd stared at the flower bud for a long time, and felt his heartbeat and breathing start to speed up inexplicably. He quickly came back to his senses and shook his head vigorously.

What happened to me? Why do I have such a weird idea about a flower?

Is there really a beautiful girl inside?

But it's not like there are no beautiful girls around me...

Although he blamed himself and had some wild thoughts in his heart, his feet were involuntarily approaching slowly, and then he slowly stretched out his hand and gently touched the flower bud.

The action was particularly gentle, as if he wanted to hold the girl's hand.

The flower bud also responded to him immediately, and an invisible force turned into a delicate little hand, holding Lloyd's hand and intimately pressed it against the bud wall.

It gave Lloyd the feeling that a girl was holding his hand and pressing it against her cheek.

This was already a very intimate move between lovers...

But Lloyd seemed to think it was not enough, and subconsciously moved closer, then lowered his head slightly, and directly touched the flower bud with his forehead.

This made them seem even more intimate.

The bud also responded to his feelings, releasing an invisible little hand and stroking his cheek, like a gentle wife comforting her husband.

Lloyd was stunned, and even wanted to be bolder and kiss him directly with his mouth.

Fortunately, a series of panel prompts came to his ears, so he didn't really do such a curious move.

[Ding~ Madness value +2000]

[Ding~ Madness value +2000]

The prompts kept ringing five times, allowing Lloyd to level up directly on the spot.

Uh... Maybe it's because I was promoted, so my mental pollution is more?

Or is it because I have a more intimate interaction with the bud, so my mental pollution has increased?

It may also be because the bud itself has changed, so the mental pollution has increased?

A series of strange questions popped up in Lloyd's mind again.

Speaking of which, the bud will change, is it because the progress of the unknown fragment has been improved again?

Then when the fragments are finally interpreted, will it bloom and present the most beautiful moment?

Maybe a super high-scoring beautiful girl will really appear?

But then again, I still can't make a final choice between Weiya and Eloro. If there is one more...

Lloyd began to think wildly again, and then suddenly froze and shook his head again.

Uh... No, no...

Why did I assume that this flower is a beautiful girl?

It is just a [conscious body] made by myself under the guidance of the saint. It should be what I want it to be, right?

Then considering that I will be involved in the [materialization] system in the future, I need to use the power there to fight, or help myself cook and arrange rituals, etc., I should definitely choose a more practical [conscious body], right?

For example, a super giant robot with a cool appearance, complete functions, advanced weapons, and superior performance?

Or a masked hero wearing a tight leather jacket, a special belt around his waist, and a locust mask on his head?

You can also choose a stand user, a little beast in the pocket, a defender of glory, the owner of the refrigerator, and even a seed of ideals, a dimensional piggy bank...

No, no, why do I think of a beautiful girl again?

What's wrong with me today? Why is my mind so confused? I keep thinking about these things?

I remember that I have a reserved and introverted innocent youth personality?

Lloyd couldn't help but review it in his heart and began to look for the reason again.

Well, it should be because these big guys I know always urge me to get married, which interferes with some of my judgment.

Well, that should be it!

After self-reassurance, the movement of the flower bud just disappeared, and the vitality and vitality inside were lost, and it no longer looked like a beautiful girl.

Lloyd couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and turned his head to look at the side, and found that the tentacle grass was thinking about him and waving his hands constantly, looking quite happy?


Maybe it was congratulating himself on his promotion?

Lloyd nodded and encouraged:

"You saw it, right? This is the reward for my hard work. You should also work hard and strive to become a project manager as soon as possible."

Tentacle Grass made a very human scratching gesture, probably because he didn't understand what he said.

It was the kind of person who didn't understand applause, not as smart as a little kitten...

Lloyd then left the [Thinking Field] and put the 5 attributes he had just upgraded into [Rationality], with a total value of 235 points.

Then he left the small house where he temporarily stayed, went back to the tavern next door, found the bartender, and asked him to find someone to take him away.

The bartender immediately arranged a subordinate to lead the way, and before Lloyd turned around and left, he bravely said:

"Sir, we will remember your help today. If you need anything in the future, please tell me. My gang and I will be happy to serve you."

Lloyd did not comment on this, but just nodded.

This gray organization of ordinary people can't help me.

Maybe when I have some free time one day and want to study the secrets of the abandoned city, I will consider looking for him?

So after Lloyd left for almost half an hour, the remaining drinkers in the bar began to whisper again:

"Why do I feel that this guy... oh no, it's the gray judge, seems to have become stronger? Is it my illusion? Although I don't understand the mystery and the extraordinary, I have also come into contact with many extraordinary people in the dungeon, and none of them give me the kind of awe he brings me."

"Yeah, I have this feeling too. When he came in just now, I didn't dare to breathe, but he obviously didn't look any different?"

"I feel the same way. I feel that I have to lower my head in front of him. It's really strange. I didn't have this feeling when I saw him last night."

Only the bartender acted like a well-informed person and said:

"Now you understand why I asked you not to talk to him last night? For a strong man like this, we It is better to stay away from him and try not to contact him. "

But the two subordinates expressed different ideas:

"But boss...if our gang can have a super person like him as a backer, we don't have to stay up there and live a hard life, right? We can also go to the underground city to grab territory like other gangs!"

