I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 279 Statue in the Depths of 278

Chapter 279 278. The statue in the depths

The two of them ran quickly and quickly returned to the lumberyard.

Compared to the previous hustle and bustle, there was only a little idling movement of machines in the lumberyard at this moment, and there was no longer the harsh noise of cutting wood.

The ground was full of workers lying in a mess, motionless, but each of them had eyes wide open and expressionless faces, which looked particularly intrusive.

It seems that with the "retirement" of the supervisor, all these workers have fallen into an "unmanageable" state.

I wonder if there will be a chance to save them in the future...

When passing by these workers, Kandin probably felt that his hands were empty and there was no sense of security, so he bent down and picked up a logging ax. Not that it was not enough, he picked up two short-handled hand axes and a few pieces of logging tools. Saw blade, clip it to your waist.


Lloyd's impression of this man was that of a gentle scholar at first...

Maybe this is the [redemption] system? Use an ax to redeem others?

Lloyd silently cursed in his heart and took Kandin to the storage area again, where he found the place where the two workers had disappeared.

"That's where they disappear."

"Well, I also saw this place during my channeling. There seems to be a different space hidden in it?"

As Kandin spoke, he raised the logging ax in his hand and waved it at the air, as if to split it.

Then the ax was swung empty.

Since it is a different space, it is of course not easy to enter. It requires corresponding specific methods.

But in the supervisor's memory, Lloyd did not find a specific way to open the different space. He just saw him walking here, waving his hand in the air a few times, and the next second his vision blurred, and he entered a dark and gloomy place. in space.

So the wave of the hand should be some kind of movement that is matched with spiritual power, right?

"Do you know how to get in?"

Lloyd asked.

Kandin shook his head and said helplessly:

"I didn't see many things with the help of [Psychic]. For some reason, there are a lot of gaps in his memory. Maybe it's because he has transformed into a monster?"

As he said that, he turned to look at Lloyd again and asked:

"What about you? Is there anything you can do?"

Of course, Lloyd could only shake his head.

"Find a solution using your three holy objects?"

"Sacred objects are not omnipotent..."

Lloyd was a little speechless, but he immediately changed his mind and thought, maybe the sacred object is not acceptable, but what about the brooch from Mizkatok University?

The function of this thing seems to be to open some kind of space portal?

Thinking of this, Lloyd quickly took out the brooch, twisted it with two fingers, and stretched it towards the area where the two workers suddenly disappeared.

As expected, the brooch reacted, exuding a strange spirituality and a little bit of aggression, like a toothpick poking at Lloyd's finger, showing a certain unique frequency.

Lloyd quickly wrote down the frequency, and then when the spirit on the brooch stopped moving, he quickly mobilized his spiritual power and tapped the brooch one by one according to the frequency he had written down previously.

After a moment, a crack in the air appeared in front of him, with a black wooden door wrapped inside.

"Space holy object?"

Kandin looked at the brooch in Lloyd's hand, and his eyes suddenly widened.

It seems that he doesn't quite understand why this young judge has so many holy objects on his body?

Which family are you the eldest young master of? Is your family background a bit too generous and generous?

Lloyd didn't have such complicated thoughts as him, and he didn't explain the origin of the brooch. He just used inspiration to test the back of the door. He didn't feel any mental contamination or danger warning, so he tentatively said:

"There should be no danger behind the door, but I'm not sure where it leads..."

"Then I'll go first."

Kandin acted like he was doing his part, picked up the logging ax in his hand, pushed open the wooden door first, and then walked straight in.

His figure immediately disappeared into the darkness inside the door, and nothing could be seen from the outside.

But he could hear his voice coming:

"That's right! It's right here. I saw it when I was [channelling]."

Lloyd also quickly drew out his dagger, gripped his revolver, and walked in.

As his vision darkened, he arrived at the 'holy place' he had seen in the supervisor's memory.

It was pitch dark everywhere here, with only a few oil lamps on the wall providing some illumination. However, the lights were not the normal orange, but a ghostly blue, and the light emitted was also blue, making it appear that Extraordinarily eerie and strange.

Lloyd couldn't help but remember the divination before he set off. What he saw at that time was exactly this kind of blue light like a will-o'-the-wisp.

But he was trying to divine the location of Mizkatok University's 'school gate'...

Unexpectedly, two things went around in a circle and actually reached some kind of coincidence before their eyes?

While Lloyd was thinking about it, he saw Kandin next to him take out a flashlight with his free hand, turn it on, and look around.

At the same time, he also cursed and said:

"Damn, this damn place, just breathing the air here makes my hair stand on end..."

Then, he shined his flashlight on the wall next to him and saw strange and disorderly patterns drawn on it, showing a very sticky and thick dark red color. It looked like it was scrawled by a madman. The messy lines seem to have no specific meaning, or it can be said that normal people cannot interpret them.

But as long as you look at it a little longer, you will feel the invasion of mental pollution, giving Kandin a slight tingling sensation in his brain and eardrums.

"Damn, these patterns are weird, don't look at them!"

Kandin cursed again and quickly moved the flashlight away.

But he found that Royd beside him, even without the illumination of a flashlight, was still looking attentively, and one after another, savoring it carefully, as if he was participating in an art exhibition, trying to get rid of these strange patterns. Panoramic view' general.

"You...what are you doing?"

Kandin asked quickly, unconsciously clenching the ax handle in his hand.

"Huh? Nothing."

Lloyd answered casually and asked a question:

"Didn't you turn on your spiritual vision?"

This time, Kanding was dumbfounded by the question.

"You dare to activate your spiritual vision in a place like this? Do you want your life?"

"It's nothing. The holy objects on my body have the function of enhancing rationality."

Lloyd explained casually, just in time to look at all the patterns on the left and right sides, and a series of panel prompts sounded in his ears:

[Ding~Insanity value +100]

[Ding~Knowledge Fragments +1]

[Ding~Insanity value +100]

[Ding~Knowledge Fragments +1]

In his eyes, these patterns were actually some kind of diluted taboo knowledge.

The mental pollution it can cause is not strong, but it is a bit difficult to understand. Lloyd should not be able to understand it originally.

After all, I am a normal person, so of course I cannot understand something drawn by a madman.

But the "Book of Reality" in his mind suddenly came out and refreshed his sense of existence, and helped him with the 'translation', so he had those fragments of knowledge.

Lloyd took a quick glance and saw that there was some special knowledge, but he should be able to use it.

But he didn't have time to worry about this at the moment, so he reached out and pointed to the deepest part of the place.

"Jacson and the others are right there, let's go there quickly."


Although Kandin had a melancholy look on his face, Lloyd had already taken the lead, so he had no choice but to follow him.

He felt that this young layman was more confident than himself, an experienced veteran with twenty years of experience...

But in fact, this kind of move is very reckless and hasty. No one knows whether there will be any ambushes and traps in the den of such cultists, or whether there will be any vicious monsters hidden...

At least Kandin did not see the real situation here in his previous [channeling] and was unable to make a judgment.

It's just that the life or death of his two companions is uncertain, so he doesn't care about that much anymore.

Fortunately, Lloyd was different from him. Through the memory of his supervisor, he had confirmed that no one here was setting up any traps or tricks.

I probably don’t dare to…

This place is regarded as a "holy place" by their cult and has a status that "cannot be profaned". Who dares to mess around?

As for the possibility of encountering an invasion by foreign enemies, the supervisor obviously has not thought that far, because it is hidden enough that ordinary people can't even find the door.

I certainly didn’t expect that a freshman from Mizkatok University would find himself in his holy place after “looking for the school gate”.

So Lloyd and Kandin reached the depths of this place safely and unimpeded.

This strange space is not large, just the size of a regular warehouse. The interior space is arranged casually and is generally empty. Apart from the oil lamps and patterns on the walls on both sides, there is only one statue erected in the depths. .