"Yes, yes, if our gang also has super people, we don't need to shrink here at all, we can do bigger business."

But the bartender chose to extinguish the expectations of his subordinates without hesitation:

"You think too simply of super people, especially a strong man like him. Maybe we can borrow his prestige now, but if he encounters some changes in the future and then implicates us, can you imagine what will happen to us?"

"Ah...it seems that what the boss said is true, It's scary just to think about it..."

"Besides, the underground city, although it can shelter from the wind and rain, is definitely not a paradise. The water inside is too deep, and it also hides something very dangerous..."

"Very dangerous? Boss, you mean..."

Faced with the curiosity of the property, the bartender looked around and confirmed that there were no idle people nearby, then whispered:

"In fact, I found out a few days ago that the unlucky guys who were killed by ghosts before had been to the underground city not long ago. It is said that they were hired by a generous gentleman and paid a large sum of money to help him find something...

I don't know if they found it, and I don't know what it is. Maybe it's an ancestral treasure?

Anyway, those unlucky guys thought they made money, but not long after they came back, They were killed by the ghost one after another, and all committed suicide. It also caused all our people to flee, and they were frightened for several days...

I think the investigation teams outside must have known about this situation, so they dared not intervene, right? "

"Ah? So this happened before? Boss, why didn't you tell us?"

"What's the point of telling you? What can you do?"

"This... seems to be the case? But fortunately, this gray judge appeared in time... Wait, the timing of his appearance is too coincidental, right? Could it be that he came here specifically for that generous gentleman and his treasure?"

"Yes! No wonder I was curious before, why our broken place would attract such a big man, so it makes sense... So you don't want us to have more contact with him, right?"

"So you still want to find him as a backer now?"

"No, no, I don't want to see him again in my life!"

"That's good... Don't be idle, go and find our people quickly. "

The bartender gave an order, and then added a reminder in a very serious and earnest manner:

"Remember, don't spread what happened last night. No matter who asks you, just say you don't know. If you want to live longer, you have to learn to keep your mouth shut."

Several subordinates nodded vigorously in silence.


At this time, Lloyd, led by a subordinate, took the land path, left the abandoned city, and came to a suburb to the west.

Here you can see a large string of chimneys in the distance, hear all kinds of "ding ding dong dong" movements, and there are railroad tracks for running trains under your feet, extending all the way to the mountains farther away.

Lloyd recalled the map of the Brilliant City and realized that he had come to the outskirts of the industrial zone in the southwest.

So the location advantage of this abandoned city is actually quite good. To the west is the new city where the financial center is located, and to the south is the south of the city where Lloyd hangs out, which is connected to the industrial zone.

Many people there should work in the industrial zone and be exploited by capitalists for surplus value.

Perhaps the reason why the place has not been governed for a long time is because some people hope that the people there can only provide cheap labor.

It seems that the capitalists on Earth also treated workers in this way in the early stages...

While Lloyd was thinking about these things in his mind, he walked along the railway tracks on the side of the road for a while, and soon saw a large church, which should be the base set up by the Holy Inquisition nearby.

After revealing his identity, Lloyd was able to take the "Advanced Subway" and arrived home soon.

This point was half an hour later than Everoel's usual time to go out, so naturally no one was at home.

I just don't know who combed my sister's hair this morning?

Lloyd then returned to the room, re-equipped the holy objects that he had left at home last night to ensure that the ceremony would not be disturbed, and hurried to the 18th District to work.

Unexpectedly, even though it was so late today, Wei Ya was still waiting for him outside.

She looked anxious and kept looking at the pocket watch in her hand.

Lloyd was very moved and rushed over.

As a result, when Via saw him, she asked unhappily:

"Why are you so late today?"

Lloyd, however, stretched out his hand to hold her slender waist, hugged her delicate body into his arms, and said triumphantly:

"Hehe, Via, have you noticed that I am different today than I was yesterday?"


Via was stunned, stretched out her hand to pinch his cheek, and touched his chest.

"It seems to be different... Are you... promoted to the third level?"

"Hehe, how is it? Is it very unexpected? The reason why I didn't tell you what I was doing yesterday was that I wanted to give you a surprise this morning."

Lloyd said with a smile.

But Via didn't look very surprised, and immediately frowned and asked:

"Why is your [Transcendence] ritual so fast? It can be completed in one night? Did you use that kind of tricky method?"

"Yes, I specially found a weird derivative..."

Lloyd took the opportunity to talk to Via about what happened last night.

But before he could say a few words, he found that Wei Ya's face was getting uglier and uglier, and it was already as tight as a piece of ice.

And her big gray eyes became misty, and tears were ready to burst out.

"Uh... Wei Ya, what's wrong with you? Why are you suddenly unhappy?"

Lloyd asked carefully.

"You... do you know that this kind of thing is very dangerous? Do you know that this is irresponsible to yourself?"

Wei Ya said in a crying voice, and then pushed him hard to stop him from hugging her.

It seems that she is really angry...

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