The statue was completely hidden in the darkness, but it was not purely visual darkness, but shrouded by some weird power.

Even if Lloyd turned on his spiritual vision and [Eye of Wisdom], he couldn't see anything. He could only vaguely see what seemed to be a humanoid outline?

And he only looked at it for two seconds longer, and his inspiration and strange intuition began to beat the gongs and drums again, reminding him that if he continued to read, he would have to eat.

Even the square ring on his hand automatically exited the [Pupillary of Wisdom] state, causing Lloyd to suddenly enter a state of color blindness in which he could not distinguish colors.

He had no choice but to look down at the two investigators under the statue.

The two investigators who had been sent in earlier were being held in place by a strange 'scaffold'. Their limbs were tied to the 'scaffold' with hemp ropes, and they were forced into a posture of clasping their hands together and bowing their heads in prayer.

Although the two of them were still alive, they were in a miserable condition with their heads broken and bleeding, and their foreheads were still bleeding.

Their mental state was even worse - Lloyd took a look through [Exploration] and found that both of them had fallen into [Mild Madness], and these four words were still flashing, indicating that they were continuing to suffer from mental pollution and were progressing. Towards the abyss of madness.

And their original [rationality] of more than 50 points and [cognition] of more than 30 points are constantly decreasing, and there are only about ten points left; and their [inspiration], which was originally only more than 20 points and less than 30 points, At this moment, it is hitting the peak of 80 points.

It looks like I washed my hands while playing a game, and then focused entirely on [Inspiration].

If this continues, the two of them will definitely become vegetative like the villagers outside, so Lloyd quickly reached out to rescue them.

But Kanding held him back at the critical moment.

"This is dangerous. Let me do it."

After all, he was a senior investigator. When he encountered such a dangerous moment, he did not shrink behind Lloyd, the newcomer.

After saying this, Kangding picked up the woodcutter's axe and cut the hemp ropes on his two companions with exquisite strength and angle, freeing them from the restraints of the 'scaffolding'.

The two investigators immediately fell to the ground powerlessly, but in Lloyd's eyes, their mental state no longer flickered, [rationality] and [cognition] also stopped decreasing, and began to slowly recover little by little.

In contrast, [inspiration] also began to gradually decrease.

It seems that they should be saved.

Lloyd couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But Kangding still looked nervous, and suddenly seemed to notice something. He raised his head inexplicably and looked at the statue hidden in the darkness.

He was obviously very cautious before. He never looked up at the statue from beginning to end, and he didn't use a flashlight to shine it.

It was this strange and abnormal sudden look that made him freeze in place, and his body began to tremble slightly, as if he had seen something extremely terrifying.

A second later, his eyes, ears, mouth and nose began to ooze black blood, and blue veins bulged on his skin, surging like worms.

This is a symptom of losing control and falling...

Maybe if it continues for another two or three seconds, he will fall into a state of loss of control...

At this critical moment, Lloyd did not hesitate to make a move, and pushed Kangding hard, causing his body to fall to the side.

But the next second, he felt a sight coming from above his head, as if from some very distant place, across a long distance, and falling on him.

In the sight, he did not detect human emotions, but there were many very complex and incomprehensible feelings.

This made Lloyd raise his head and look at the statue involuntarily.

At some point, the darkness around it had dissipated, and its true appearance appeared in front of Lloyd.

His figure was still roughly human, with a normal human body and limbs, and he was holding his hands in front of his chest, as if holding something.

But his head was a crystal-like hexahedron structure, each side was crystal clear and smooth, like a mirror, with faces emerging one after another.

From a physical and optical perspective, Lloyd could not have seen every side of the hexahedron at a glance.

But the six faces appeared in front of him one by one at a strange angle and in a strange way, making them all clearly visible and making Lloyd feel extremely familiar.

All the faces reflected on it were his own face.

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